"If you do not believe in climate change, you should not be allowed to hold public office"

Yes, and they stole all they could get their hands on.

We the People must put a stop to this.

What if we held a general strike? Take March off? Refuse to pay the banksters their monthly, refuse to work to pad the profits of the megacorps at the expense of our own lives?

They would watch their profits vanish the first week and they'd be screaming for mercy at week 2. They're very vulnerable, this kind of thing has never happened here. They can't FORCE people to work. We aren't slaves without free will. YET.

Nationwide railway strike of 1877 brought much of the commerce in the US to a halt for a few months. The strike ground to an ending after the president brought in the national guard to forcibly suppress the strikers. I don't think the bankers will ever cede control in the face of strikes. Especially with this president and alternative facts on their side.

Still, the strike of 1877 shook the system up, informed the public about railroad worker's conditions, unions became better organized, also, wages and benefits improved for railroad workers a few years later.

Coordinated nationwide protests that shuts down commerce -- I'd be for that if Trump reaches for the constitution.

Nationwide railway strike of 1877 brought much of the commerce in the US to a halt for a few months. The strike ground to an ending after the president brought in the national guard to forcibly suppress the strikers. I don't think the bankers will ever cede control in the face of strikes. Especially with this president and alternative facts on their side.

Still, the strike of 1877 shook the system up, informed the public about railroad worker's conditions, unions became better organized, also, wages and benefits improved for railroad workers a few years later.

Coordinated nationwide protests that shuts down commerce -- I'd be for that if Trump reaches for the constitution.
Strikes and protests to gain control of politicians, then a constitutional amendment to outlaw money in politics.

Done saving the planet, Leo? Di Caprio hops from his helicopter into a gas-guzzling private jet as he leaves Saint Tropez just hours after his celebrity eco fundraiser
  • DiCaprio pictured leaving St Tropez Thursday via helicopter and private jet
  • He had hosted The Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation Annual Gala To Fund Climate And Biodiversity Projects
  • The gas guzzling jet appears to undermine his authority to preach on carbon emissions
  • Gala raised almost $45 million for various conservation projects
  • Among the celebs attending were Mariah Carey and Paris Hilton
By Alexandra Genova For Dailymail.com

Published: 16:45 EST, 22 July 2016 | Updated: 07:22 EST, 23 July 2016

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Eco warrior wannabe Leonardo DiCaprio is back doing what he does best: Fighting for the environment while simultaneously contributing to its demise.

On Wednesday, DiCaprio hosted his annual eco fundraiser gala, which saw an impressive cast of A Listers descend on St Tropez to raise funds for various conservation projects.

'We are the last generation that has a chance to stop climate change before it is too late,' the Oscar winner told the crowd.

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Environmental activist Leonardo DiCaprio (pictured with Tobey Maguire second left and Vincent Larescahops left) from helicopter to gas guzzling private jet in Saint Tropez after his celebrity eco fundraiser


DiCaprio was pictured donning a pair of camouflage shorts, a purple T Shirt and a straw hat as he made his way across the tarmac in the heat with friends Tobey Maguire (second from left) and Vincent Laresca (left)


DiCaprio was then pictured minutes later talking on the phone and sucking on a vaper, as he was carted across the runway by in a buggy.


There seemed be just a handful of passengers making their way on to the private jet, whose fuel on average produces 21 pounds of carbon dioxide emissions per gallon burned

But his sentiment would be more believable had he not hopped off a helicopter to board a gas guzzling private jet two days later.

And to add insult to injury, he was driven by golf buggy across the airport runway for the short distance between the two.

DiCaprio was pictured donning a pair of camouflage shorts, a purple T Shirt and a straw hat as he made his way across the tarmac in the August heat with friends Tobey Maguire and Vincent Laresca.

He was then pictured minutes later talking on the phone and sucking on a vaper, as he was carted across the runway by buggy.

There seemed be just a handful of passengers making their way on to the private jet, whose fuel on average produces 21 pounds of carbon dioxide emissions per gallon burned.

He also flew in a bevy of models for the occasion and stuck them on a luxury 300ft yacht.

Critics will be quick to note that the actor's private jet trips undermine his moral authority to preach reducing carbon emissions.


Critics will be quick to note that the actor's private jet trips undermine his moral authority to preach reducing carbon emissions



The star of 'The Revenant' was in town to host his annual charity gala; raising approximately $45 million for environmental causes and research. Left: McGuire gets onto the jet, Right: DiCaprio hops on board

But perhaps he is hoping this will be offset by the almost $45 million that was raised to support The Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation Annual Gala To Fund Climate And Biodiversity Projects.

The black-tie fundraiser held in a French vineyard was attended by do-gooder Bono, famous receiver of dodgy diamonds Naomi Campbell, and a smattering of other party-hard pals.

In a speech that heralded the start of the lavish affair, he told the star-studded crowd: 'While we are the first generation that has the technology, the scientific knowledge and the global will to build a truly sustainable economic future for all of humanity—we are the last generation that has a chance to stop climate change before it is too late.'

His intentions may be good, but his unashamed weakness for luxury travel does him little favors if he genuinely wishes to be the savior of Planet Earth.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...z-celebrity-eco-fundraiser.html#ixzz4M5u5vu8d
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so he is using tools. do ou know of a fuel efficient jet or chopper? no. how you gonna travel? What is he doing? he is not drilling , he is not killing hes not vacationing, hes doing something. do you want to belittle the message?
so he is using tools. do ou know of a fuel efficient jet or chopper? no. how you gonna travel? What is he doing? he is not drilling , he is not killing hes not vacationing, hes doing something. do you want to belittle the message?
$45 mill the foundation made for Climate Projects and they're bitching he didn't use his super powers to get there...

So much dumb.

Such DailyMail.

I remember reading it a few times when I was in the UK, total tabloid bullshit.
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so he is using tools. do ou know of a fuel efficient jet or chopper? no. how you gonna travel? What is he doing? he is not drilling , he is not killing hes not vacationing, hes doing something. do you want to belittle the message?
The critics are doing a hatchet job on him. It's snotty, meant to get hater ratings.

I'd say those who can organize an event where $45 million is raised for environmental causes have every right to enjoy a luxury ride home. It's only $20k in gas...
so to fight climate change, you just need a bunch of money (not to cut CO2 emissions?) Interesting, eventually, we get down to the real core of the issues if you keep looking

are you suggesting, like KKK grand wizard david duke does, that manmade global warming is just a hoax to swindle money from (white) people?
45 mill pays a lot of egg heads to do research, no need to be so intellectually ignorant.
so how does research and private jets and limousines reduce CO2? Its a way for elites to tell you how you need to live your life and ride the bus and shit in a bucket?

are you suggesting, like KKK grand wizard david duke does, that manmade global warming is just a hoax to swindle money from (white) people?
You seem to be the one very intimate with the KKK, any secrets you want to share with us?
so how does research and private jets and limousines reduce CO2? Its a way for elites to tell you how you need to live your life and ride the bus and shit in a bucket?

You seem to be the one very intimate with the KKK, any secrets you want to share with us?
Please tell me you're not fucking serious?

Where do you think high efficiency solar panels, advances in battery technology to support it, hybrid/electric cars, etc came from?

"God made them"?
Where do you think high efficiency solar panels, advances in battery technology to support it, hybrid/electric cars, etc came from?
not from money Leonardo DiCaprio helped fund-raise,100%

Pretty sure solar panels have been around for decades, and have always been increasing efficiency. Also, Tesla is a company funded by shareholders, you can buy stock on the stock market for them TSLA.

The money that Leonardo DiCaprio raises probably goes to some scientists to create closed source computer software data models thats backs up their confirmation bias and proves the world will end in 30 years, and to pay for some nice trips for politicians to travel the world in private jets to fight more climate change.
not from money Leonardo DiCaprio helped fund-raise,100%

Pretty sure solar panels have been around for decades, and have always been increasing efficiency. Also, Tesla is a company funded by shareholders, you can buy stock on the stock market for them TSLA.

The money that Leonardo DiCaprio raises probably goes to some scientists to create closed source computer software data models thats backs up their confirmation bias and proves the world will end in 30 years, and to pay for some nice trips for politicians to travel the world in private jets to fight more climate change.
So much ignorance in one post.

Step by step:

•The money he raises helps climate causes, whether you disagree with his methods of travel or not
•They increase in efficiency because of research done in chemistry, engineering, physics and material science.
•Do you think Tesla researched and produces the lithium cells in their battery packs?
•The last paragraph is just bullshit speculation on your part not backed by an iota of evidence
Research what? The cause and effect has already been proven. It's time to put up or shut up.
New batteries with higher energy densities, solar panels with progressively more w/sq ft, etc.

It's always advancing, money does help it along and as it gets cheaper adoption of the technology increases.

Imagine if one year the Govt just said "fuck it, let's spend a trillion dollars and make it rain solar panels and battery arrays for everyone and their cat".

The dependence on foreign oil would literally disappear overnight, basic poverty would also disappear, every single person would have heat and light.
so to fight climate change, you just need a bunch of money (not to cut CO2 emissions?) Interesting, eventually, we get down to the real core of the issues if you keep looking
Your alternative politicians and climate denial leaders are doing what exactly? They fly about in their jets raising money to increase global warming.

So, here you are again. Voicing your shitty little "yeah but" argument. De Caprio raised a pile of cash to oppose the tar sand tycoons in a benefit to fight climate change. This has gotten you and more importantly oil tycoons upset. Then in a pipsqueak little voice you and the pro-climate change billionaires say "yeah but he's burning fossil fuels". LOL. What kind of shitty little no account argument is that? What does that have to do with moving away from fossil fuels in a meaningful way? The operative word being "meaningful".
New batteries with higher energy densities, solar panels with progressively more w/sq ft, etc.

It's always advancing, money does help it along and as it gets cheaper adoption of the technology increases.

Imagine if one year the Govt just said "fuck it, let's spend a trillion dollars and make it rain solar panels and battery arrays for everyone and their cat".

The dependence on foreign oil would literally disappear overnight, basic poverty would also disappear, every single person would have heat and light.

Meanwhile, fill 'er up.
Your alternative politicians and climate denial leaders are doing what exactly? They fly about in their jets raising money to increase global warming.

So, here you are again. Voicing your shitty little "yeah but" argument. De Caprio raised a pile of cash to oppose the tar sand tycoons in a benefit to fight climate change. This has gotten you and more importantly oil tycoons upset. Then in a pipsqueak little voice you and the pro-climate change billionaires say "yeah but he's burning fossil fuels". LOL. What kind of shitty little no account argument is that? What does that have to do with moving away from fossil fuels in a meaningful way? The operative word being "meaningful".
If we could clean up electricity production cars, planes, etc wouldn't matter even nearly as much.
Meanwhile, fill 'er up.
Totally, there needs to be a push to move over to it. No one is suggesting we rapidly stop burning fossil fuels, but they could be phased out over a number of years.

Think about what the cost of the Iraq/Afghanistan War and the Joint Strike Fighter...

If they'd spent that money domestically...could have fixed homelessness permanently, we could've visited Mars, we could have made insane leaps in the technology available to us in combating climate change, we could've had a whole generation of kids that were educated for free that would start paying taxes now.
If we could clean up electricity production cars, planes, etc wouldn't matter even nearly as much.
The sooner we get on to the job of cutting carbon emissions the less drastic the corrective actions will have to be. Eventually the bill will come due.

We have four more years of delay to look forward to . Maybe by then air travel will become too expensive in terms of carbon emissions, it all depends on how dirty Trump's manufacturing expansion is. They are talking about removing emissions regulations, not reducing them.
The sooner we get on to the job of cutting carbon emissions the less drastic the corrective actions will have to be. Eventually the bill will come due.

We have four more years of delay to look forward to . Maybe by then air travel will become too expensive in terms of carbon emissions, it all depends on how dirty Trump's manufacturing expansion is. They are talking about removing emissions regulations, not reducing them.
Smog and extremely poor air quality totally isn't a problem in China where they run similar regulations (or lack there of)...