Well-Known Member
Poor little guy comes in spouting off nonsense and we find out he's a 19 year old Jesus freak virgin and a chauvinistic bigot.
Poor little guy comes in spouting off nonsense and we find out he's a 19 year old Jesus freak virgin and a chauvinistic bigot.
I'm not a virgin myself (had sex w/ 4 girls in total - not proud of my fornications though), but when I met my Christian girlfriend she didn't want to go "all the way". She is a virgin and wants to wait until marriage, so I respected her. You guys are attacking THAT? Pick something better to pick on!
No one plans on getting caught.
Okay, so you point out the less common exceptions. Here are some real facts. In the last two weeks alone, there has been 26 Islamic terror attacks that left 404 people killed, 204 injured. 4 of those were suicide bombs. A single Taliban massacre left 150 killed!
In the last 2 weeks, you can't say the same for any other group of people, can you?
When you compare the "old scripture" to modern predominantly Muslim countries, there is little difference.
See: Saudi Arabia, Iran, Pakistan, all preform hanging of gays.
Just the other day, in Deareborn Michigan there is a case of two AMERICAN Muslim doctors preforming genital mutilation on a pair of 7 year old girls.
You don't see Southern Baptists or other Christian groups murdering people on the mass scale
Abortion? Shouldn't be used as convenience. I think that many people abuse abortion because they had too much sex, which unfairly affects the baby. but in the very rare and extreme cases such as incest, rape and life of the mother than it can be considered.
Killing a baby should not be up to a woman's discretion, no.
Clown collegethere are laws against killing babies.
what kind of "college" are your parents paying for you to go to after all?
life begins at conception, and conception is usually because women (and men) have too much sex
there are laws against killing babies.
what kind of "college" are your parents paying for you to go to after all?
Tell me, is a fertilized egg genetically the mother or genetically the child?
there are laws against killing babies.
what kind of "college" are your parents paying for you to go to after all?
477 dead from our actions in the last month alone, including the bombing of a mosque.
you fail again.
now go call mommy and daddy and tell them to re-up your meal card, frosh.
wait until you get into a sex ed class. it's gonna blow your mind.
oh, and by your logic, birth control is murder.
so your only option is abstinence. which you seem to be practicing already.
I'm paying for my own school. My parents are disabled... And it's at a liberal public university in Maine that's all I will say.
No, there were not 477 terrorist attack victims in the US alone last month. Again I pay my way bub.
You clearly have no idea how that stuff works I'm in pharmacy school bub I think I know what I'm talking about.
Husson?I'm paying for my own school. My parents are disabled... And it's at a liberal public university in Maine that's all I will say.
You clearly have no idea how that stuff works I'm in pharmacy school bub I think I know what I'm talking about.