DIY 4x12 3500K/5000k lm561c two channel board

It's more like a chip on VW's shoulder and he indeed hasn't gotten rid of it. Doubt he ever can.

Death to all infidels
Don't get me wrong, but you have no idea what you are doing. I

I have been an electrical engineer for over 40 years, had my own manufacturing business for 20 of them.
You are correct in that he did not know what he was doing, but that's what's so good about this.

If you still think that this is a good design, then I am sorry for the people who send you money for this junk.

You should apologize, he pulled it off just fine. I am impressed and I am not easily impressed.
On the other hand it is you that was wrong.
Yet when a dangerous pretend guru i

Pretend? He was up front. It is you that is the sham. He did not need your useless advice. He got the job done. What have you accomplished other than being an annoying little gnat that think he's hot shit but turns out to be nothing more than just a warmed up turd. Just becasue you think you are right does not make it true. Quite the contrary. You owe the man an apology.

uess that's why it took him a year to understand that 10V PWM from an Arduino can be done without buying an additional 10V power source.

At least he learns, that is way more than anyone could say about you. Some people live and learn and some just live.
You can point out flaws without name calling
We can't see everything we're only human

You are the diplomat. In my humble opinion @wietefras is is a blight on this forum and incapable of taking the time to understand what someone is doing before attempting to cut them down. It is as if he and his CoB snob buddies are trying to run anyone that has something intelligent to contribute off this site they think is their domain. My guess is his mother did not love him and this caused him these insecurities he is exhibiting. So go easy on him for he knows not what he does.
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You should apologize, he pulled it off just fine. I am impressed and I am not easily impressed.
On the other hand it is you that was wrong.
Are you sure? How does this look to you?
He can be lucky, that the manufacturer redesigned his pcb, but is still far from the optimum. For example, do you see any reasonable solder points to connect the wires or why is there so many space between the copper traces instead filling them with copper for a better heat dissipation like any other manufacturer is doing it in their designs in products of this type. And the position of the drillings - omg.
Are you sure? How does this look to you?

Let's compare it to your board. Please post the gerbers for your board.

It looks damn good, especially for his first revision. The point being, it works regardless of where your mind wants to go with that. Face it you were wrong, just admit it. The six most important words in the English language: I was wrong, please forgive me.

o many space between the copper traces instead filling them with copper for a better heat dissipation

Do you understand this is a MCPCB? Obviously you do not understand that exposed copper is not going to do any good. The heat flow is through the metal core of the PCB.

What type of heat exchange would be at work with the extra copper? What would be the thermal flux flow path?

If you do not believe what I say go to the Texas Instruments Web Bench and simulate the thermal dynamics.
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You were rude, wrong
Rude? Maybe. But wrong? Never ever. I don't have to proof here anything. You are the pro, so tell me why an extra large copper surface isn't beneficial for the thermal transfer to the underlaying layers, the dielectric and the aluminium base. And as I said, that isn't the only design flaw.
Do you understand this is a MCPCB? Obviously you do not understand that exposed copper is not going to do any good. The heat flow is through the metal core of the PCB.
You're making a fool of yourself. Take your pills old man and go away. I'm out of here. :peace:
At this point what do you think you are known for?

He is known for building a board that works and making a contribution. The rest of you guys are so disgusting this site would be a much better place without the likes of you and your cronies.

Oh look it's @nogod rearing his ugly head. And notice those that Liked his post. gangrene707, @sethimus
@tomate and @wietefras
You're white punks on dope
Hang yourself when you get enough rope
You can't clean up, though you know you should
White punks on dope
I am disappointed that @Randomblame liked this post but I still like him.
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Let's compare it to your board. Please post the gerbers for your board.

It looks damn good, especially for his first revision. The point being, it works regardless of where your mind wants to go with that. Face it you were wrong, just admit it. The six most important words in the English language: I was wrong, please forgive me.

Do you understand this is a MCPCB? Obviously you do not understand that exposed copper is not going to do any good. The heat flow is through the metal core of the PCB.

What type of heat exchange would be at work with the extra copper? What would be the thermal flux flow path?

If you do not believe what I say go to the Texas Instruments Web Bench and simulate the thermal dynamics.

Regarding this, are there any recognised guidelines on how to set up adequate thermal vias?
It's really touching how you're standing up for someone after they've completely jumped the shark and made an ass of themself in front of dozens of people.

40 years of who gives a fuck and 20 of them spent doing no one here cares. Impressive.

Thanks for reminding me to put you on ignore with your other account.

He is known for building a board that works and making a contribution. The rest of you guys are so disgusting this site would be a much better place without the likes of you and your cronies.

Oh look it's @nogod rearing his ugly head. And notice those that Liked his post. gangrene707, @sethimus
@tomate and @wietefras
I am disappointed that @Randomblame liked this post but I still like him.