

Well-Known Member
Hello all... so recently ive been getting interested in purchasing a pitbull pup.. I have done lots of research on weed so i figured id ask some of the people on here what they thought about the different types of pits... And is anyone new of pit breeders or anything like that... I know i can search online... its just something about someone knowing someone ya know?...

Thanks all


Well-Known Member
:) I ammmmmmm !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have apply'd for a liscence :) I want to save these poor animals...... :( I would love to have an american Pit Bull Terrier :) Woah.........


Well-Known Member
i know a couple of people over here who own them illegally they are really handsome dogs but they are a bit boisterous and they get big quick

skunky monkey

Active Member
Yeah im in uk, and have got a 2 year old bitch, she got big real fast, but is very good natured with kids and people who come to the house, there not all what people think they are [fighting dogs] treat them right and you've got a friend for life,


Well-Known Member
yeah ts all about how theyve been brought up one guy i know his pitbull is soft as clarts really really nice dog but another guy i know his pitbull is a monster killing cats all the time biting people


Well-Known Member
Be sure to check with your town/county and make sure it's legal to own a pitbull. They're illegal in my town which is why I don't have one. They are my favorite dog! Give your pitbull plenty of exercise and socialize it with lots of other dogs/people when it's young and it will be better adjusted.


Well-Known Member
<---- That's my son right there.

You have to keep them very well exercised. We take him out 3x daily to play ball. Just so he can run off some steam. Otherwise they get bored and destructive. Also make sure to train them properly. Establish who is the Alpha Immediately otherwise they will run all over you. They're very intelligent they'll pick up on what you want and how you want it done very quickly. ZeroTrans also said it best. Be sure to research if your city has BSL legislation or not. It might not make them any harder to get, but it will place a few extra rules on how you care for your animal. Like you may have to get them spayed or neutered. But unless you were planning on breeding why wouldn't you want to do that anyway? I live in Ontario, Canada and there is BSL legislation for the entire province. We just had the luck of adopting him through a group called Advocates for the Underdog and they adopt them under other breeds. Like my Guy is listed as "Patterdale Terrier/Lab" so we don't have to muzzle him. Although he was "Fixed".
But man you'll enjoy them. They're amazing dogs. Loyal, Intelligent, Strong, handsome, and sympathetic. Just make sure you treat them right, and you'll never have any problems. Oh AND SOCIALIZE THEM EARLY. With other people. Kids, Adults, able-bodied, and disabled. So they can get used to them, and know how to approach them properly. Moose will jump on able-bodied adults, but he will not jump on a disabled person or child. He knows the difference. Good luck. They're the best.


Well-Known Member
And other animals. Other dogs, Cats, fish, mice, reptiles, amphibians. I mean literally anything you can find. That way they won't be spooked and act out.


Well-Known Member
i used to have a red nose pit it stayed fairly short but it was all muscle.one of the best dogs i ever had.never bit anyone.


Well-Known Member
Biggravy your pit is adorable! My pit was hilarious. She'd lay on her back on the couch next to the cat and they'd stare at everything upside down. She was so good natured and friendly.

The bad rap is just like weed. People fear what they don't understand.


New Member
You better check with your home insurance first. I got dropped 10 years ago by mine for owning a Chow Chow dog. The company created a list of "bad breeds" and dropped everyone that had a dog that was even a partial of those breeds.

I would also be very careful where I bought the dog from. You have to remember than plenty of fools have been breeding dogs together for fighting ability and that changes the dogs genetics. Even if the dog that whelped the pups didn't fight, her ancestors may have and may have been bred because of fighting skill creating her and tossing those genes down to all future pups.

My neighbor lady's grandson has a pittbull that he brings over to her house sometimes. It is a funny dog really, bouncy and playful.


Well-Known Member
You better check with your home insurance first. I got dropped 10 years ago by mine for owning a Chow Chow dog. The company created a list of "bad breeds" and dropped everyone that had a dog that was even a partial of those breeds.
A very good point. Insurance company's HATE pitbulls.


Well-Known Member
I volunteer at the Humanes Society, there are many many pitts there. Most of them are there because of what MissHester was speaking of...the homeowners insurance companies. People are forced to place their dogs in a shelter because they are threatened from either being dropped by their insurance company, or, not being able to obtain insurance at all...Very sad.

If you are able to adopt one of these fine dogs, PLEASE, go to your shelter!! There are so many of them there that are in desperate situations to find a new loving home.


Well-Known Member
Biggravy your pit is adorable! My pit was hilarious. She'd lay on her back on the couch next to the cat and they'd stare at everything upside down. She was so good natured and friendly.

The bad rap is just like weed. People fear what they don't understand.
Exactly. They look at this muscular powerful dog, and they must be horrible.
Little do they know they're nothing more than 50 pound lap dogs. Essentially they just love to be loved. Thank you...he's a handsome devil...and he knows it. He gives you the "eyes" and he knows you're done. lol


Well-Known Member
I volunteer at the Humanes Society, there are many many pitts there. Most of them are there because of what MissHester was speaking of...the homeowners insurance companies. People are forced to place their dogs in a shelter because they are threatened from either being dropped by their insurance company, or, not being able to obtain insurance at all...Very sad.

If you are able to adopt one of these fine dogs, PLEASE, go to your shelter!! There are so many of them there that are in desperate situations to find a new loving home.

That's how I got moose. I was always the type who wanted the New dog as opposed to the Used Dog. Now im a huge advocate of adopting. We'd like to adopt our next dog as well. To be honest...makes you feel good to help an animal in distress.


Well-Known Member
Ah man, I love hearing that!!! Good for you!!!! It does feel good, you are saving a life after all. I really wish more people would do it! Spread the word, everytime someone tells you how beautiful Moose is (which he is!) tell them where you got him.

Anyone thinking of getting a new addition to your family, no matter what breed, PLEASE ADOPT from your local shelter...:peace:
That's how I got moose. I was always the type who wanted the New dog as opposed to the Used Dog. Now im a huge advocate of adopting. We'd like to adopt our next dog as well. To be honest...makes you feel good to help an animal in distress.


New Member
My current dog came from our local dog pound. She's my good girl and she is so loving (golden retriever).

There are insurance companies that insure on a case by case basis, I had to search for one of those. My dog (chow chow) hadn't bit anyone yet he was labeled "bad". Meanwhile the neighbors dalmation bit everyone that came in their yard and they didn't lose their insurance. what a crock of shit.


Well-Known Member
The "BAD" breeds according to bankrate.com:

The Akita is a powerfully built dog originally developed to hunt bears in Japan, where it now is primarily used as a guard dog and police dog. The Japanese view the animal as a symbol of good health; upon a baby's birth, its parents often receive an Akita statuette to signify the giver's wish for the child's long and happy life. Helen Keller is credited with bringing Akitas to the United States and the breed was first registered by the American Kennel Club in 1972. It is a member of the club's working group.
Alaskan Malamute
Alaskan Malamutes are among the oldest Arctic sled dogs. They were named after the native Inuit tribe called Mahlemuts, who settled in the upper western part of Alaska and who are thought to have developed the dogs to serve as a pack animal. The Malamute is an incredibly strong breed and puppies begin sled training as young as three to five months. The American Kennel Club first registered the Alaskan Malamute in 1935 and it is a member of the club's working group.
Chow Chow
The Chow Chow lineage dates back more than 2000 years. The ancient Chinese bred these dogs to hunt, herd, pull freight and protect homes, but today the Chow is primarily a companion dog. Owners extol the animal's intelligence, dignity and loyalty. Even non-dog folks know this breed because of its distinctive blue-black tongue. Fuzzy Chow puppies become powerful and independent dogs in just a few months, so it is a breed best suited to an experienced owner. First recognized by the American Kennel Club in 1903, the Chow is member of the club's non-sporting group.
Doberman Pinscher
Doberman Pinschers combine a graceful appearance with a sharp intelligence. They are strong, quick-thinking dogs with an ability to respond immediately to danger, making them one of the most reliable of all dogs. While the canine is easy to teach, breed specialists warn that owners who do not have time to properly train a Doberman should consider a different pet. First recognized by the American Kennel Club in 1908, the Doberman is a member of the working group.
German Shepherd
This breed is known for its courage, steadfastness and keen senses. German Shepherds have proved to be canine companions that delight in joining their owners on long drives, fishing trips, swimming or hiking. The breed generally exhibits a self-confidence and aloofness that doesn't lend itself to immediate friendships. However, say owners, once a Shepherd gets to know you, it is a wonderful addition to any family. The American Kennel Club, which first recognized this breed in 1908, places the German Shepherd in its herding group.
Pit Bull
Commonly called the American Pit Bull, these dogs are loved by their intensely loyal owners but feared by many who know them mainly as fighting animals. The dogs share some characteristics of the American Kennel Club-recognized Bull Terrier and Staffordshire Bull Terrier breeds. The Pit Bull makes the hard-to-insure list in part because of what some owners cite as its history of being selectively bred specifically to create the ultimate canine gladiator.
Presa Canario
The American Kennel Club does not officially register the Perro de Presa Canario, but the breed has been accepted for recording in the AKC's Foundation Stock Service. A medium sized, well-built dog, the breed originated in the Canary Islands. Fans of the breed say its powerful shape and low deep bark make it a natural guard dog, but that is also is a loyal, eager-to-please pet who is quiet and subdued in his own home.
The Rottweiler is an intelligent, steady friend, but is rather aloof, which contributes to its strong guarding instinct. The breed's actual origin is not documented, but it is believed Rottweilers are descended from one of the drover dogs indigenous to ancient Rome. It is a medium-large, robust and powerful dog, with a black coat defined with rust markings. The breed loves exercise and thrills to the challenges of any outdoor sports. A member of the American Kennel Club's working group, Rottweilers were first recognized by the AKC in 1931.
Siberian Husky
As its name denotes, this breed is native to Siberia, with the first North American Huskies brought to Alaska in 1909. They are outgoing, fun-loving dogs with a nature to roam as their Arctic ancestors did. That means the breed needs an alert owner who stays in control -- and who has a fenced yard. The Husky resembles the Alaskan Malamute, but is lighter in build and also less bold. The Siberian Husky was first registered by the American Kennel Club in 1930 and is a member of the club's working group.
Staffordshire Bull Terrier
The Staffordshire Bull Terrier, a highly-intelligent dog, looks forward to daily exercise to maintain his characteristic lean-muscled look. The breed generally is a sweet-tempered and affectionate, but its tenacity and strength, including powerful jaws that demand heavy-duty chew toys, require an experienced owner. The Staffordshire Bull Terrier was first recognized by the American Kennel Club in 1974 and is a member of the terrier group.
Wolf hybrid
Owners of these canines prefer the term Wolfdog, noting that dogs were reclassified in 1993 as a subspecies of wolf so wolves and dogs are the same species. Critics of the breed, which is not recognized by the American Kennel Club, argue that the animals are unpredictable, dangerous, make poor pets and are impossible to inoculate against rabies. Fans say the Wolfdog is a good companion and helps educate the public about wolves. Ownership of the animals is illegal in some areas.