Oregon Elite Seeds

I'd love to buy more female seeds but it seems that most seed makers are hippie dumbasses with irrational fears of them. It's one of the grower myths that's never going to die.

I've made half a dozen orders from OES. The one thing that pisses me off about the site is you have to open up a product just to see that it is out of stock. Either hide out of stock SKUs or put the out of stock status on the listings.

Wow, so much there anger buddy. The reason ACTUAL seed breeders mainly choose to produce regular seed is for the genetic integrity of the progeny. Even with modern femming techniques utilizing colloidal silver, etc, you're still selecting plants that are genetically predisposed to throwing male flowers. I think fem seeds are great if you can only grow a limited number of plants as is the case in some states. But most experienced growers, especially on the west coast (ya know, those hippie dumasses you spoke of) where all of your favorite strains were originally bred, still prefer to grow regular seeds. I know it can be scary for some folks who have never sexed a plant before, but it's a very simple process. There is so much BS happening to the gene pool of this plant due to people's laziness. It's not a myth. It's science. So you should be a little less dismissive towards those who created the strains you're smoking everyday. Cause they sure as he'll didn't do it using reversed/feminized seeds. My two cents.
I'd love to buy more female seeds but it seems that most seed makers are hippie dumbasses with irrational fears of them. It's one of the grower myths that's never going to die.

I've made half a dozen orders from OES. The one thing that pisses me off about the site is you have to open up a product just to see that it is out of stock. Either hide out of stock SKUs or put the out of stock status on the listings.
I cant............im trying to see if they can.....what I was doing was just removing them once sold out.......but that screws up inventory if someone doesn't come threw with payment it wont restock that item..........so down the road I have 10k in gear is not online
The reason ACTUAL seed breeders mainly choose to produce regular seed is for the genetic integrity of the progeny. Even with modern femming techniques utilizing colloidal silver, etc, you're still selecting plants that are genetically predisposed to throwing male flowers. I think fem seeds are great if you can only grow a limited number of plants as is the case in some states. But most experienced growers, especially on the west coast (ya know, those hippie dumasses you spoke of) where all of your favorite strains were originally bred, still prefer to grow regular seeds.

I'm sorry but you're spreading myths. Making female seeds with silver has no impact on the genetics whatsoever. The reversed parent isn't genetically predisposed to make male flowers any more than any other plant, it happens through the inhibition of ethylene. Neither are the progeny any more likely to show intersex traits, just as person who breaks their arm isn't any more likely to have chlidren with broken arms.

I'd be happy to apologize and admit I'm wrong if you, or anyone else, can explain how reversing a female and using it's pollen to make seeds changes the genetics. In fact, seeds made using pollen from a female are indistinguishable from the half of seeds from regular pollen that produce females. There is no test possible to distinguish them because they are exactly the same. Can you explain what difference there is between a "fem" seed and a regular seed that produces a female? I bet you can't because there is none.

"most experienced growers" is Bro Science, bro. My bro doesn't touch fem seeds and his weed is fire! That's all the evidence the femphobes have. My bro got tons of hermies with fems!! My bro the west coast breeder. \/\/ westside

There is so much BS happening to the gene pool of this plant due to people's laziness. It's not a myth. It's science.
Can you cite some of this science? The reality is you cannot even describe a plausible mechanism for female seeds to be different from regulars. There is no science, it's made up hippy dippy B.S. from people who fear things they don't understand.

Finally it's not laziness. Being able to directly observe the female flowering characteristics of both parents greatly increases the power of your selection. For this reason, female seeds are potentially better than regulars, especially because most male selection is dubious at best.
maybe my math is wrong. bought it 2007 for $10K, sold it 22 months later for $40K.

since you seem to be a bit slow, if i can't find fems on the site and don't want to go thru every seed on it to find an F or a f or a FEM, it actually did stop me from buying from him. maybe repeat what you said for a third time and it will become true?

seems like you are a bit sweet on this guy up in oregon? maybe you'd like to pollinate his flower??
if you know what your doing..........hence the breeder then you would know who does FEMS and who doesn't and then YOU would know what to look for....or just ask I will let you know who to look at
I cant............im trying to see if they can.....what I was doing was just removing them once sold out.......but that screws up inventory if someone doesn't come threw with payment it wont restock that item..........so down the road I have 10k in gear is not online

I feel you, it's super hard to chose a site/cart. Theres so many choices, switching is painful, and unless you're an expert who doesn't need the service you never know if it's really a good fit for your business or if there are bad things hiding until long after its too late.
I'm sorry but you're spreading myths. Making female seeds with silver has no impact on the genetics whatsoever. The reversed parent isn't genetically predisposed to make male flowers any more than any other plant, it happens through the inhibition of ethylene. Neither are the progeny any more likely to show intersex traits, just as person who breaks their arm isn't any more likely to have chlidren with broken arms.

I'd be happy to apologize and admit I'm wrong if you, or anyone else, can explain how reversing a female and using it's pollen to make seeds changes the genetics. In fact, seeds made using pollen from a female are indistinguishable from the half of seeds from regular pollen that produce females. There is no test possible to distinguish them because they are exactly the same. Can you explain what difference there is between a "fem" seed and a regular seed that produces a female? I bet you can't because there is none.

"most experienced growers" is Bro Science, bro. My bro doesn't touch fem seeds and his weed is fire! That's all the evidence the femphobes have. My bro got tons of hermies with fems!! My bro the west coast breeder. \/\/ westside

Can you cite some of this science? The reality is you cannot even describe a plausible mechanism for female seeds to be different from regulars. There is no science, it's made up hippy dippy B.S. from people who fear things they don't understand.

Finally it's not laziness. Being able to directly observe the female flowering characteristics of both parents greatly increases the power of your selection. For this reason, female seeds are potentially better than regulars, especially because most male selection is dubious at best.

Sounds like I struck a nerve. Listen friend, you are fully entitled to your opinions regarding fem seeds. But your views are just that. Opinions. If you really wish to debate this with me, I'm more than happy to oblige.

I received my botany undergrad from UC Davis in the late nineties. After which I began working for a large commercial cannabis operation in Mendo, where we were doing selection work for multiple Dutch breeders who were just getting into the feminized seed game. This is right around the time colloidal silver became popular as a method of reversal. Prior to this, it was gibberillic acid and rodelazation. What we observed in our experiments was that certain females simply won't reverse, no matter what. In order to make a reverse male you first need a female with a GENETIC PREDISPOSITION TO INTERSEX. Without this trait, you can spray a plant all day and not see one male flower. That is science science.. Not BRO science my friend. Now silver is probably the BEST method out there for making fems. You are less likely to see intersex traits in offspring produced this way, but it is still lurking under the surface. Make no mistake. Just ask anyone with experience growing any of Greenhouse seeds genetics for example. Some herm, some don't. Not hating on them btw, just speaking from experience.

Like I said before, I don't have any problem with fem seeds. They have their place. Especially for folks not 100% comfortable sexing their plants, growing in a closet, or who are limited by plant count. But if you are seeking stable genes for breeding for instance, or a commercial crop where an intersex plant gone unnoticed can spell disaster, then your best bet are regs. Again, speaking from experience.

And just for the record, so we're clear, I never said that spraying a plant with colloidal silver alters the genetics in any way. It's the selection of the plants that easily reverse using this method that creates issues. That's not to mention the bottleneck factor that comes into play when selfing a clone in this manner, which can inadvertently unlock undesired recessive traits. These are the things about fems I take issue with.
maybe my math is wrong. bought it 2007 for $10K, sold it 22 months later for $40K.

since you seem to be a bit slow, if i can't find fems on the site and don't want to go thru every seed on it to find an F or a f or a FEM, it actually did stop me from buying from him. maybe repeat what you said for a third time and it will become true?

seems like you are a bit sweet on this guy up in oregon? maybe you'd like to pollinate his flower??

Lol so you did no work but want to take all the credit. Once again here is why I dont believe your story. 1) you can't do a Lil bit of work to find fem seeds out of a site with 25 breeders or so

2) if you can't do an hours worth of research on seeds then there's no way in hell you ran any kind of business let a lone sell for a profit.

3) you bought a business for 10k no you bought a hobby.

Let me end by saying this 75% of businesses fail with in 2 years so you want us to profit believe that you operated a business and made a profit in the same two years that a 100% of businesses are trying to survive, yeah OK. then let's ponder this. Let's say that you did do what you said you did and sold for a profit of 30k that still breaks down to about 15k a year which is minimum wage funds so who is the slow one? You can call names or what ever you want I just call BS when I see it.
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Dear god! Why was my post removed this time?

Oh yeah any negetive feedback and you have this thread edited heavily. Lol

Free seeds if you stroke tobys ego or post here that you didn't get any. Otherwise you will be charged top dollar and receive nothing for free! Lol

Hurry run to sunni and have her delete this.

@OregonEliteSeeds why is it so hard for you to make nice with me? You acted like you could give two shits about me when I tried to order twice. All you do is keep acting like an azz to me. Why not be cool and make good? Just curious seeing as you portray yourself as a kind "for the community" guy. But all tou have done to me is throw salt. Why?
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If you really wish to debate this with me, I'm more than happy to oblige.

I'm sorry, I didn't see anything resembling what you describe as "science science" in your post, just things that could be paraphrased as "me and my bros at the commercial grow op chucked some female pollen and some wouldn't reverse, therefore you're selecting for herms" and "ask any bros who have grown Greenhouse."

It would be a great benefit to everyone if you could start a new thread where you could enlighten us with this science you referred to, instead of littering the OES thread. Since I'm assuming you didn't publish, you could start by informally describing the "experiments" which let you claim that making female seeds is actually "selecting plants that are genetically predisposed to throwing male flowers" when not trying to reverse a female. I don't think the observation that you were unable to get some females to reverse lets us reach that conclusion.

Normally I don't really care what people want to believe because it doesn't have any affect on me. This myth hurts though and not just because I have to sort through useless males. Some consumers are scared off, reducing demand for female seeds. Many breeders/seed-makers buy into it and don't produce female seeds. Because selecting males for female flower traits is time consuming and labor intensive, whereas selecting females is far easier and tens of thousands of non-breeding growers are selecting females every day and creating a pool of "elites," the quality available seeds suffers when breeders eschew "fems." Just look at the vast majority of "regular breeders" offerings: dozens of elites found by other non-breeding growers hit with the same male of unknown provenance. Breeders don't talk at all about their male selection, except for the ones who would be embarrassed by it if they weren't so clueless, even though the male selection is probably the only thing that distinguishes them from other breeders. It's not like selection is a secret, it's just hard, time consuming work. When finding a great parent is so much work, you work with fewer, likely inferior parents.

Finally, my bro grew seeds from TGA, DJ Short, Mr. Nice, Aficionado, and Bodhi and they all shot nanners. Unknown Prohpet's S1's of a strain notorious for intersex, GG#4, did not. Too bad the plural of "anecdote" isn't "data."