Attention, Republicunts:

Since you replied in less time than it takes to view just 1 of the videos I see you have an agenda and no matter what I say it will not cause you to grow brain cells, let alone engage them in critical thinking.
But if it makes your head hurt less to revert back to 3rd grade, it doesn't matter to me.
Didn't I just already say that?

Sorry, comrade. I'm not interested in your cool vids. I know what's going on. You have nothing to show me, skidmark.
i've never visited child pornography websites, unlike you.

you're too much of a pussy to post a picture of your "black" elbow, you'd cry like a little bitch if you were ever in combat.
I've never visited a child porn site either. I am also not going to post a picture of my black elbow you are a racist because my color should not even matter. Plus the DEA probably lurks especially since Jeffrey is trying to take out as many growers as possible but the vote is coming in August I believe.
you've repeatedly admitted to visiting websites with child pornography on them.

then why did you repeatedly bring up your supposed skin color?
Why do you bring up your supposed Jewery? Can you show a picture of your penis to make sure you don't have any foreskin?
Buckold , If you had something you'd post it.

So....for the interminably stupid-

and post the WHOLE post and not your deceptively edited version (screenshots are even better).

Or don't and let it be another example of you crafting history to your fantasy.

Let me help you by showing you how. Here's a pic of the last BCC get together:


So that's (L-R) you, Babaloo, and squeaky.
Oh.....and where is Babaloo, he?
I have this image of a naked eunuch hanging the ceiling w/ a stranglehold on a its strapon apparel.

Don't you kids get tired of being pwned by @tampee ?
Yup.....I liked the post. It was a good example of Talmudic racism (stupid goy).

Could you remind us what the word goy means?
You being jewish (by marriage) and all, I'm sure you have this encyclopedic knowledge of both the Torah and Talmud (shisha sedarim).

You are misrepresenting what I posted in though.
In the first place it was about a LIST of 100+ websites labeled as fake news. Some deserved it, some didn't.
You just seem to gravitate towards those which deserved it, but you love to visit.
<search dailystormer references by Buckold for proof>

Besides, I called YOU a creepy faggot and the estimation still stands. ;) assume I'm for Dumph because I'm against Hitlery and double standards.
But you probably still don't understand the US was set up to be a democratic republic and not a pure democracy while not having a clue of the difference between the 2.
But such fine distinctions are beyond your meager grasp as this thread proves.
Pretty sure you're under the wrong assumption that I'm a Democrat, which just serves to make you look more unintelligent.
Buckold, it's easy.


Just because you say it (or NYT, WaPo, HuffPo, CNN, etc.) doesn't mean it's true.