
Well-Known Member
600 number is way off the mark. Or do you have a source that can cite what requests specifically requested security at Benghazi, not Tripoli, were from Stevens, and were intentionally all together ignored?
he's an unoriginal parrot. he can't think for himself, so he just parrots what america's biggest liar says.

meanwhile, here is the GOP bragging about cutting embassy security funding.



Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
He has kept his promises thus far. One such promise was to get the costs of drugs down for medicaid, medicare, and the public.
No, he has poorly executed some of his campaign promises (some) to save face.
- he did not lock Hillary up
- he did not deport 10,000 refugees
- he did not release his taxes
- he appointed the elite in prominent positions in his cabinet
- he has NOT lowered the price of medicine. He only said he was going to, until he does it it's still just another unkept promise.


Well-Known Member
Whatever decision was made, Clinton was not acting unilaterally, nor could she foresee the consequences of either action. The investigation confirms that Stevens declined offers for additional security a month before the attacks. Stevens agreed that more US troops would aggravate political instability and willingly complied.

Security was inadequate because the strategy/logic was flawed, how was this different?[/
No, he has poorly executed some of his campaign promises (some) to save face.
- he did not lock Hillary up
- he did not deport 10,000 refugees
- he did not release his taxes
- he appointed the elite in prominent positions in his cabinet
- he has NOT lowered the price of medicine. He only said he was going to, until he does it it's still just another unkept promise.


Well-Known Member
I was talking to that other gal, but you'll do.
Is there anything trump has done so far that you disagree with?
Or are you strictly here to "troll" liberals? Which would be much funnier if you were any good at it; The way it's been going though, sad.
Now you're getting it!

Twitchy Millennial virgin. Lots of tall tales to tell. Mom's basement. You know the deal....


Well-Known Member
Of course While a agree with the suspension until we can vet properly it was not rolled out or explained well. He should have defiantly thought about green card holders. I do not like his education pick. But it is mostly small stuff. The left is just out of control. I do like seeing Globalized europe in full panic mode. Merkel and her lot have driven a lot of europe to decline. Honestly if Clinton had been elected i would be fearful not of her but her globalist agenda. How much of Americas Wealth and jobs need to be drained before we say enough. A service based economy which is what America is becoming can not sustain. We need to make products to sell. Without that more is going out then in. Trump made a good point when he talked about the pipelines that these companies can buy steel from china have it fabricated in China and sent across an ocean and american steelworkers can not compete due to crazy globalist regulations and the suppression of the coal industry.


Well-Known Member
Of course While a agree with the suspension until we can vet properly it was not rolled out or explained well. He should have defiantly thought about green card holders. I do not like his education pick. But it is mostly small stuff. The left is just out of control. I do like seeing Globalized europe in full panic mode. Merkel and her lot have driven a lot of europe to decline. Honestly if Clinton had been elected i would be fearful not of her but her globalist agenda. How much of Americas Wealth and jobs need to be drained before we say enough. A service based economy which is what America is becoming can not sustain. We need to make products to sell. Without that more is going out them in. Trump made a good point when he talked about the pipelines that these companies can buy steel from china have it fabricated in China and sent across an ocean and american steelworkers can not compete due to crazy globalist regulations and the suppression of the coal industry.
download (4).png


Well-Known Member
Merkel and her lot have driven a lot of europe to decline.
My goodness you are a dumbass. Hmm, European decline caused by the EU. Let's compare and contrast Europe before and after the EU. shall we?

Before: Wars every 20 years leaving millions dead and economies destroyed.
After: No wars. Everybody alive. Economies not pulverized.

Before: Fractured economies and massive inefficiencies caused by currency conversion.
After: One of the world's single largest economies. Strong, stable, convertible currency.

Before: Economic and political decline.
After: Strong recovery of both economy and political influence.

European influence had been on the wane for a couple hundred years. It reached its nadir in 1945. The EU saved Europe, it is not a controversial topic. Your premise is just flat out wrong - like your worldview.

Lol. Decline. Fucking hilarious. When do you count this decline as beginning?


Well-Known Member
Of course While a agree with the suspension until we can vet properly it was not rolled out or explained well. He should have defiantly thought about green card holders. I do not like his education pick. But it is mostly small stuff. The left is just out of control. I do like seeing Globalized europe in full panic mode. Merkel and her lot have driven a lot of europe to decline. Honestly if Clinton had been elected i would be fearful not of her but her globalist agenda. How much of Americas Wealth and jobs need to be drained before we say enough. A service based economy which is what America is becoming can not sustain. We need to make products to sell. Without that more is going out then in. Trump made a good point when he talked about the pipelines that these companies can buy steel from china have it fabricated in China and sent across an ocean and american steelworkers can not compete due to crazy globalist regulations and the suppression of the coal industry.
Trump is not bringing manufacturing jobs back like the way it used to be. Technology is here, they are never going to use people to replace robotics, and they are not going to use expensive labour when they can use less expensive labour elsewhere for cheaper. He lied to you, to everyone. Thing is, liberals don't believe him and for some misguided reason his supporters do.


Well-Known Member
Trump made a good point when he talked about the pipelines that these companies can buy steel from china have it fabricated in China and sent across an ocean and american steelworkers can not compete due to crazy globalist regulations and the suppression of the coal industry.
Suppression of the coal industry? Are you for real? That "suppression" is to make sure our air doesn't look like this.


Many of these regulations are to prevent miner health abuses. Also, coal is not economical anymore because of the cost to produce, transport and use it. Exactly what regulations do you wish to eliminate and what will be the effect on the price of coal?

China beats our steel price because their society allows massive environmental abuse resulting in a serious health problem for the entire country. It is amazing you assholes can be so concerned about fictional crap like pizzagate while ignoring the inconvenient and obvious.

Have you discovered Ayn Rand yet? Young dipshits like you usually get turned onto it around this time in your life - junior or sophomore year of high school. It will blow your mind - and I would appreciate your absence while you worm your way through the fountainhead - maybe 16 months or so.

When the coal jobs do not come back, will you admit you are dumb as fuck?
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Well-Known Member
Somebody please show me evidence that the vetting procedures are inadequate!

This is about tRump making a big noise, making a superficial tweak or two and taking credit for the competent administration of his predecessor. He is a fraud and his supporters are fools.


Well-Known Member
Trump is not bringing manufacturing jobs back like the way it used to be. Technology is here, they are never going to use people to replace robotics, and they are not going to use expensive labour when they can use less expensive labour elsewhere for cheaper. He lied to you, to everyone. Thing is, liberals don't believe him and for some misguided reason his supporters do.
I want him to bring back doo-wop too.

His supporters believe this because they live in an alternate universe built on alternative facts that feel good in their sub-par brains.