What is the most Euphoric and uplifting strain you have ever tried?


Well-Known Member
I know it's been asked before I'm sure...
But I want to know what strain you guys have tried that were the most euphoric and uplifting for you?
I'm sure most would be sativa leaning, but I would also like to know of some indica based strains that are euphoric and uplifting as I'm looking to make a cross of a powerful sativa with a indica ,So that I can cut down on the long flowering times associated with most strong euphoric sativas such as the various Hazes. It would be fantastic to have a short flowering hybrid that was as potent as a 16 week haze! Thank's !
hazes are a different kind of effect, not necessarily more potent. if you want a haze grow a haze.
LSD stick in my mind, find the little bud pheno, the one that smells like candy, she's very trippy.

ghost train haze is the most "potent" I've every grown/sampled. too much for me, no flowering time savings though.
Daybreaker is an uppity hit, quicker flower/chem hybrid
I had one pheno out of like 4 critical jack herer by delicious seeds that was best high I've had in a long time, possibly ever. Unfortunately I didn't clone her but she tasted like berry flavored hard candy and the high was up lifting, anti anxiety and there wasn't much of a burn out factor with it. Super nice.

That one was a freebie so I tried running a few more but they had the spicey jack herer flavor that I don't like. I still will get another 5 or 10 pack because I'd like to find that pheno again if possible.
Don't get down hearted pookie. Lsd may be up your ally, and jillybean was uplifting for me and the wife. It was as if problems melted away and I couldn't get irritated even at the things that push my buttons the most. My creativity also went through the roof. After about .75g on 4 heads I was able to solve a problem that I had been stuck on for almost a year. I generally look for stoned/sedation stains but this was uplifting enough for me that after 2 years I remembered and responded to your thread. Its great if that's something your looking for.
No problem. Also sour diesel #2 is supposed to be pretty euphoric, I got 3 of these vegging while my autos finish up. Are you in a med state? My state will probably be one of the last to be legalized so any experience I earn is pretty much bought experience. Any way what strains have you tried my wife would love for me to add some more variety to my line up lol
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We just legalized for medical this last election but they still have to iron everything out and it does not look good for now as there is no grow your own and they are only gonna let like 7 big money corps run grow ops. Corporate big money scam. I have yet to try many strains do to the legal situation. I have a few to try soon a lot of stardog crosses from Greenpoint seeds. If you want good genetics for cheap check them out as they have sales and auctions fairly often and you can get seeds cheap. They actually have an auction going on right now and the pack's will reduce by 5% every hour till it hits a base price but the last few days you can pick up a pack of seeds for between $22-25 which is a good deal .
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Damn that is a good deal. I will definitely check them out. Just legalized it huh? A state close to me just did that this year. I agree it's a big money scam.... But in my state we can't even email/write our legislators about advocacy without fear of persecution unless we go to a meeting at the capital held once or twice a year and only at the meeting can we address the issue. Last I heard we were quietly battling that idiotic aproach but I already know first hand that it's a pita. Seems anything our local government doesn't like ends up like this. We spent 6 years battling legislation as mentioned to prevent them from taking our gamefowl.
I'm not sure if it counts as euphoria, but HSO Green Crack had me melt into a giggling drooling puddle where everything felt soft and warm. One of the most comfortable highs I've experienced, but I couldn't leave the appartment after smoking it.
I'm not sure if it counts as euphoria, but HSO Green Crack had me melt into a giggling drooling puddle where everything felt soft and warm. One of the most comfortable highs I've experienced, but I couldn't leave the appartment after smoking it.
sound's like a good strain to try. I do have a "Lemon Jack" Jack herer cross that came from HSO I have yet to try.
I have depression and euphoria is the #1 trait that I look for in cannabis. The Temple Flo cut the circulates Colorado is the most euphoric strain that I have ever run across(except maybe my JonesBerry but that is my own cross). Colorado Flo is clone only but it is pretty easy to find someone who will part with a cutting. Otherwise if you are looking at something from seed I know Kirkwood OG is a good euphoric strain.
I know it's been asked before I'm sure...
But I want to know what strain you guys have tried that were the most euphoric and uplifting for you?
I'm sure most would be sativa leaning, but I would also like to know of some indica based strains that are euphoric and uplifting as I'm looking to make a cross of a powerful sativa with a indica ,So that I can cut down on the long flowering times associated with most strong euphoric sativas such as the various Hazes. It would be fantastic to have a short flowering hybrid that was as potent as a 16 week haze! Thank's !

I've seen a lot of Jack related answers for good reason.

Triple cherry diesel from sin city seeds is the most euphoric strain I've ever had and I've grown awhile and smoked even longer.. The father in the cross is Karmas Sour Jack and that is the source of the high. Pretty well distributed trough phenotypes.

Very giggly, clear and uplifting. Not sure if these are available still but karma has many sour jack crosses as well as sin city.
stardawgs, all of them, are off the charts! tres is winning

I forgot about jilly bean, she was trippy good, little to heart throb for me but very interesting.
Yeah I have a bunch of different stardawg crosses to try. Right now I have a triangle kush X stardog going. But I have like 6 more stardawg crosses yet to try and more to come soon.
The Jilly bean has had me curious for a while but that heart racing stuff is what causes people to have panic attacks sometimes, especially someone that does not know what to expect as far as the racing heart that some sativas can cause as lots of people are used to smoking indicas or indica leaning hybrids then the get ahold of one of these strong sativas and panic when there heart starts racing.
I guess it put's some people into fright mode as they think something is wrong with them. My cousin did that years ago and he went to the hospital thinking it was laced and he was gonna die and all it was was a racey sativa and he panicked.