How long have you been high?

Writing code while high is a bad idea.
I've had some of my best ideas stoned as a goat, but it's wise to sober up before implementing anything.
Depends on what I'm doing. If I'm building something or painting a car or something of the sort I do better work if I toke up.

I generally don't get high when doing dangerous or important work for others.

To be honest though, I never cared much for being blazed out of my head.

I mainly use it as medicine. Different strains and routes of administration depending on ailment.

On the days that I do smoke all day its a couple hits at a time. Pain starts to come back, couple more tokes.

Not to say that I don't get high as a kite every once in a while, mainly after the kids are in bed.
Depends on what I'm doing. If I'm building something or painting a car or something of the sort I do better work if I toke up.

I generally don't get high when doing dangerous or important work for others.

To be honest though, I never cared much for being blazed out of my head.

I mainly use it as medicine. Different strains and routes of administration depending on ailment.

On the days that I do smoke all day its a couple hits at a time. Pain starts to come back, couple more tokes.

Not to say that I don't get high as a kite every once in a while, mainly after the kids are in bed.
I am really into edibles and strain makes a HUGE difference in effect. Lately I've been making two different types of cannabutter -- AM & PM (sativa/indica).
That sounds horrible...
lol, i double dose for depositions and dr visits. lol. oh wait, the only dr i see is the cannabis dr. once a year .lol. Some people live in pain . I live ! How else would i do my lawyers and drs job ? lol. fuck , follow drs and lawyers advise and its "make a will fast" . fuck that . drs just offered me certain swift deatbh ,pain , suffering and wanting to kill myself daily . Now that sucks !!!! everyone ive ever seen dies from multipul systems atrophy and acute toxic phenol poisening . Not me . I turned that shit around. lol. my backs been fucked up from deformaties and such since 17. Now i sit on comfort at 57 . yeah.but its not because of weed at all really. lol. it just helped spasms. not the pain . Life is more than wishing to sit up !!
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I am really into edibles and strain makes a HUGE difference in effect. Lately I've been making two different types of cannabutter -- AM & PM (sativa/indica).
Lol. Yea. I remember when I first started making edibles. First batch, nothing. Second batch I ate a cookie. Waited an hour, ate another. Wait another hour, ate another. Big mistake. I didn't know it could take so long to kick in.

It was uncomfortable and almost a bit scary.
I can seem to do edibles anymore... They upset my stomach... Not to mention I have eaten enough cannabis butter to choke a horse... I think if I have to taste it one more time i'll puke...

There's a good chance I am trading a bowie knife for a nice bong to night, so I'm all excited... I also ordered a cheap $13.oo vaping pen to see if I can get into it before I spend the big bucks...

Do a lot of you here frequent the dispensaries? I can afford to go there... I get top shelve from my grower for a 100 bucks a oz... On a bad day... On a good he'll throw me 2 or 3 oz's for the same price... Just depends on his mood I guess...
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That's cool.

How many dicks can you fit up your butt though?

(At the same time)
I'm 66 and retired now... I am trying and hoping to stay out of a wheel chair... You people who work won't get this, but when you can't work and your back dictates every moment in your life... There's not much left then mind numbing TV... To have no responsibilities is a hard way to live... You start to feel useless and you start thinking what's the use of living... I had my retirement all planned... I have played guitar for fifty years now and I vowed to get perficient on it... I also have studied theology for fifty years and I have a $1,000.oo worth of books I was going to cross reference... I pick up a guitar and it bores me... Hell! I have been playing for fifty years GIVE IT A BREAK! I pick up a book on theology and I feel like I reading the same stuff over and over again... So I sit and watch TV...
My wife was after me for years to get a hobbie... I was reminiscing about when I was a kid and I had captured a California Kingsnake... I loved that thing and to make a long story, I now have 6 snakes... Now I have some responsibilities and a hobbie... I love my guys... I have a different rapport going with each one of them... Their way cool and a lot of fun...
These no doubt about smoking pot the way I do, is not for everyone... It will steal your ambitions and you will not achieve much in life... But for me it has been a God sent... It is the least of all the evils... I don't know if I would want to continue without it...

I don't know bout dicks but pretty sure he just said he can fit 6 snakes in his butt.

I'm kidding. It was right fucking there for the taking though, can you blame me?