second grow: closet cfl/hps


Well-Known Member
i hope my plant is a girl
i had to ask yall about over watering
like in ur grow i think i rem ur plant showed a lil singns of that early on...
my plant gets drenched in rain almost every day or for like 3 days in a row :S:S:S but to me it looks healthy ... i worry about it being over watered and jus waiting to see signs of it but it never happens. like it rained all day yesterday and now she is out there leaves raised up towards the sun looking great. is over watering really that big or a prob or do ppl make it seem worse than it really is?


Active Member
Sweet man, I love seeing your sexy girls growing. They look like they are doing so well. I just switched mine to 12/12 yesterday. One is around 15 inches the other is around 12. For some reason over the past 2 weeks one just started growing fast as hell while the other has been slower but still looking really healthy. Any ideas? Also, what does everyone think the best flowering fertilizer is? Or what levels should I be looking for.


Well-Known Member
Just for you:hug:

Ill get more detailed shots right before they go to bed tonight, its hard to get good shots while they are under the light

like GK would say



Well-Known Member
its an ovation celebrity... and i love the color as well!

its like an emerald green with black overtones, so pretty ive had that gutar forever


Well-Known Member
damn good pics the hairs are taking over!!!!!!!!! :D thats amazing ....... its always good to take lots of pics of your beautiful ladies!


Well-Known Member
sorry for posting this here but i wanna ask u for help
my out door plant has a prob i topped it like 2 weeks ago
it is predominantly indica meaning 5 blade leaves
well after i topped it and growth resumed all the new leaves are gone back to 3 blade leaves........... y did it do this?
is it because it is starting to flower or did i stress the plant out topping it?


Well-Known Member
the number of blades on a leaf has nothing to do with whether its sativa or indica, fat leaves= indica and long skinny leaves= sativa

the 3 blade leaves are probably because the side chutes that have taken over as the main 2 stalks now arent mature enough for 5 leave blades, i think its okay if you dont get sum 5 blade leavs soon then i would worry but they should show up within the next two nodes or so