OrganiGram - Another Recall!! 1/09/17


Well-Known Member
Organigram has another recall.

Just got off the phone with them and the two chemical are bifenazate and myclobutanil.

ALL PRODUCTS between February 2016 and December 2016 have been recalled! They are offering 40% discount, send the product back and they will weigh it and ship new OR destroy it yourself, sign a form and you get by the sounds of it $1 per gram destroyed.

Not sure what I am going to do yet, but I have 6 strains from them still sitting here cause it was shit!


Myclobutanil is an active ingredient in the Eagle 20 pesticide brand, which prevents brown patch and dollar spot in established turf, ornamental plants, and certain fruits. This fungicide is considered “slightly hazardous” by the World Health Organization, due to its potential for nervous system problems and toxic fumes.
Exposure to Myclobutanil can result in symptoms like allergic dermatitis, vomiting, itchiness, nausea, headache, skin rash, nosebleed, and eye irritation. A two-generation study on rats found that Myclobutanil decreased pup weight gain, and increased incidence of stillborn.


Bifenazate is a miticide found in the Floramite pesticide brand that helps control a handful of pests on ornamental plants, greenhouse tomatoes, and non-bearing fruit trees. Scientists found that over a 21 dermal study in rats, Bifenazate triggered a decrease in body weights and urinary volume, and caused extramedullary hematopoiesis in the spleen. While there haven’t been any tests on humans, it’s safe to assume that this miticide would cause more harm than good


Myclobutanil is an active ingredient in the Eagle 20 pesticide brand, which prevents brown patch and dollar spot in established turf, ornamental plants, and certain fruits. This fungicide is considered “slightly hazardous” by the World Health Organization, due to its potential for nervous system problems and toxic fumes.
Exposure to Myclobutanil can result in symptoms like allergic dermatitis, vomiting, itchiness, nausea, headache, skin rash, nosebleed, and eye irritation. A two-generation study on rats found that Myclobutanil decreased pup weight gain, and increased incidence of stillborn.


Bifenazate is a miticide found in the Floramite pesticide brand that helps control a handful of pests on ornamental plants, greenhouse tomatoes, and non-bearing fruit trees. Scientists found that over a 21 dermal study in rats, Bifenazate triggered a decrease in body weights and urinary volume, and caused extramedullary hematopoiesis in the spleen. While there haven’t been any tests on humans, it’s safe to assume that this miticide would cause more harm than good

Just exactly who is trying to make users ill ? its a conspiracy I say. poor Canadians. I feel so much safer in americao_O
The press release only states additional lots being recalled.

Have they stated publicly that is all products for 2016 anywhere yet?
Yes on the phone they just confirmed this morning.

I can send all my OrganiGram weed back, they weigh it and send new products or destroy it like they said etc.....
Sorry. I was asking if they stated it publicly.

Like in a press release or on hc site.

If that's the case then they would likely have to give up their organic certification. It could also seriously damage their revenues and make them a prime take over candidate, might be able to make some cash on the stock side.
Mettrum also had an increased recall according to Lift's twitter "Mettrum sent notice to patients today of further expansion of their recall to Yellow Cannabis Oil AA00738-10203 l 176924 l 2016-12-07"
Yes on the phone they just confirmed this morning.

I can send all my OrganiGram weed back, they weigh it and send new products or destroy it like they said etc.....

I would hold back some in case you get ill and need to can bet they want it all back.....its easier for them to pretend it didn't happen
by the time next year rolls around....
They will hire someone like our resident schill... to try and tell everyone your a liar....and it didn't happen...
I thought it was interesting OGI pulled all their oils from the store last week.
its concentrate d POISON/.

right there Flemboy??!!

LOL bet you can see this in their stock price ;)
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So another LP caught using pesticides that should have NEVER been on site to begin with. Isnt this the shit that turns to hydrogen cyanide when combusted? If the WHO knew itd be combusted itd be deemed worse .Not surprised in the least
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Yes if it is combusted it is dangerous shit! A deadly human poison by ingestion.

Inhalation of pyrolized myclobutanil residue could expose cannabis users to hydrogen cyanide
As noted on the Eagle 20 material safety data sheet(3), myclobutanil is stable at room temperature, but releases highly toxic gas if heated past its boiling point of 205°C (401°F) (3, 9). Disposable butane lighters, commonly used to ignite marijuana during consumption, produce temperatures in excess of 450°C.