United States of Corporate America


Oh and what about Jim Crow?

By the way I'm not a republican. I've voted for 2 republicans ever. Rand Paul and a local candidate. Stop with the Trump stuff I don't support him so you can continue to mention him but it ain't gettin ya anywheres bub

are you referring to the same robert byrd who disavowed the KKK, earned a 100% rating with the NAACP, and was eulogized by no other than the first black president, barack obama?

helluva dig there, retard.

it takes a lot of gall to accuse liberals of instituting jim crow laws, and then admit that you voted for rend "civil rights were not a good idea" pawl.

Screenshot 2017-05-11 at 10.26.15 PM.png

you are a dumb brainwashed racist child.
Redistribution of stolen money from direct "taxes" is equity of opportunity.

Equal rights is equality of opportunity, equal $$ from redist. is the poor being jealous and greedy
Taxes are a requirement for any society that wishes to provide a basic infrastructure for its citizens to hopefully thrive in

It is not 'redistribution'. Citizens pay taxes, lawmakers decide where they go and what they fund. Infrastructure, education, healthcare, etc., are what most citizens want. The redistribution part takes place when those funds are instead allocated to the military industrial complex or the prison industrial complex. Or when we give huge tax breaks to the rich and make the poor and middle-class pay for it.
Bernie Sanders is the most popular politician in America, yet the Democratic Party continues to resist him at every turn.


The Democratic Party has apparently accepted its new job; giving power to the Republicans while maintaining the appearance of democracy. This is nothing more than a sham, covering up the fact that America has become an oligarchy, where the rich get their way and the average American citizen does not.


Jimmy Carter thinks the same;

And yet the Democratic Party has rejected all attempts to recreate itself as an alternative.


Follow the money.

We the People either fix this or every notion of American governance by the citizens goes by the wayside.

It's really the greatest crisis of our time and perhaps the greatest threat to American democracy since the signing of the Declaration of Independence, rivalled only by the Civil War- which is again a distinct possibility.

This time it won't be the South vs the North, but rather the rich- oligarchs- against the poor, the economically 'inferior' 90%.

The rich cry 'class warfare' whenever bills to redress the shocking imbalances are introduced to our Legislature, but this is a form of class warfare in itself- and they've been winning nearly every battle since the close of WWII.

Now there are militarized police across the country and a series of Federal agencies to spy on, control and disrupt any citizen initiatives designed to return power to the People. These are wildly unconstitutional, yet they're not only allowed to exist but are lavishly funded by tax dollars extracted from the very citizens targeted by their policies.

Yet the Democratic Party yells 'Russians!' in an effort to direct attention away from their responsibility to address and oppose this monstrous crime perpetrated against the American People.

The Republican Party is so completely, cynically corrupt that expecting them to uphold constitutional principles is no longer seen as a reasonable goal. Their first act under the new program administration was to attempt to dismantle the House Ethics Committee. Another stated goal is the destruction of the CFPB, the Consumer Finance Protection Bureau, a government agency designed to ensure that powerful corporations treat Americans fairly.

I have grave reservations about supporting either of these parties, as it's painfully clear that neither of them represent my interests. I'm not rich enough to matter to them.
are you referring to the same robert byrd who disavowed the KKK, earned a 100% rating with the NAACP, and was eulogized by no other than the first black president, barack obama?

helluva dig there, retard.

it takes a lot of gall to accuse liberals of instituting jim crow laws, and then admit that you voted for rend "civil rights were not a good idea" pawl.

View attachment 3940844

you are a dumb brainwashed racist child.


The same Rand Paul who fillibistered the Patriot act doesn't care about civil rights?
Taxes are a requirement for any society that wishes to provide a basic infrastructure for its citizens to hopefully thrive in

It is not 'redistribution'. Citizens pay taxes, lawmakers decide where they go and what they fund. Infrastructure, education, healthcare, etc., are what most citizens want. The redistribution part takes place when those funds are instead allocated to the military industrial complex or the prison industrial complex. Or when we give huge tax breaks to the rich and make the poor and middle-class pay for it.
Orwellian, isn't it? First they do a thing, then accuse anyone who wants to put a stop to it of doing it themselves!
Taxes are a requirement for any society that wishes to provide a basic infrastructure for its citizens to hopefully thrive in

It is not 'redistribution'. Citizens pay taxes, lawmakers decide where they go and what they fund. Infrastructure, education, healthcare, etc., are what most citizens want. The redistribution part takes place when those funds are instead allocated to the military industrial complex or the prison industrial complex. Or when we give huge tax breaks to the rich and make the poor and middle-class pay for it.

Education has gotten worse since the gov got involved and so has the relative cost and quality healthcare (obv tech has gotten better). Clearly private market does best. Try eco 101 and market efficiency. These are basic facts

Infrostructure? You think American citizens not working for DOT are too dumb to pave roads?

Rich pay way more in taxes than poor or middle class, give me a break. What IS wrong are large corporations paying D's and R's in congress to give them tax breaks while small busninesses that are falsely called "rich" end up paying full taxes. That's not equal competition.
Education has gotten worse since the gov got involved and so has the relative cost and quality healthcare (obv tech has gotten better). Clearly private market does best. Try eco 101 and market efficiency. These are basic facts

Infrostructure? You think American citizens not working for DOT are too dumb to pave roads?

Rich pay way more in taxes than poor or middle class, give me a break. What IS wrong are large corporations paying D's and R's in congress to give them tax breaks while small busninesses that are falsely called "rich" end up paying full taxes. That's not equal competition.

100% of this is a steaming pile of shit with no basis in fact.^^^^^^
Bernie Sanders is the most popular politician in America, yet the Democratic Party continues to resist him at every turn.


The Democratic Party has apparently accepted its new job; giving power to the Republicans while maintaining the appearance of democracy. This is nothing more than a sham, covering up the fact that America has become an oligarchy, where the rich get their way and the average American citizen does not.


Jimmy Carter thinks the same;

And yet the Democratic Party has rejected all attempts to recreate itself as an alternative.


Follow the money.

We the People either fix this or every notion of American governance by the citizens goes by the wayside.

It's really the greatest crisis of our time and perhaps the greatest threat to American democracy since the signing of the Declaration of Independence, rivalled only by the Civil War- which is again a distinct possibility.

This time it won't be the South vs the North, but rather the rich- oligarchs- against the poor, the economically 'inferior' 90%.

The rich cry 'class warfare' whenever bills to redress the shocking imbalances are introduced to our Legislature, but this is a form of class warfare in itself- and they've been winning nearly every battle since the close of WWII.

Now there are militarized police across the country and a series of Federal agencies to spy on, control and disrupt any citizen initiatives designed to return power to the People. These are wildly unconstitutional, yet they're not only allowed to exist but are lavishly funded by tax dollars extracted from the very citizens targeted by their policies.

Yet the Democratic Party yells 'Russians!' in an effort to direct attention away from their responsibility to address and oppose this monstrous crime perpetrated against the American People.

The Republican Party is so completely, cynically corrupt that expecting them to uphold constitutional principles is no longer seen as a reasonable goal. Their first act under the new program administration was to attempt to dismantle the House Ethics Committee. Another stated goal is the destruction of the CFPB, the Consumer Finance Protection Bureau, a government agency designed to ensure that powerful corporations treat Americans fairly.

I have grave reservations about supporting either of these parties, as it's painfully clear that neither of them represent my interests. I'm not rich enough to matter to them.
Carter's statement was exactly on point. That dude is smart.
Education has gotten worse since the gov got involved
How has education gotten worse since the government got involved?

When did the government get involved?

so has the relative cost and quality healthcare
Why do other first world countries like Sweden, Finland, Norway, Canada, Germany, France, Australia, etc., provide a higher quality of healthcare at a lower cost per capita than the United States?
Clearly private market does best.
If the free market provides the best quality healthcare at the lowest possible cost, why do other countries who have socialized, universal healthcare, produce better results than the US at measurably cheaper costs? Is that just a lie?
Infrostructure? You think American citizens not working for DOT are too dumb to pave roads?
No, not necessarily.. That's not what I was saying. I'm sure I could pave a road.. I don't do it for a living though, and the quality would be much poorer, no doubt about it. You pay taxes for the quality of service as well as the service itself. If you don't like quality, check out the quality of China's domestic infrastructure. Contract goes to the lowest bidder, and it certainly shows. Years old cement staircases crumbling sitting side by side centuries old staircases built by ancient Chinese who actually cared about the quality of their product..
Rich pay way more in taxes than poor or middle class, give me a break. What IS wrong are large corporations paying D's and R's in congress to give them tax breaks while small busninesses that are falsely called "rich" end up paying full taxes. That's not equal competition.
Who spends a larger percentage of their income paying taxes, rich or poor?
Education has gotten worse since the gov got involved and so has the relative cost and quality healthcare (obv tech has gotten better). Clearly private market does best. Try eco 101 and market efficiency. These are basic facts

Infrostructure? You think American citizens not working for DOT are too dumb to pave roads?

Rich pay way more in taxes than poor or middle class, give me a break. What IS wrong are large corporations paying D's and R's in congress to give them tax breaks while small busninesses that are falsely called "rich" end up paying full taxes. That's not equal competition.
The top 1400 wealthiest families in America make (I have trouble saying they earn it) over 22% of all income generated in this country. They pay FAR LESS than 22% of all taxes levied on private citizens. I don't have exact figures because the IRS doesn't disseminate the information, but I'd be very surprised if they pay even 2% of all private taxes.

So maybe 'a lot'- but at the very same time, far less than their share. How else do they keep getting richer and richer while the rest of us are having more trouble than ever simply paying for our very basic needs?

Your education was publicly funded, by taxes. It's too bad you didn't get one. You ARE paying for it.
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Taxes are a requirement for any society that wishes to provide a basic infrastructure for its citizens to hopefully thrive in

It is not 'redistribution'. Citizens pay taxes, lawmakers decide where they go and what they fund. Infrastructure, education, healthcare, etc., are what most citizens want. The redistribution part takes place when those funds are instead allocated to the military industrial complex or the prison industrial complex. Or when we give huge tax breaks to the rich and make the poor and middle-class pay for it.

The definition of redistribution is to take things away from one thing or person and give it to another. Come on man this is very basic
The top 1400 wealthiest families in America make (I have trouble saying they earn it) over 22% of all income generated in this country. They pay FAR LESS than 22% of all taxes levied on private citizens. I don't have exact figures because the IRS doesn't disseminate the information, but I'd be very surprised if they pay even 2% of all private taxes.

So maybe 'a lot'- but at the very same time, far less than their share. How else do they keep getting richer and richer while the rest of us are having more trouble than ever simply paying for our very basic needs?

Your education was publicly funded, by taxes. It's too bad you didn't get one. You ARE paying for it.

Wake up, we have a progressive tax system generally speaking.

In 2006, the latest available year from CBO, the top 20 percent of income earners paid 86.3 percent of all federal income taxes