Bernie Sanders is the most popular politician in America, yet the Democratic Party continues to resist him at every turn.
The Democratic Party has apparently accepted its new job; giving power to the Republicans while maintaining the appearance of democracy. This is nothing more than a sham, covering up the fact that America has become an oligarchy, where the rich get their way and the average American citizen does not.
Jimmy Carter thinks the same;
And yet the Democratic Party has rejected all attempts to recreate itself as an alternative.
Follow the money.
We the People either fix this or every notion of American governance by the citizens goes by the wayside.
It's really the greatest crisis of our time and perhaps the greatest threat to American democracy since the signing of the Declaration of Independence, rivalled only by the Civil War- which is again a distinct possibility.
This time it won't be the South vs the North, but rather the rich- oligarchs- against the poor, the economically 'inferior' 90%.
The rich cry 'class warfare' whenever bills to redress the shocking imbalances are introduced to our Legislature, but this is a form of class warfare in itself- and they've been winning nearly every battle since the close of WWII.
Now there are militarized police across the country and a series of Federal agencies to spy on, control and disrupt any citizen initiatives designed to return power to the People. These are wildly unconstitutional, yet they're not only allowed to exist but are lavishly funded by tax dollars extracted from the very citizens targeted by their policies.
Yet the Democratic Party yells 'Russians!' in an effort to direct attention away from their responsibility to address and oppose this monstrous crime perpetrated against the American People.
The Republican Party is so completely, cynically corrupt that expecting them to uphold constitutional principles is no longer seen as a reasonable goal. Their first act under the new program administration was to attempt to dismantle the House Ethics Committee. Another stated goal is the destruction of the CFPB, the Consumer Finance Protection Bureau, a government agency designed to ensure that powerful corporations treat Americans fairly.
I have grave reservations about supporting either of these parties, as it's painfully clear that neither of them represent my interests. I'm not rich enough to matter to them.