House Intelligence Committee calls for Grand Jury on Trump/Russia collusion

Bad Karma

Well-Known Member
Holy fuck, can't they get ANYTHING right?
They're not trying to get it right though, its painstakingly produced political propaganda, to misinform Fox viewers. Once they see that he "resigned" it helps lowers the chance of the viewer looking deeper into the subject and any uproar. Why? Because it gives staunchly conservative Fox viewers an excuse to say "If the guy resigned, I don't see what the big deal is? Their just trying to blame Trump for everything!" (said viewer then sticks his fingers in his ears and refuses to listen to any facts or updates about the story). That is the goal though, to confuse, create false divisions, and brainwash those that don't know any better. That goes for ALL news channels though, it's all heavily produced propaganda, all of it.


Well-Known Member
They're not trying to get it right though, its painstakingly produced political propaganda, to misinform Fox viewers. Once they see that he "resigned" it helps lowers the chance of the viewer looking deeper into the subject and any uproar. Why? Because it gives staunchly conservative Fox viewers an excuse to say "If the guy resigned, I don't see what the big deal is? Their just trying to blame Trump for everything!" (said viewer then sticks his fingers in his ears and refuses to listen to any facts or updates about the story). That is the goal though, to confuse, create false divisions, and brainwash those that don't know any better. That goes for ALL news channels though, it's all heavily produced propaganda, all of it.
Our news media went right to shit the minute the FCC fairness doctrine was repealed. Who thought doing that was a good idea- other than those who want to manipulate public opinion, that is?


Well-Known Member
On the bright side, Orrin Hatch is 83. Maybe he'll die in his sleep before too long.
Seems like a lousy way to run a railroad.

I wonder if this will convince more Americans to actually get off their ass and vote.

Look at South Korea; impeached their corrupt president, put her ass in jail and voted in a new one. Bam!

Now THAT'S democracy! WTF is our problem?
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Olive Drab Green

Well-Known Member
Seems like a lousy way to run a railroad.

I wonder if this will convince more Americans to actually get off their ass and vote.

Look at South Korea; impeached their corrupt president, put her ass in jail and voted in a new one. Bam!

Now THAT'S democracy! WTF is our problem?
Couldn't agree with you more.


Well-Known Member
They're not trying to get it right though, its painstakingly produced political propaganda, to misinform Fox viewers. Once they see that he "resigned" it helps lowers the chance of the viewer looking deeper into the subject and any uproar. Why? Because it gives staunchly conservative Fox viewers an excuse to say "If the guy resigned, I don't see what the big deal is? Their just trying to blame Trump for everything!" (said viewer then sticks his fingers in his ears and refuses to listen to any facts or updates about the story). That is the goal though, to confuse, create false divisions, and brainwash those that don't know any better. That goes for ALL news channels though, it's all heavily produced propaganda, all of it.
they [Fox News] are fairly credible as far as news organizations go.


Well-Known Member

With Comey's firing, there is a real danger of a constitutional crisis, and a breaking down of the rule of law.

We the People must come together and express our demands; for justice, for the rule of law and for democracy.

America is much closer to autocracy than ever before in our history.

If We the People do not get Justice and Democracy - forget 'promises'- then we need to tell our Federal Government that they have lost the confidence and the support of the American People.


Well-Known Member

With Comey's firing, there is a real danger of a constitutional crisis, and a breaking down of the rule of law.

We the People must come together and express our demands; for justice, for the rule of law and for democracy.

America is much closer to autocracy than ever before in our history.

If We the People do not get Justice and Democracy - forget 'promises'- then we need to tell our Federal Government that they have lost the confidence and the support of the American People.

Smokin' the good shit, eh?