US launches missile attack



Yes. Hell yes.

The tyrannical Syrian government is using chemical weapons against its own citizens, and our new POTUS isn't a pussy.

What did you think would happen?

The United States launched dozens of cruise missiles Thursday night
at a Syrian airfield in response to what it believes was
Syria's use of banned chemical weapons that killed at least 100 people, U.S. military officials told NBC News.

The 'real deal' here is...that any tyrant, including Trump can do what the fuck he wants with his own people

Syria is in a civil war

those are Syrian Arabs dying

look to your own Civil war for clues
I feel like Lokie and tyler reversed roles at the beginning of this thread ..........and the no boots on the ground comment above seems very tiny penis like indeed ....with a lack of testicles and a dash of ...imapussy...........k back to eating homemade burritos
Look just get me one of those SSH clones and NO one has to get hurt capisce?
I feel like Lokie and tyler reversed roles at the beginning of this thread ..........and the no boots on the ground comment above seems very tiny penis like indeed ....with a lack of testicles and a dash of ...imapussy...........k back to eating homemade burritos
Hence someone else cleans up the mess
Theres no real trophy here to capture/kill like saddam
I find it interesting that a couple destroyers launch these missiles from that area while over in the fat kids province usa has over 100 ships ready to go...fat kids got no chance surely and he either knows it or is oblivious to it
Just hope china stays out of it but i cant see that