I thought this page is for adults, not for crude kids... learn how communication is working, and learn how to read properly. The operator is asking for "best genetics for Jack Herer" and you recommand a strain, which has pretty less (to call it a positiv way) to do with Jack Herer, beside the name... Sensi never did the pheno hunting of Nev and Shanit, but claim a price, which is unnormal for this kind of work. Sensi hasn't breed anything good within the last 20 sears, it's like fast food, sometimes good to consume, but far away from superior, or healthy! But as a kid you are (otherwise you communication would show a little bit more education), I guess you don't know this time, and what a Jack Herer really was...
And my quote is Neville himself talking about Jack Herer/SSH/Diesel. The breeder of the strain we are talking about. Good you don't give a shit... stubborn childish mind :/
But from what I heared the OP has changed to Bodhi's gear, instead of growing Sensi's inferior stuff. Good job!