CNN lies about crowds


Well-Known Member
The cult delusion is strong here. One Cuck's roosters something and the herd begins parrotting.

Good Kool aid I must say.


Well-Known Member
wait, you posted a picture of a jewish man with the nazi star of david, and that makes me a race baiter?

you must have manure for where your brains should be, nazi.
Please don't insult manure like that. After all, it has a useful purpose in the circle of life.


Well-Known Member
how's your return going for you, spaghetti noodle?

are you getting the heroic reception you were hoping for?
Return. Reception.

It's astonishing for me to view everyone ski pole each other, parrot the bullshit, then charge like lemmings headlong. Impressive.


Well-Known Member
there was no massive voting fraud, you dumbheaded racist shitstain.

hillary won by almost 3 million votes. through a relic that was designed to give "special rights" to slave states, trum got in, but hillary was by far the people's choice.

trum's share of the vote was barely as much as dukakis got.
Did I say there was massive voting fraud? Did I say something racist?

No on both counts.

Do illegal alien votes count? By law, no they do not. I don't give a fuck what race you are, if you managed to vote illegally that vote is null and void. Period.

You gonna try and pretent no illegal aliens voted in this election? Not one? Please...

And one other thing. That 'relic' that you insinuate Trump somehow explioted to sneak in a victory, that's how elections are held in this country and always has been. Is it the best way? I dunno maybe not. But those are the rules and one candidate won. By a fucking landslide btw. This was not a close election.


Well-Known Member
Did I say there was massive voting fraud? Did I say something racist?

No on both counts.

Do illegal alien votes count? By law, no they do not. I don't give a fuck what race you are, if you managed to vote illegally that vote is null and void. Period.

You gonna try and pretent no illegal aliens voted in this election? Not one? Please...

And one other thing. That 'relic' that you insinuate Trump somehow explioted to sneak in a victory, that's how elections are held in this country and always has been. Is it the best way? I dunno maybe not. But those are the rules and one candidate won. By a fucking landslide btw. This was not a close election.
please provide all of your evidence that millions voted illegally, other than "but donald said so!".

thanks, you racist lying shit.


Well-Known Member
yes they are.

hence why they notice what a piece of nazi trash you are.

are you literally getting paid to debase yourself like this?
Evidently the tolerant peaceful cannabis growers are able to debase other people different from them for free and for their personal amusement. Quite a testimony.