Who wants to get jelous?????


Well-Known Member
In total this is my 3rd grow, its my second hydro. These must be 8ft now and nearly ready for harvest. They suppost to be white widow but I dont think so. Anyway guna get plenty bud off em as you can see. I topped them about 4 foot but they just kept goin, ya can see from the 1st pick how tall they are and belive it or not theres ony 3 plants there................just thought I share my sucsess :clap:



Well-Known Member
its a basic flood and drain, 3 times a day for half hour, i use , not super vit the other 1 carnt think of the name................. and Ill post details of nutes later as I gotta get this house tidy before the dragon comes home as she'll kill me


Well-Known Member
no no no, simply cut the tops off around 4ft, left left them, them as if by magic the tops split into 2 and carried on growing......... thankfully they stoped now and just doing their business


Well-Known Member
I thought they looked a bit wispy myself, but they need some more time to fill out. looks like a sativa dominant strain with those thinner leaves and great height. Nice grow +rep!!