Democrat, Anthony Rendon, just shelved single-payer in California

The devil is in the details. Sure, I support the idea of single payer or universal healthcare coverage. Recall the mess made when the administration botched the roll out of health care exchanges. The scandal was one of the major contributors to Republican wins in the 2014 elections. Of course they helped make that mess but the egg was on Democratic leadership faces and the Democratic party was tarred for that mess. As a result the 24 million people who should be planning for better things are now at risk of losing health care coverage. The details matter.

So, yeah, California, get the ball rolling, get the debate moving and follow up with a solid, responsible, well thought out plan. it would be a bad joke on everybody who supports this idea if Democrats passed a 400 billion dollar health care bill without a thought of how to pay for it. That sounds more like something Republicans would do. Of course, their MO is always to remove billions from public spending without a thought of what the results would be. I guess it's easier to thoughtlessly remove funding than to thoughtfully redirect spending to a better healthcare system.
Yet they'll reproportion money to the military in a time of war.
I want to see a single payer system as much as anyone, but I also want them to get it right the first time. Imagine the fodder it would give Trump to point to if it crashes and burns?

If his opposition to this is genuine, I don't mind them tapping the brakes a bit and getting everything sorted out...
I don't really care what it causes Trump, his credibility was shot before he was ever elected and I'm sure he's on his way out.

Meanwhile, GOP isn't going in the direction of single payer, they are going in the direction of robbing the public under the guise of "remedial action."
Yet they'll reproportion money to the military in a time of war.
In a real war, not the drone strike police action we call war on terror, the money would be a lower concern than the risk of losing. In the healthcare analogy, for the 90%, not having coverage means going to war on a health issue by taking on debt. You can't afford to worry about debt if by not taking it on means the death of a loved one. While war isn't inevitable, healthcare issues are inevitable for everybody. Nobody should have to choose between impoverishment or suffering and death.
I don't really care what it causes Trump, his credibility was shot before he was ever elected and I'm sure he's on his way out.

Meanwhile, GOP isn't going in the direction of single payer, they are going in the direction of robbing the public under the guise of "remedial action."
I think we are talking about California. Trumpcare is the polar opposite of what CA is talking about. I think CA's actions are part of a trend in progressive states to take up actions that the feeble GOP led federal government are dropping. Healthcare access, eliminating use of fossil fuels, clean air and water and so forth. Progressive states understand the need to invest to grow. What this eventually would mean to the country could be really bad. That said, states who voted for Trump are forcing progressive states to look at what they can do in absence of rational federal government. Where this breaks down is clean air and water which know no boundaries. So, lawsuits, I guess.

Fuck Trump and the tards who put him in office.
I support no political affiliation. But come on 54% of the discretionary budget is used for the military. at almost 600 billion dollars, surely they can find some money to help make at least health care affordable for everyone.
You mean put defense back in military defense? Like close bases in foreign countries, end drone strikes and such? Then take the savings and plow it back into investments that truly help people. Healthcare, education, environment, stuff like that?

I mean, where does anybody do something like that?

Not in the US.

Most other places in the world, actually.

Not in Russia.
Hell wasn't some 20 or so years ago they shut down a bunch of bases in the states to save on the military budget. How did that go for them, has it helped reduce their budget. I don't think so!
Hell wasn't some 20 or so years ago they shut down a bunch of bases in the states to save on the military budget. How did that go for them, has it helped reduce their budget. I don't think so!
How many bases do we need for defense of US soil? In any case, the international ones are for defending corporate interests. fuck that. Close all foreign bases and bring people who work there home.

I fail to see what this has to do with California's health care initiative.
You mean put defense back in military defense? Like close bases in foreign countries, end drone strikes and such? Then take the savings and plow it back into investments that truly help people. Healthcare, education, environment, stuff like that?

I mean, where does anybody do something like that?

Not in the US.

Most other places in the world, actually.

Not in Russia.
The problem is we cant just take a crap on the Middle East and leave them holding the TP...
How many bases do we need for defense of US soil? In any case, the international ones are for defending corporate interests. fuck that. Close all foreign bases and bring people who work there home.

I fail to see what this has to do with California's health care initiative.
Well from the sounds, it seemed if the concerns were with funding. Just putting out there that are over bloated government could fund this with some common sense management of their resources.
Or just do what all our other allied countries are doing...

Use special forces snipers to cut the head off the snake.

Canadian Sniper got a kill at 2 miles recently.
The problem with that is, when you're dealing with ideology and COIN tactics, it's more like a hydra than a snake.

That was a good shot, though. Polite-ass Canucks actually employed their military effectively for once.

new here, but it looks like the same 5 people talking to eachother in every thread. kinda boring here in politics section. moving on