Led shed


Well-Known Member
Wife mentioned something about them only absorbing water from the bottom of the leaves. This bs or is it how you do it? Bottom is a serfice too I'm confused.


Well-Known Member
Well looks like I have been watering our plants with straight acid 4.0 on every mix we use so far. So how do I tell what my soil ph is? Or do I just start flushing the shit out of every thing and start over?


Active Member
To find out my coco ph I water until I get runoff and ph the runoff. Soil is different than coco, but for coco I need 5.5-6.5 ph. My nute mix is 6.3-6.4ish, and my runoff is 5.5-5.7ish, so thats perfect, and I don't even need to adjust my nutes ph :bigjoint:

For soil I believe you want a higher ph, but I don't see why you wouldn't be able to check the ph the same way.

http://www.growweedeasy.com/ph and http://www.growweedeasy.com/adjust-ph-organic-marijuana helped me figure out ph a lot better


Well-Known Member
Does not look like We are going to be able to work on lights tonight. we will get some pictures up of them when we got all the engines put together. lol there's a trick to gettin that dam cob in place just right under the holder.


Well-Known Member
Well looks like I have been watering our plants with straight acid 4.0 on every mix we use so far. So how do I tell what my soil ph is? Or do I just start flushing the shit out of every thing and start over?
soil is a natural buffer too mate that ph 4 won't be half as bad when it goes in your medium. PH from now on. But soil isn't too flushable a medium


Well-Known Member
Well looks like I have been watering our plants with straight acid 4.0 on every mix we use so far. So how do I tell what my soil ph is? Or do I just start flushing the shit out of every thing and start over?
as pH goes, its logarithmic. pH5 is 10x stronger in H+ concentration than pH6. pH4 is 10x stronger than pH5. pH4 is probably the limit of anything you want to give the plants directly. pH5 is safer. i havent used soil in a long time but there are cheap pH probe meters, im not sure what tech they used but ill bet you can find a reasonably accurate soil pH meter for <$100