Rural America is the new "inner city"

Clinton mentioned it fairly regularly. The signal to noise ratio of this past election was too low for that kind of serious talk to get any attention. Between bogus "scandals" like But Benghazi! ™ and all of Trump's douchebaggery and treachery it all got drowned out.
Can you list a few or post a link?

I think Democratic Party abandonment of rural issues has officially come back to bite them in the ass in this most recent election.
"activist government intervention" Interesting term. I wonder how the people in Venezuela feel about that concept?
Another potato from you, huh?

Venezuela is a ridiculous case that people like you will always point to whenever faced with anybody (pretty much everybody) that does not buy into you ridiculously outdated "one man in his castle" worldview. It is sad you are so intellectually stunted and socially abnormal.
Another potato from you, huh?

Venezuela is a ridiculous case that people like you will always point to whenever faced with anybody (pretty much everybody) that does not buy into you ridiculously outdated "one man in his castle" worldview. It is sad you are so intellectually stunted and socially abnormal.
Thanks for posting this. The lightweight left just keep repeating right wing lies about Democrats as if they were truth. Despite the lightness of their thinking, the lightweight left is becoming a heavy lift for Democrats. Try to explain how to get things done in Washington to them and their brains seize up.

The next line is: "they knew they would lose so it's all just a sham anyway."
Your picture shows you.. At least I'm guessing your the black guy from your pic. Rubbing up against a man...... You're doing procreation wrong too pal. Need a bird for that. But if that's the kinda logic you will spread in your seed. Then I guess you should dump them on a next man's shit pile.

all things are possible through lord jesus, so i am just going to keep inseminating my boyfriend until he has a baby.

god has my back on this one.