Easty's treats - P300 LED grow

I use a spray that my local hydro guy gave me, its a 'plant conditioner' as opposed to a pesticide but it's organic and you only spray it once.
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i like this stuff too, it attracts predator insects like mantis etc, works well, been using it for a few yrs now, i spray it on already healthy plants to bring the predators so the plants will be protected before any mass offence can be launched by the baddies
Well, organic gardens can be fun at times, but so can any gardens ;). Currently have some fucking whiteflies, I think it came in on the newest promix (or lavamix) and since I forgot the neem those fucks are starting early. I washed everything down this morning and will hit the whole lot with a bit of soapy peppery water this evening since the fucking garden store closed for the next 5 days during the CNY celebrations...Need those neem pellets lol
have you tried those yellow sticky strips around your plants man? they work well for whitefiles, i get em bad here too
have you tried those yellow sticky strips around your plants man? they work well for whitefiles, i get em bad here too
I've not yet, trying to find something that works with what I have on hand. Just gave everything a bath in water + tspn of LAB + drop of dish soap + small bit of fresh aloe. Will hit them every few days see how that works. Should take care of them until things open back up again. CNY here, everything closed already, and really no money to be spending on anything.
Hell yeah, hope Nadal gets through hey, will be a great match between him and Fed!
Couldnt stay up for the match, but in 90 minutes the replay is on.
Classic rivalry that with Nadal and Federrer, I have watched many of those over the years.
I do hope Nadal won against Gregor last night