If it counts for you, it counts for me
huh im confused
drunk drobro is going to bed
wikid ily!
every one else SUCK A DICK with the exception of a few choice people (i dont think ill remeber this in the morning so take nothing i say seriously)except that
and that
and that
and that
and that

and that
morning people! =] just wanted to add to the biggest thread. i woke up (the Doc told me i got pnemonia) early as hell (is like 10 now but i woke up at 8 30...) but my day is almost complete. wake n baked, had sex =] and had some hot chocolate. its gonna be a good day =D but yep.
good deal miss! i just woke up, poured my self a cup of "hoffee" david hasselehoffs coffee ha and packed a bowl, no sext though! the girls at class! beat me there.