the fck is wrong with lumber prices?


Well-Known Member
You're so fucking retarded.

If the Allies hadn't split the German war machine into a fight on two fronts Russia would have easily fallen.

They were literally a cunt hair from disaster, whoever attempted to educate you in your youth was a fucking retard too apparently.

Lol, yeah he obviously doesn't know what happened in Stalingrad.


Well-Known Member
I don't really need to know how to cut lumber the guy who owns the portable sawmill knows how to make all the cuts. It will cost me a bit of lumber but I don't have to pay a dime, other than taxes that is.
What Kind of Lumber are you cutting when you need it?


Well-Known Member
Some of the comments on this thread defy belief.

For the record: my wife is Russian. She comes from a town called Nishny Novgorod. In the Soviet Union, it was known as Gorky. They built most of their aircraft there back in the day.

I've been to Russia many times. It is my home away from home. It is a beautiful, forbidding, gigantic nation. Its people are a wonderful, salt of the earth, inquisitive type with more intelligence in most cases than they know what to do with.

Tampee may be a sick, demented, perverted individual, but he does have a point: nobody, and I mean NOBODY, has ever beaten Russia on their home turf.

It is the only nation on this planet that can state that claim. (Yes, the United States has lost on its own soil. The war of 1812.)

People talk a lot of smack about Russia. Oddly, the Russians don't talk a lot of smack about us. They simply ask, "What's up with you Americans? Why are you such assholes? Why do you hate everybody?"

I have to tell them the truth: "Because we're ignorant, uneducated and we're such failures in life for the most part that we have to be hateful to others so that we feel better about ourselves."

That is always my response. Their response to that is always the same. A nod, a pat on the back, and free drinks on them. Then we talk about sports, cars, gardening, music, art and school.

Anybody that thinks the United States can just walk in and push Russia around is in for a very, very rude awakening. Should it ever come down to that, it's not going to be Americans outraged about 5,000 dead troops like we've seen since 9/11.

It will be hundreds of thousands. We will lose carriers, tanks, tons of aircraft, all of it. And even if we do manage to gain a foothold on Russian soil, it wont last. Russia has everything they need to fight forever. And they have one thing we don't: The Russian Winter that no army at any time in all of human history has ever overcome.

It would be a disaster of epic proportion for the U.S.


Well-Known Member
Some of the comments on this thread defy belief.

For the record: my wife is Russian. She comes from a town called Nishny Novgorod. In the Soviet Union, it was known as Gorky. They built most of their aircraft there back in the day.

I've been to Russia many times. It is my home away from home. It is a beautiful, forbidding, gigantic nation. Its people are a wonderful, salt of the earth, inquisitive type with more intelligence in most cases than they know what to do with.

Tampee may be a sick, demented, perverted individual, but he does have a point: nobody, and I mean NOBODY, has ever beaten Russia on their home turf.

It is the only nation on this planet that can state that claim. (Yes, the United States has lost on its own soil. The war of 1812.)

People talk a lot of smack about Russia. Oddly, the Russians don't talk a lot of smack about us. They simply ask, "What's up with you Americans? Why are you such assholes? Why do you hate everybody?"

I have to tell them the truth: "Because we're ignorant, uneducated and we're such failures in life for the most part that we have to be hateful to others so that we feel better about ourselves."

That is always my response. Their response to that is always the same. A nod, a pat on the back, and free drinks on them. Then we talk about sports, cars, gardening, music, art and school.

Anybody that thinks the United States can just walk in and push Russia around is in for a very, very rude awakening. Should it ever come down to that, it's not going to be Americans outraged about 5,000 dead troops like we've seen since 9/11.

It will be hundreds of thousands. We will lose carriers, tanks, tons of aircraft, all of it. And even if we do manage to gain a foothold on Russian soil, it wont last. Russia has everything they need to fight forever. And they have one thing we don't: The Russian Winter that no army at any time in all of human history has ever overcome.

It would be a disaster of epic proportion for the U.S.

Really? my friend married a Russian, she could barely open a car door.


Well-Known Member
Some of the comments on this thread defy belief.

For the record: my wife is Russian. She comes from a town called Nishny Novgorod. In the Soviet Union, it was known as Gorky. They built most of their aircraft there back in the day.

I've been to Russia many times. It is my home away from home. It is a beautiful, forbidding, gigantic nation. Its people are a wonderful, salt of the earth, inquisitive type with more intelligence in most cases than they know what to do with.

Tampee may be a sick, demented, perverted individual, but he does have a point: nobody, and I mean NOBODY, has ever beaten Russia on their home turf.

It is the only nation on this planet that can state that claim. (Yes, the United States has lost on its own soil. The war of 1812.)

People talk a lot of smack about Russia. Oddly, the Russians don't talk a lot of smack about us. They simply ask, "What's up with you Americans? Why are you such assholes? Why do you hate everybody?"

I have to tell them the truth: "Because we're ignorant, uneducated and we're such failures in life for the most part that we have to be hateful to others so that we feel better about ourselves."

That is always my response. Their response to that is always the same. A nod, a pat on the back, and free drinks on them. Then we talk about sports, cars, gardening, music, art and school.

Anybody that thinks the United States can just walk in and push Russia around is in for a very, very rude awakening. Should it ever come down to that, it's not going to be Americans outraged about 5,000 dead troops like we've seen since 9/11.

It will be hundreds of thousands. We will lose carriers, tanks, tons of aircraft, all of it. And even if we do manage to gain a foothold on Russian soil, it wont last. Russia has everything they need to fight forever. And they have one thing we don't: The Russian Winter that no army at any time in all of human history has ever overcome.

It would be a disaster of epic proportion for the U.S.
Agreed, except for me being sick and perverted, I haven't done anything other than fuck my wife for the past 9 years. The child porn shit is not something I ever looked at, I was actually complaining about it but Buck tried to turn it around.


Well-Known Member
Agreed, except for me being sick and perverted, I haven't done anything other than fuck my wife for the past 9 years. The child porn shit is not something I ever looked at, I was actually complaining about it but Buck tried to turn it around.

It was actually because you said you were on a site with links to it, ie. a child pornography site.

You're the sort of criminal the President should be going after, not Muslim and black AMERICANS.


Well-Known Member

It was actually because you said you were on a site with links to it, ie. a child pornography site.

You're the sort of criminal the President should be going after, not Muslim and black AMERICANS.
"it was an accident"..."I was shopping for black market jujubees and stumbled on some kiddie porn"

Nobody else has accidentally stumbled on kiddie porn sites. Nobody believes that for a minute.