$toney Montana's Dutch Passion BLUEBERRY grow

its for packing weight on the buds like gravity.

ps stoney look at me now:D no more post whoring for me gotta resist some threads before i'm like fdd or something at this rate.
ok as for the pickel jars dont use those it will make all ur buds smell like fukkin pickles and i dont think anybody wants that un less u can get the smell throughly out than go ahead i couldnt because of the material the top was made out of go to wal-mart and but a airtight jar thats 5$ and it has a clamp the best for curing and it can hole about 2 half onces in there and try to make the dry last as long as possible if ur bud turns brittle dry in the processs and the stems still havent snapped ( they stind bend somewhat and u can feel somewhat moisture in them) take them down and throw them into a ziplock bag / garbage bag w/e u perfer and keep it in the same room, what this does is take all the excess moisture out of the stems and back into the buds giving u a longer dry meaning better tasting bud and more potent bud, and as for the cure man the longer the better i myslef couldnt wait to cure for even a month i was smokin lil by ll throught out the whole month and i could see the difference as time went on i wont say DONT smoke it imma say TRY lol juss try its worth it
A MONTH,my shit cures in 6 days ,then it goes in the freezer, keeps perfect. amonth, shit woud be dry like sand, never herd of it.in the freezer ,keepa atouch of moist dry bud, that smokes slllow and burns per.def. bong weed . bongs are all i smk with ,joints take away from the full potency for me:leaf:
the proper curing have to be performed fo at least 3 weeks. pot is like the wine - the more time it cure the better the smoke is
never heard of it. Ed Rsenth. said best curing up to 7 days.thc burns like gunpowder any way in its pure wen real dry anyway.i grow kush, it cant get any stronger than i do it.
ihave , been doin it for 10 yrs. i'm also not real petite either. so maybe that works for you go with it , cant convince me otherwise.i guess if a person grows shitty weed it needs all the hep it can get.
I wonder if you guys are talking about two different things. Raider seems to be talking about drying while Cheetah seems to be talking about curing.

Curing and drying are different thing. I know I got confused when reading about it but then someone explained that the "curing" where you have the weed in a jar and you have to burp it every day is not curing it's still drying. Real curing is when you put the pot in something like a jar or plastic bag and don't open it for a few weeks or months.

I'm a newb but that made sense to me.
I wonder if you guys are talking about two different things. Raider seems to be talking about drying while Cheetah seems to be talking about curing.

Curing and drying are different thing. I know I got confused when reading about it but then someone explained that the "curing" where you have the weed in a jar and you have to burp it every day is not curing it's still drying. Real curing is when you put the pot in something like a jar or plastic bag and don't open it for a few weeks or months.

I'm a newb but that made sense to me.

If your a newb... then maybe you shouldn't contradict a statement made by someone that has been growing for years, drying and curing for years. Sorry I left out that after you put the herb into mason jars, you let it sit for 4-6 days before openning it at all. And that is called curing Kludge, because all curing is, is slowing down the drying process to allow moisture to distribute itself evenly throughout the buds before opening the lid and releasing the moisture that has been kept in there (hence shaking the jar a half an hour before opening it, helps ensure that the moisture is evenly distributed), and doing it repeatedly is what makes it curing. You do the same thing with basket materials if you wanted to weave baskets.
The drying process is when you hang the buds or lay them down somewhere that has decent temperatures, low humidity and low light. Keeping a constant flow of fresh air to pull the moisture away as it seeps out of the buds is drying. There is no even distribution of moisture, no redistribution of the moisture, it all goes out and doesn't stick around. Another part of the curing process, is ensuring that the THC gets properly treated in order to keep it inside the buds chemically the way you want it. That is a lot more technical, but I could explain it if you guys really wanted me too... Im just lazy tired right now... :weed:
You are the Man Loadeddragon, I get such great info from you and look forward to your post...Thanks for the quick curing tip!
last time put weed in a jar just to put up, molded on me . i'lll continue to do it my way .
weed needs around 3 days ina temp of around 65 F to turn the carbs into sugars once this evident with naked eye it is then dried in a temp. of 70 to 75 F to fully dry. Ed rosenthal expains it in all his books .it does not get any better one way or the other. the marijuana cant get better, or worse.:leaf:
last time put weed in a jar just to put up, molded on me . i'lll continue to do it my way .
weed needs around 3 days ina temp of around 65 F to turn the carbs into sugars once this evident with naked eye it is then dried in a temp. of 70 to 75 F to fully dry. Ed rosenthal expains it in all his books .it does not get any better one way or the other. the marijuana cant get better, or worse.:leaf:

oh, well, the pot can always get worse, ;).... but yeah... 65-70 degrees for the first couple days drying... then 70-75... I keep my dry room temp at a constant 70 degree temp with 37-42% humidity (humidity depends on the amount of days it has been drying, I try to keep it a little lower like 37% the first two days, and let it stay at about 40-42% the rest of the dry....
If your a newb... then maybe you shouldn't contradict a statement made by someone that has been growing for years, drying and curing for years.

Wasn't really contradicting you, in fact I have no idea what you are talking about since I wasn't addressing you. I think you might have me confused with one of the other posters. No biggie.

I think it just comes down to semantics.

From what little I understand there are two processes.

One by which your bud loses moisture.

One by which your bud does not lose moisture.

Call them whatever you want but when you have a container that you open on occasion I am guessing that is to release moisture since if you don't you will end up with moldy bud.

When you put your bud in a container and don't open it your bud is not losing moisture so, I'm guessing, that is a different process.

Looking at my dictionary I would say the process of the removal of water is called drying. Then again looking at my handy dictionary I see that curing is "to prepare or alter especially by chemical or physical processing for keeping or use" so I would say that more closely fits the method that does not remove moisture.

Though I'm sure it could be argued that the slow drying in jars is a type of curing too... I'm going to be crazy and call that "Dr-uring" since "C-rying" sounds really sad. :(

P.S. "dry curing" - Google Search - Looks like both of you are right and so am I, yay, happy day.