Thanks! I've gone 160mph on that bike
I got tagged by a State trooper in Fla (going the opposite direction) in the early 80's on my Kaw Z-1 that MTC engineering punched to 1400 cc's doing a buck 58. It was early morning & I was only wearing jeans, tenners, a T-shirt & light jacket - and since I was going over the inter-coastal I had no where to go so I pulled over & put her on the kickstand. Several minutes later he comes blasting by me only to do a Starsky & Hutch 180 with smoke poring out of his wheel wells.
Pulls up behind me & puts me in the passenger side - "What the fuck are you going so fast for" & I say Cause I'm freezing & just want to go home (and I was).
He writes me a ticket for 84 mph & says "don't do that again, I'm being nice because you stopped"
I wish I still had that bike.
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