How many ways can you spell 'payoff'? The Obama book deal


Well-Known Member
accelerated the deficit
wrong again. are you always this factually incorrect? must suck being you

Annual federal deficits hit $1.4 trillion in fiscal year 2009. As we’ve documented elsewhere, Obama inherited most of that deficit and signed spending measures that contributed, at most, $203 billion to FY 2009’s red ink.

Since then, the yearly deficits have declined markedly. In fiscal year 2015, which ended last Sept. 30, the deficit was $438 billion, a drop of 69 percent from FY 2009.


Well-Known Member
Fact: If you believe that Marx and Engels are right, then the wants, needs, free speech, right to bear arms, desires, liberty, privacy rights, and private property rights are but mere luxuries afforded to certain individuals, and let's the government decide who " deserves what.." Our Constitution says otherwise, and goes out of its way in extreme ways to protect the RIGHTS OF THE INDIVIDUAL. PERIOD. If you disagree, that's your opinion, but it's definitely not backed by Constitutional authority.


Well-Known Member
Show me the proof. Also, feel free to show me all the spending cuts he used to balance the budget. Or, as he promised, cut it in half! I'll be be here waiting.


Well-Known Member
Show me the cuts! Show me how he cut the deficit in half! If you think you can just send some bullshit link this way while EVERY OTHER MEASURE says the opposite, you're in fantasyland. It's a lie and KNOW IT!!


Well-Known Member
Btw, I'm not a Trump cheerleader, I have no idea where he really stands on anything. Who knows what will even happen with Gorsuch. Nobody can predict.


Well-Known Member
All I know for sure is, I'm against you liberals that want to make America another third world country with your Marxist bullshit.....


Well-Known Member
One of you "people" (and I use that term very kindly) said that liberalism was the "natural logical conslusion" to "political evolution." What a crock of sh*t. If you're happy surrendering all private property, , privacy, free speech, and 2nd Amendment rights, then socialism isn't compatible with those values. It's a nice idea. Really. Almost as good as Huxley's 1984 , but look where it ends up. Human drones, only cogs in the machine. Individuality, private property, freedom, liberty, and free speech are either suppressed or "neutralized entirely.


Well-Known Member
Fact: If you believe that Marx and Engels are right, then the wants, needs, free speech, right to bear arms, desires, liberty, privacy rights, and private property rights are but mere luxuries afforded to certain individuals, and let's the government decide who " deserves what.." Our Constitution says otherwise, and goes out of its way in extreme ways to protect the RIGHTS OF THE INDIVIDUAL. PERIOD. If you disagree, that's your opinion, but it's definitely not backed by Constitutional authority.
Straw man argument; YOU brought up Marxism, YOU show how it applies. I'm done playing that game because Mr Obama isn't a Marxist any more than you're an expert in political science.


Well-Known Member
One of you "people" (and I use that term very kindly) said that liberalism was the "natural logical conslusion" to "political evolution." What a crock of sh*t. If you're happy surrendering all private property, , privacy, free speech, and 2nd Amendment rights, then socialism isn't compatible with those values. It's a nice idea. Really. Almost as good as Huxley's 1984 , but look where it ends up. Human drones, only cogs in the machine. Individuality, private property, freedom, liberty, and free speech are either suppressed or "neutralized entirely.
Karl Marx said that. We didn't say that.

Nice try.

You really don't know shit about economics, budgets, political science or how American government works.

In other words, you're the perfect dupe for those who do and want to manipulate you into voting against your own best interests.

And you're getting emotional. Calm down.


Well-Known Member
One of you "people" (and I use that term very kindly) said that liberalism was the "natural logical conslusion" to "political evolution." What a crock of sh*t. If you're happy surrendering all private property, , privacy, free speech, and 2nd Amendment rights, then socialism isn't compatible with those values. It's a nice idea. Really. Almost as good as Huxley's 1984 , but look where it ends up. Human drones, only cogs in the machine. Individuality, private property, freedom, liberty, and free speech are either suppressed or "neutralized entirely.
show conservatives logic and facts and they run for cover like cockroaches when you turn on a light.

guess i'm done schooling you today kid?


Well-Known Member
Show me the cuts! Show me how he cut the deficit in half! If you think you can just send some bullshit link this way while EVERY OTHER MEASURE says the opposite, you're in fantasyland. It's a lie and KNOW IT!!
Hey- why don't you tell us why it was okay for Dubbya to turn a $250 billion a year surplus into a half trillion dollar deficit, all to pay for huge tax cuts for the richest in society?

Until you can justify that, stop yapping about Obama administration and anything they did in terms of fiscal policy.
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