Ban white people

if black people can be racist, name all the systems of oppression they have implemented on white people in america then.
Saying black people can't be racist because they're deserving of special treatment is in itself a fairly racist view to hold...

Black and brown people need real equality, not to be told they can hold the very same type of views that fuck them over in the first place because they're "different"

Systems of oppression come as a result of racism in the first instance, why encourage/justify it in any ethnic group?

EDIT: This was for you @Fogdog too.
Having a victim mentality keeps people from upward mobility.
Indian and Asian immigrants are more successful than American whites because they believe in the American dream and don't blame other people. Nigerian immigrants are more successful than American born blacks for the same reason.
Now Bernie Sanders has convinced all the losers that Millionaires are to blame for their failures.

The only one that can hold you back in life is your own self. Everyone has obstacles and life isn't fair but envy and excuses are not empowering.
There is personal responsibility and then there is the responsibility one has to treat others in an appropriate manner. You've jumped to personal responsibility and attached blame to anybody who isn't successful on the basis of personal responsibility. That's your bag and you just focus on that if you like. It's a convenient cop-out but I'm familiar enough with you to know that you hold this belief dearly. It diminishes you, which is also fine with me.

I'm talking about responsibility one has to treat others in an appropriate manner. I'd say that excluding a person from a job because of his or her skin color does them harm and that's the malignant racism I've addressed. Denying that race influences decisions that harm other people's ability to thrive in this country doesn't make it go away.
There is personal responsibility and then there is the responsibility one has to treat others in an appropriate manner. You've jumped to personal responsibility and attached blame to anybody who isn't successful on the basis of personal responsibility. That's your bag and you just focus on that if you like. It's a convenient cop-out but I'm familiar enough with you to know that you hold this belief dearly. It diminishes you, which is also fine with me.

I'm talking about responsibility one has to treat others in an appropriate manner. I'd say that excluding a person from a job because of his or her skin color does them harm and that's the malignant racism I've addressed. Denying that race influences decisions that harm other people's ability to thrive in this country doesn't make it go away.
@schuylaar denying someone a job based on name is wrong
I so agree.
We first must do away with institutionalize racism and that falls directly on the shoulders of white America.
Does that mean that black and brown people somehow "cannot be racist" though?

And I totally accept that enacting change falls mostly on the shoulders of white America but I'd like think we could carry it out all together and end the notion of "racial differences" altogether.
Yet Barack Hussein Obama got pretty far in life despite his name. Quit preaching victim mentality to what you view as the weaker race.
Why did you jump to victim mentality? What Buck just showed you was proof that people are harming others based on race. That's causing real problem in this country. I'm talking about civil behavior towards each other and not your bullshit morality play.
Does that mean that black and brown people somehow "cannot be racist" though?

And I totally accept that enacting change falls mostly on the shoulders of white America but I'd like think we could carry it out all together and end the notion of "racial differences" altogether.
Give me an example of your black and brown being racist and the reasoning behind it. Thanks and I really do mean Thanks
Give me an example of your black and brown being racist and the reasoning behind it. Thanks and I really do mean Thanks
Are we talking about black/brown racist institutions or are we talking about individually held beliefs?

I think lines are getting crossed here and confusion abounds.
Why did you jump to victim mentality? What Buck just showed you was proof that people are harming others based on race. That's causing real problem in this country. I'm talking about civil behavior towards each other and not your bullshit morality play.
I agree that an odd name is an impediment in life. But many people can overcome this and use obstacles as motivation. African immigrants from Nigeria are very successful in America despite having more disadvantages than American born blacks.
I'm only trying to explain why the more disadvantaged, the black immigrant or Indian immigrant or the Asian immigrant can be more successful than a lazy white American.
I'm not denying racism. I'm saying a person's ability to overcome those obstacles come from within. Ghandhi didn't even own a suit but was able to influence a billion people and overpower the British Empire through the power of thought and persuasive words.

Do you ever say anything that isn't complete horse shit?


Saying black people can't be racist because they're deserving of special treatment is in itself a fairly racist view to hold...

Black and brown people need real equality, not to be told they can hold the very same type of views that fuck them over in the first place because they're "different"

Systems of oppression come as a result of racism in the first instance, why encourage/justify it in any ethnic group?

EDIT: This was for you @Fogdog too.
i didn't see you name a single system of oppression set up by black people to keep whites down. so thanks for conceding i am right.
Are we talking about black/brown racist institutions or are we talking about individually held beliefs?

I think lines are getting crossed here and confusion abounds.
Well if we are being completely honest you would have to admit a black/brown mans individual beliefs is due to his past treatment and place in society, until you do away with institutional racism you cant even begin to discuss a black/brown individual beliefs. This country was built on fucking racism, seems to be cooked into the system now.
My point was that there's no space for racism in modern society, period.

Do you disagree?
Aren't you making the "All Lives Matter" argument that dilutes the real problem the Black Lives Matter movement is all about? I admit, the simple dictionary definition of racism doesn't include the power component that I am using. Technically according to the simple definition you are correct. It's just that in normal use, racism is applied to the problem in the US of some whites denying financial and social freedom to black and brown people that white people quite naturally expect for themselves. Racism is identified with that problem.

What I'm hearing from the black community is they don't care what people think, they just want to be able to move about and live in this society freely and enjoy the same rights as others. And not worry about a cop pulling their son over after he drives off to go visit a friend. I too don't care much what a person thinks, so long as they treat others appropriately. .
Well if we are being completely honest you would have to admit a black/brown mans individual beliefs is due to his past treatment and place in society, until you do away with institutional racism you cant even begin to discuss a black/brown individual beliefs. This country was built on fucking racism, seems to be cooked into the system now.
I can totally agree with that but still think that racism is wrong, regardless of the skin color of the racist or his past situation.

But yes, obviously addressing racist institutions is far more prudent than whether a black person thinks I'm a cracker or not.
Aren't you making the "All Lives Matter" argument that dilutes the real problem the Black Lives Matter movement is all about? I admit, the simple dictionary definition of racism doesn't include the power component that I am using. Technically according to the simple definition you are correct. It's just that in normal use, racism is applied to the problem in the US of some whites denying financial and social freedom to black and brown people that white people quite naturally expect for themselves. Racism is identified with that problem.

What I'm hearing from the black community is they don't care what people think, they just want to be able to move about and live in this society freely and enjoy the same rights as others. And not worry about a cop pulling their son over after he drives off to go visit a friend. I too don't care much what a person thinks, so long as they treat others appropriately. .
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