Random Jabber Jibber thread

I want to hurt people.






Lots of people.







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Any similarity to actual opinions, living or dead, is purely coincidental.
I know that you believe that you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.
The opinions expressed herein are not necessarily those of rollitup.org, not necessarily mine, and probably not necessary.
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This disclaimer has been canceled due to lack of FUCKs
If you agree with the above opinions you're crazier than I am.
Thanks, CNN, I'll think about this at every sore throat now... fuk me..

"Still, they weren't able to save his fingers and toes."

Just watch for those tell tale white spots (not the crypts on the tonsils) and keep a Rapid Strep kit at home to test. If you don't catch strep in the throat you can also end up with Rheumatic fever, Infective endocarditis etc... It's a nasty little bug. There's also Toxic Shock Sydrome, from strep.

Finally there's necrotizing fasciitis, the only time an entire team retched in the OR.
It's going down!
View attachment 3908082
Prime brisket, ribs, porterhouse steaks, and south side market sausage.

@SouthCross what do you know about that Texas boy?

Post oak bitches!
If I brought a two four and a bottle of takilla would you let me hit a plate of food?

I will totally walk to texas for some foods, I know I would be sucking dick for sure so it's a win win situation. get to rest on my knees after a long walk.

feed me your sausage
It's soon time for black eyed peas. Ill post two receipts. One in a pressure cooker. One in a regular pot. We ain't talking bland crap. The real deal. The type of stuff people pay money for.

I've been eating it since a kid.