My plants are growing slow and one is light green .


New Member
My plants are 11 days old now. They aren't really growing fast. I have plates them in red cups. They are under a 400 w hps 12 inches away. I have watered the twice since theyve been in the cups. I haven't given the nuet. Im having problems with controlling humidity. What to do. The one plant looks s
I had to buy a humidifier for my closet now it stays at 65 RH. What kind of soil are you using. Pictures definitely go a long way.
I am growing in a grow tent. About 8 feet long. 6 feet tall I have two exhaust fans. And regulate fans. I will send pics
The tiny one... The stem broke on that. U was tryna save it but I will throw it in the compost pile today. But the short one who looks healthy but small.... She had a slow start thru the whole germination process.


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U got all the right ingredients idk why they would be dying. Maybe the lights to close. Low humidity will make them grow slow. U could try watering with a worm casting tea that u can make in a 5g bucket with an airstone. I don't use bottled nuits so I can't help there.
They don't look bad. Idk about the yellow ones. I bet if u bump up the humidity the rest will take off they look healthy. How are ur Temps? What are u using for soil?
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They don't look bad. Idk about the yellow ones. I bet if u bump up the humidity the rest will take off they look healthy. How are ur Temps
My temp jumps from 82- 90 sometimes I have to leave it open because it seems the exhaust aren't doing much. The humidity was at 40 now it down to 30. The temps are the hardest task for me.... Do you want to see the tent so. Can have an idea?
U got all the right ingredients idk why they would be dying. Maybe the lights to close. Low humidity will make them grow slow. U could try watering with a worm casting tea that u can make in a 5g bucket with an airstone. I don't use bottled nuits so I can't help there.
One died because I broke the stem I know. But the yellow one who's still standing... It germinated. It was looking healthy.... Then it just got sick out of nowhere.... Its a chronic lights plant. Maybe the seed just wasn't good. I did her no different from the others
that soil isn't good for seedlings, get something that doesn't have big hunks of wood in it. it also been my experience that its way better to use a less powerful light a lot closer for seedlings, something like a couple of t5 bulbs, or 3 or 4 cfls, about 3 or 4 inches awaay, till they get to the third or fourth set of leaves, then they can take the stronger light

as that wood decays, its going to cause ph fluctuations in your soil
Indroduce a fan into your tent, place it so it blows above your light so it'll disperse heat rather than act like a hurricane to your plants.

You want to keep your humidity up for seeding & veg - but drop it in flower incase of mold.
Try filling a few egg cups with a little water & keeping them closer to the light - it'll evaporate obviously but it'll bring up your humidity.
You're new, so you don't want to be investing insane amounts of cash yet - think of the kiss method.

In your pictures - your top two look like me after a weekend.
The rest look fine, new growth tends to be lime green in colour/yellowish anyway but.

Emm, what kind of reflector are you using for your light? Is it a cool tube or a Dutch barn style? My reason for asking is the Dutch barn type would put out far more heat & would need to be further away - but you don't want it too be too far or it'll cause them to stretch.
One died because I broke the stem I know. But the yellow one who's still standing... It germinated. It was looking healthy.... Then it just got sick out of nowhere.... Its a chronic lights plant. Maybe the seed just wasn't good. I did her no different from the others
Genetics are definitely key. Sometimes u get a bad seed. I tried the water in the grow room didn't work for me but I'm using led doesn't run very hot just enough. 30% humidity will give u slow growth for sure. I'm new myself done a lot of reading tho. These guys give a lot of good advise on here.
get a bigger exhaust fan, and a cool mist humidifier, 82 isn't that bad, 90 is. you don't wanna go over 80 degrees really, unless you're running c02. if you upgrade your fan, remember you're going to have to upgrade your filter as well, if you run your fan faster than the filter is rated, it doesn't work very well.
when you start flowering, you want rh to be around 40% or so, but young plants like it a lot higher, at least 55-60%, they have to work harder to cool themselves off if its too dry in the room, especially if its 90 degrees
Indroduce a fan into your tent, place it so it blows above your light so it'll disperse heat rather than act like a hurricane to your plants.

You want to keep your humidity up for seeding & veg - but drop it in flower incase of mold.
Try filling a few egg cups with a little water & keeping them closer to the light - it'll evaporate obviously but it'll bring up your humidity.
You're new, so you don't want to be investing insane amounts of cash yet - think of the kiss method.

In your pictures - your top two look like me after a weekend.
The rest look fine, new growth tends to be lime green in colour/yellowish anyway but.

Emm, what kind of reflector are you using for your light? Is it a cool tube or a Dutch barn style? My reason for asking is the Dutch barn type would put out far more heat & would need to be further away - but you don't want it too be too far or it'll cause them to stretch.
See. I have a winged reflector. Its open. Amd I think thats the problem .unfortunately when I brought the light I wasn't really educated about it. I brought the wrong ligjt