Universal Basic Income; 'bout time or batshit crazy?

$2000 x 326 million x 12 =$7.8 trillion
Target for tax revenue in 2016 was 3.5 trillion.

Who is going to pay it?
tax income over 400,000 a year and holdings over say a billion; that will cover it. the military budget should be on the table before the social security budget . i also propose making ubi around $1000 not 2000 if you are looking for easy money another way is to tax giant corporations.
Just thought id share Australias tax rate for anyone comparing. Under 18k no tax payable.

Current Resident Tax Rates 2017 - 2018
Taxable income Tax on this income
$0 – $18,200 Nil
$18,201– $37,000 19c for each $1 over $18,200
$37,001 - $87,000 $3,572 plus 32.5c for each $1 over $37,000
$87,001 - $180,000 $19,822 plus 37c for each $1 over $87,000
$180,001 and over $54,232 plus 45c for every $1 over $180,000

tax income over 400,000 a year and holdings over say a billion; that will cover it. the military budget should be on the table before the social security budget . i also propose making ubi around $1000 not 2000 if you are looking for easy money another way is to tax giant corporations.
A tax on holdings is a long shot. But high taxes on earnings over the first million. Tax on wages lower than tax on capital gains, investment income, real estate sales, etc. It ends up being an incentive to keep the money in the economy.
Just thought id share Australias tax rate for anyone comparing. Under 18k no tax payable.

Current Resident Tax Rates 2017 - 2018
Taxable income Tax on this income
$0 – $18,200 Nil
$18,201– $37,000 19c for each $1 over $18,200
$37,001 - $87,000 $3,572 plus 32.5c for each $1 over $37,000
$87,001 - $180,000 $19,822 plus 37c for each $1 over $87,000
$180,001 and over $54,232 plus 45c for every $1 over $180,000

But look at what Australians get for their investment in the common welfare.
But look at what Australians get for their investment in the common welfare.
o yea..and we also get the employer paying into our nominated private super fund and 4 weeks paid holiday pay. So that doesnt come out of the workers pocket.

Our Heath care levy adds another 2% to that figure (around about and without going into the ins and outs of accounting "stuff"). Well worth the 2% i might add for Free to end user heath care for the entire population
Where did you read that?
main page, in resources


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God bless the working man! That includes Woman working man too.

I love the United States of America the greatest country in the world.

550,000 people in the state of South Carolina are pensioners. That pension system is 27 billion in the red. Illinois is insolvent and probably much larger in terms of pensioners.

These folks put time in and they will not reap full benefit value. Now how is that Universal income thing looking now........
God bless the working man! That includes Woman working man too.

I love the United States of America the greatest country in the world.

550,000 people in the state of South Carolina are pensioners. That pension system is 27 billion in the red. Illinois is insolvent and probably much larger in terms of pensioners.

These folks put time in and they will not reap full benefit value. Now how is that Universal income thing looking now........
America is a great country, yet still an imperfect union. Making it better is an act of love, not hate. Love for our fellow Americans and for all of our children.

I'm not feeling the love from the upper class these days, so it's time to remind them that no one in America is better than anyone else.
Just thought id share Australias tax rate for anyone comparing. Under 18k no tax payable.

Current Resident Tax Rates 2017 - 2018
Taxable income Tax on this income
$0 – $18,200 Nil
$18,201– $37,000 19c for each $1 over $18,200
$37,001 - $87,000 $3,572 plus 32.5c for each $1 over $37,000
$87,001 - $180,000 $19,822 plus 37c for each $1 over $87,000
$180,001 and over $54,232 plus 45c for every $1 over $180,000

This would be a good schedule for America as well. I'd add one more; above one million, tax would be 2/3.
That is just the number of employed
$3.5 trillion divided by the number of employed means a tax income of about $11000 per person.

Paying every employed person $2000 per month will cost more than double your total current tax bill.
Stopping Corporate Welfare and making sure they pay their fair share goes a long way to covering that.

The massively increased spending power of the population has a feedback mechanism to it too, it's an interesting experiment and one worth doing.
America is a great country, yet still an imperfect union. Making it better is an act of love, not hate. Love for our fellow Americans and for all of our children.

I'm not feeling the love from the upper class these days, so it's time to remind them that no one in America is better than anyone else.

What are you doing to help the homeless? I have yet to see you start a thread about them. Do you even care?