Arnt you an organics guy?....
Yes I'm organic but have grown with everything from hydro to soil to coco.
What's your point? If you feed to the point of flushing and then buying a flushing agent then more nutes to charge again, you are throwing money away.
Not only that what are you doing with that run off? Dumping it in our water supply?
I'm not meaning this to be rude. You fell for it hook, line and sinker.
I mean there is no real upside to it besides it works. I mean you could have the same or better results without huge feedings to the point of needing to flush.
Ill be as honest as I can. People complicate the hell out of growing cannabis.
My family grows and cans most our own vegetables and grow flowers.
I keep it super simple and less is more. I use that for everything I grow. At one point or another I have shown pics of the veggie garden and flowers.
That said, I also say to each their own and do what makes you happy.
We may disagree but at the end of the day I would still burn one with you.