What did you accomplish today?

You know sunshine is a large yellow bird ...he wasn't saying sorry in general ....he was apologizing for dropping a bird deuce on ya bro .

Yeah I get it, he is just like most of my friends.
It's like you don't want to be the first one to pass out at a party, when you wake up they all lie to you about what happened and then show you the pictures of themselves doing crazy shit and then lie to ya some more , I have great friends .
This is a coupla days old. I'll bring it here even so.

There are currently two bright comets listed on my favorite visual astronomy site, heavens-above dot com.
The first is Comet 41P Tuttle-Giacobini-Kresak, currently very near Vega. It is a short-period comet with a moderately elliptical 6-year orbit. It is an intrinsically faint object, but it came very close to Earth a few days ago (perigee was April 26).

I managed to spot it in my 20x90 binoculars on the evening of the 27th, and I estimated its visual magnitude at about 10. Heavens-above gives its visual magnitude at 7.5 ... ten times as bright.

I remember hanging out on the Cloudy Nights site where visual astronomers congregate. Folks there would publish lists of "published v. perceived" visual magnitudes, and some discrepancies were large.

Some cool charts etc. are here:

The second comet is C/2015 V2 Johnson. This is a visitor from the far reaches of our Oort cloud (major axis is 120 thousand AU or two light-years, to the edge of what we call the Oort volume now) but during this pass, it got a tiny boost and is now on a hyperbolic (solar escape) trajectory. Again, Heavens-Above gives it a magnitude of 7.5 ... my estimate is about 9.0.

This visitor will be brightest in our skies in early June. I'll be watching it through my binos. It is near perihelion now, still outside Mars' orbit. I saw a prediction that it'll become naked-eye obvious at mag 2, but I doubt that very much now.

Fuck nutes, mijo; who makes the best carts?
Home de Pot

Walmart carts are pretty dope.

I have my heart set on a big lots cart.

Naturally when asked " how big will it grow" the answer is BIG and then when asked " how much can you harvest " the answer is LOTS. :x:shock::eyesmoke::roll::idea::oops::dunce:
These are my emoji friends not sure if there high like :lol:me but hey I put the
dope down infront of them and didn't act right so fuck it before I pass out cogartultions to me
I'm am supposed to get kick ass seed from CA tomorrow. And I hope I'm in better shape tomorrow the poor bastard is gona that one look at me and go , I wound never see his shit again
I tried to steal a cart from the dollar store when I went to pick up some clothes pins for ..........tomato stuff.....I took off like a team of bob sledders going for Olympic gold.....but I forgot the carts have long poles that don't allow them to roll outside the store :shock:.....

So I ended up with half an exit sign and a twisted ankle instead.....

I'l make it work.
I tried to steal a cart from the dollar store when I went to pick up some clothes pins for ..........tomato stuff.....I took off like a team of bob sledders going for Olympic gold.....but I forgot the carts have long poles that don't allow them to roll outside the store :shock:.....

So I ended up with half an exit sign and a twisted ankle instead.....

I'l make it work.