What should I name my new seed company

I learned that little chart about the s1, s2, something like that i think i forgot most of it. forreal thanks for the advice I will look into the genetics, never thought of it in that way. Im 19 dont have much money but maybe i can go to the community college for some courses once I start to become a real breeder.
Well, start off by sending each and everyone in here testers. That's a start. Lol
Hey guys so im going to make a breeding/seed company, Im focusing on landrace and hard to find strains. I just need to think of this name first because im going to rename my instagram to the seed company name. Im just looking for ideas not trying to fully take a name from someone else. Also this is a serious post, but since I put it in this section i know there will be a fuckton of troll type individuals, as long as i get a few people who arent im good. Lol.

Call it Monsanto Seeds. Catchy name. What could go wrong? ;)
Lol, watch strain hunters on youtube, These bastards walk into fields of pot then smell a few dark green ones and grab the seed. Which they then make millions off.Talk about appropriation.
I'm in the lucky position of probably being able to go through a refuse bag full of weed in a year coming from landrace strains exclusively. No, its not the same as some of the highly bred high potency stuff you get, but every now and again you get a few heads in a bag that just kicks arse in every way. Seed like that I keep, the really good ones will get their own packaging, other good seeds go into a can, must have a few hundred. Do wish I could get some autos or indica's though, those are hen's teeth here.
Lol, watch strain hunters on youtube, These bastards walk into fields of pot then smell a few dark green ones and grab the seed. Which they then make millions off.Talk about appropriation.
I'm in the lucky position of probably being able to go through a refuse bag full of weed in a year coming from landrace strains exclusively. No, its not the same as some of the highly bred high potency stuff you get, but every now and again you get a few heads in a bag that just kicks arse in every way. Seed like that I keep, the really good ones will get their own packaging, other good seeds go into a can, must have a few hundred. Do wish I could get some autos or indica's though, those are hen's teeth here.

Yeah, what burns me is they then give hybrid seeds to the locals, ensuring the land race strains disappear within a few years. They then hold unique genetics which makes them valuable.

Yeah, what burns me is they then give hybrid seeds to the locals, ensuring the land race strains disappear within a few years. They then hold unique genetics which makes them valuable.

wow that sucks i supose something was wrong there
they mean well.
Ideally, you would train the locals a bit in genetics and retaining and using only the best of the best as seed stock etc.
They just see it as giving the locals better weed then they had so they can make better livings for themselves.

It is quite fun watching, I like the Swaziland one. Lots of our weed comes from there, a lot from Ciskei and some from Durban/Mozambique (they border each other, Mozambique is a lawless mess).

The landrace invasion is a secondary thing no one thought about at the time.