I'm desperate to be liked so I've created an anti trump thread.

Do they not celebrate Easter in the UK?

indeed they do...but i must work :/

It's quaint that people want to recall the fictitious resurrection of a Messiah by purchasing sweet things but a colleague is ill so I'm covering for him.
indeed they do...but i must work :/

It's quaint that people want to recall the fictitious resurrection of a Messiah by purchasing sweet things but a colleague is ill so I'm covering for him.

I don't agree with a lot of things you say... but i will give you credit on this one...

RizlaredWell-Known Member
Just a quick thought...

HC supporters are forever accusing Trump supporters are full of hate (I.e to Muslims, Mexicans, women)

What the fuck is anyone going to think of HC supporters based upon these forums lol

godamn, you're even dumber than I remembered.
Yes, you are desperate.

RizlaredWell-Known Member
It also, in no way, demonstrates my belief in my own 'self importance'

at all.

I'm not weak but I'm not more important than others.

I just wish people were armed with information before forming opinions (example, your belief above. you don't know me yet you jump to a conclusion based on little or no evidence)

Rizlared, Oct 14, 2016Report

RizlaredWell-Known Member
Do I need to remind people, I don't give a shit who wins your domestic election.

They are both lying, deceitful pricks

Lol, you're an idiot.

I stand by that comment.

Clinton is a problem also.

Being anti Clinton does not make me pro bush.

Nice try though