CNN lies about crowds


Well-Known Member
There's no substance or consequence in this thread whatsoever. All I see is special snowflakes with bleeding buttholes crying that it hurts. All your arguements are pointless and meant to massage each others bums. You think bitching about useless petty details and slinging shit at the potus will do a damn thing for your cause? Nope. There ain't a damn thing you can do. Get ready to cry for the next 8 years bitches, it's gonna be a bumpy ride and I'll take personal pleasure in watching each and every one of you squeal! So bitch and moan s'more please I fucking love it!
impeach the liar.....


Well-Known Member
A friend of mine is a golf fiend and says the same thing. I think he's testing them out in Nevada this week. I'll report back.
i have a buddy who loves going to costco. i'll have him pick some up.

during the winter though, i just walk the (formerly) tall grass instead of the fairways though and find prov1s by the dozen.

@Aeroknow shot a 80-something today. stopped keeping track. it was bad.


Well-Known Member
Funny how it showed up on a very old but long dis-used account... again.
@fdd2blk signed off and is now back to his sleeper socks that he used to pat himself on the back ages ago, when he was still respected here.

kinda like how trum brings his paid staffers to all of his press conferences and CIA speeches to clap for anything he says.

fucking sad beyond belief when you think about it. imagine being so needy that you paid people to clap for you knowing no one else would.


Well-Known Member
When a fawning media lobs softballs to an administration and gives it a pass it has self created its own lack of credibility.

America, outside of the bubble, the ones that elected Trump, saw this.

Here's another journalists take on it:

“The media took it lying down for eight years when the press secretary of other people in the Obama administration explicitly said false things about Benghazi, lied about the extent of the IRS targeting of conservatives, lied about cash transfers to Iran, bragged about making an echo chamber to pass the Iran deal, and had a president himself saying repeatedly ‘If you like your healthcare plan you can keep it’ a gazillion times while millions of people lost their healthcare plans,” she said. “A media that doesn’t push back against that type of falsehood for eight years and then gets all upset at Sean Spicer talking about numbers is not going to be taken seriously at all.”


Well-Known Member
When a fawning media lobs softballs to an administration and gives it a pass it has self created its own lack of credibility.

America, outside of the bubble, the ones that elected Trump, saw this.

Here's another journalists take on it:

“The media took it lying down for eight years when the press secretary of other people in the Obama administration explicitly said false things about Benghazi, lied about the extent of the IRS targeting of conservatives, lied about cash transfers to Iran, bragged about making an echo chamber to pass the Iran deal, and had a president himself saying repeatedly ‘If you like your healthcare plan you can keep it’ a gazillion times while millions of people lost their healthcare plans,” she said. “A media that doesn’t push back against that type of falsehood for eight years and then gets all upset at Sean Spicer talking about numbers is not going to be taken seriously at all.”


Well-Known Member
i have a buddy who loves going to costco. i'll have him pick some up.

during the winter though, i just walk the (formerly) tall grass instead of the fairways though and find prov1s by the dozen.

@Aeroknow shot a 80-something today. stopped keeping track. it was bad.
I'm alright if I keep it in the low 80's nowadays.
I'm always busted up somehow, so hard to play all the time.
When I do shoot in the 70's I'm so stoked bro. Funny thing is, those 70's rounds are when I'm super hammered. Where I don't feel anything wrong with my busted up body. Can't wait for all the golf I'm gonna play this year. I feel great. Knock on wood.


Well-Known Member
Oh the irony...

Is there a fuckin echo in here? You're the guy on the sidelines sayin yeah yeah get'em. The term is 'repeater' aka 'beta male'
Did he take you from behind or were you on your back with your legs up around your ears? I'm just curious about how Trump does it to you guys and you keep smiling. It's kind of sick if you ask me. You know Trump carries genital warts, don't you?


Well-Known Member
I'm alright if I keep it in the low 80's nowadays.
I'm always busted up somehow, so hard to play all the time.
When I do shoot in the 70's I'm so stoked bro. Funny thing is, those 70's rounds are when I'm super hammered. Where I don't feel anything wrong with my busted up body. Can't wait for all the golf I'm gonna play this year. I feel great. Knock on wood.
i shoot my best when i smoke myself pretty retarded, but it's tough to do that nowadays with colorado cops looking out for weeDUIs.


Well-Known Member
i have a buddy who loves going to costco. i'll have him pick some up.

during the winter though, i just walk the (formerly) tall grass instead of the fairways though and find prov1s by the dozen.

@Aeroknow shot a 80-something today. stopped keeping track. it was bad.
Once we get some of those costco balls, my buddy who only plays with proV's is wanting to try them out too. I'll holler at you when he/we try them too. He's a scratch golfer(fucker)


Well-Known Member
Of course by hammered, i meant stoned and liquored up ;-)
yep. i bring a few beers and an old bag of pot. if i smoke more bowls than beers, it usually ends up being a pretty good day.

but when it gets dark so early, i can't sit around in the clubhouse sobering up for an hour over a meal. gotta get home by dark to get the chickens in.

i guess if that's my biggest problem in life things are going pretty well!