Berkeley's Liberal Intolerance is about to bite them in the ass.

I'm not a virgin myself (had sex w/ 4 girls in total - not proud of my fornications though), but when I met my Christian girlfriend she didn't want to go "all the way". She is a virgin and wants to wait until marriage, so I respected her. You guys are attacking THAT? Pick something better to pick on!

You realize of course that by that admission the 4 girls you had sex with must be stoned to death. You should get away with a good flogging, some stations of the cross, a few our fathers and hail Marys and maybe some extra penance, but the chicks have to die.

Sorry, Christian...that's non-negotiable, black letter law.
Okay, so you point out the less common exceptions. Here are some real facts. In the last two weeks alone, there has been 26 Islamic terror attacks that left 404 people killed, 204 injured. 4 of those were suicide bombs. A single Taliban massacre left 150 killed!

In the last 2 weeks, you can't say the same for any other group of people, can you?

477 dead from our actions in the last month alone, including the bombing of a mosque.

you fail again.

now go call mommy and daddy and tell them to re-up your meal card, frosh.
Just the other day, in Deareborn Michigan there is a case of two AMERICAN Muslim doctors preforming genital mutilation on a pair of 7 year old girls.

just the other day, two trump campaign chairmen, one in oklahoma and one in tennessee, were both charged with getting underage kids drunk and diddling them.

then there was that ttrump supporter who went to a mosque and slaughtered 6 innocent muslim people while they were praying.

then there was the trump supporter in kansas who told some indian doctor to "go back to your country" before shooting him dead.

not to tmention the trump supporters in south carolina and texas who were stopped before they could go on deadly shooting rampages because they were upset about target's bathroom policy.

then there was also the foiled plot in kansas where trump supporters planned to firebomb somalian immigrants.

why are you trump lovers so fucking violent? goddamn terrorists. chinese-ragheads.

Abortion? Shouldn't be used as convenience. I think that many people abuse abortion because they had too much sex, which unfairly affects the baby. but in the very rare and extreme cases such as incest, rape and life of the mother than it can be considered.

you're an extremist who wants to control women just like those muslim people that you are so afraid of.

you'll change your stance on abortion after one of your many date rapes ends up in conception.
there are laws against killing babies.

what kind of "college" are your parents paying for you to go to after all?

I'm paying for my own school. My parents are disabled... And it's at a liberal public university in Maine that's all I will say.

477 dead from our actions in the last month alone, including the bombing of a mosque.

you fail again.

now go call mommy and daddy and tell them to re-up your meal card, frosh.

No, there were not 477 terrorist attack victims in the US alone last month. Again I pay my way bub.

wait until you get into a sex ed class. it's gonna blow your mind.

oh, and by your logic, birth control is murder.

so your only option is abstinence. which you seem to be practicing already.

You clearly have no idea how that stuff works I'm in pharmacy school bub I think I know what I'm talking about.
I'm paying for my own school. My parents are disabled... And it's at a liberal public university in Maine that's all I will say.

No, there were not 477 terrorist attack victims in the US alone last month. Again I pay my way bub.

You clearly have no idea how that stuff works I'm in pharmacy school bub I think I know what I'm talking about.

you pulled a number out of your ass, without citation, claiming "muslim terrorists" had killed such and such an amount of people. i used our own state department's lowball estimate for civilian casualties caused by us in the last month alone.

we are far more deadly and barbaric than anyone else in the world, kiddo.

also, there are laws against killing babies. if you believe life begins at conception, then birth control is murder, since it sometimes prevents a fertilized egg from implanting. someone in "pharmacy school" (LOL) should really know that.

so do you want to ban birth control?

your parents pay for every penny of your existence and it is as clear as day. you are also a virgin bible thumper with a chinese made rag on your head.
You clearly have no idea how that stuff works I'm in pharmacy school bub I think I know what I'm talking about.

Now you've gone from just being a patent dumbass to a full blown liar.

You said you were 19.

In order to even enter Pharmacy School you have to have a bachelors of science and a masters of science. Without those two degrees in hand you can't even apply for a Doctor of Pharmacy school.

So, unless you graduated high school at age 13, college with bachelors by 17 and got your masters by right now and just started Pharmacy school, you're a liar.