If you Voted for Bernie Sanders or wrote him in or

Nah, TTY voted for Hillary.
True enough. The rest of the world was grading us on our choice in the election;
Bernie was the A
Hillary was the C
Donald Schmuck was the failing grade...

I voted for Bernie in the primary.
I voted for Hillary in the general.
Now I'm working to drag the Democrats away from their donor trough, kicking and screaming as necessary, because someone needs to actually represent the rest of us.

Instead of pissing and whining that we aren't blindly following the Democratic party off the cliff, maybe we should be holding them accountable.

The Democrats have lost 1000 seats in government since Mr Obama took office, including a majority of every Federal branch and the majorities of state Governorships and legislatures. If they were doing a good job for the other 90% of Americans, somehow I don't think they'd be doing so poorly.
calling her "shillary" for months, spreading fake news about her, and then celebrating how good trump would be for the left does nto accomplish that.
Jesusfuck what a loser's list of lame ass excuses. I voted for her. I didn't have to like her. She was no savior of the middle class, she just wasn't as bad as the other alternative.

Why won't you ever answer the question, 'why was the election even close?' I know; because if you really faced facts, you'd understand the Democrats don't give a fuck about you or me or anyone else who can't write them fat checks.

You keep sucking that Democratic teat... but they won't give a fuck about you until they're forced to. Tom Perez is proof enough of that.
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True enough. The rest of the world was grading us on our choice in the election;
Bernie was the A
Hillary was the C
Donald Schmuck was the failing grade...

I voted for Bernie in the primary.
I voted for Hillary in the general.
Now I'm working to drag the Democrats away from their donor trough, kicking and screaming as necessary, because someone needs to actually represent the rest of us.

Instead of pissing and whining that we aren't blindly following the Democratic party off the cliff, maybe we should be holding them accountable.

The Democrats have lost 1000 seats in government since Mr Obama took office, including a majority of every Federal branch and the majorities of state Governorships and legislatures. If they were doing a good job for the other 90% of Americans, somehow I don't think they'd be doing so poorly.
Jesusfuck what a loser's list of lame ass excuses. I voted for her. I didn't have to like her. She was no savior of the middle class, she just wasn't as bad as the other alternative.

Why won't you ever answer the question, 'why was the election even close?' I know; because if you really faced facts, you'd understand the Democrats don't give a fuck about you or me or anyone else who can't write them fat checks.

You keep sucking that Democratic teat... but they won't give a fuck about you until they're forced to. Tom Perez is proof enough of that.

any of this rhetoric could pass as republican propaganda.

btw, TYT is funded by a republican millionaire's hedge fund.
Jesusfuck what a loser's list of lame ass excuses. I voted for her. I didn't have to like her. She was no savior of the middle class, she just wasn't as bad as the other alternative.

Why won't you ever answer the question, 'why was the election even close?' I know; because if you really faced facts, you'd understand the Democrats don't give a fuck about you or me or anyone else who can't write them fat checks.

You keep sucking that Democratic teat... but they won't give a fuck about you until they're forced to. Tom Perez is proof enough of that.
any of this rhetoric could pass as republican propaganda.

btw, TYT is funded by a republican millionaire's hedge fund.
Not to mention that Kyle Kulinski, the thought guide propaganda guy is a Russia apologist. Speculating Kyle was paid by the same people who brought us Russian hackers and downplayed or hid Trump's financial ties with Russia criminal enterprises. Kulinski did somebody's work for them with his hatchet job on Clinton. Wouldn't be the first time a belled goat was used to draw the crowd to slaughter.

To paraphrase: "russian talk is becoming a distraction from real issues"

Here he is endorsing de-emphasizing the Russian investigation
Not to mention that Kyle Kulinski, the thought guide propaganda guy is a Russia apologist. Speculating Kyle was paid by the same people who brought us Russian hackers and downplayed or hid Trump's financial ties with Russia criminal enterprises. Kulinski did somebody's work for them with his hatchet job on Clinton. Wouldn't be the first time a belled goat was used to draw the crowd to slaughter.

To paraphrase: "russian talk is becoming a distraction from real issues"

Here he is endorsing de-emphasizing the Russian investigation
View attachment 3990935
Maybe because there are other issues which need attention. Did THAT ever occur to you? Or do you like the distraction, so you never have to address anything that actually matters to the daily lives of average Americans?
Maybe because there are other issues which need attention. Did THAT ever occur to you? Or do you like the distraction, so you never have to address anything that actually matters to the daily lives of average Americans?
Ohhhh. Flynn was coordinating Trump's campaign with Russian operatives to undermine the election and he lied about his being an agent for Russia before then. But this is a distraction from doing the people's work.

Are you really defending the idea of keeping Flynn in office?
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Or if you kept putting out Anti Clinton propaganda after Sanders legitamatly lost the Primary


And I hope you suffer for you stupidity.

Trump thanks you for your vote and support

Not what I said at all. I'm not surprised you went to your comfort zone and started putting your own spin to it.

Explain your comment then. I had 7 options for potus on my ballot iirc, and chose who I felt best represented me. Since then I have stated my reasons why I did not vote for either of the two major party candidates, and stated where I disagree with both major parties on certain issues. How does that make me "an entitled priveledged delusional bitch"?

Expecting other people to vote how you do, and think how you do seems entitled and delusional to me.
Or if you kept putting out Anti Clinton propaganda after Sanders legitamatly lost the Primary


And I hope you suffer for you stupidity.

Trump thanks you for your vote and support

So let me get this straight: The Clinton campaign deliberately sabotaged the Sanders campaign, tried to cover it up, got hacked by Russians and revealed, which led to the firing of the head of the DNC and pretty much soured the Electoral College towards Clinton even more than they already were to the point that they either didn't vote at all or voted for Trump...

But you're mad at the Sanders supporters?

Have I got that right?
So let me get this straight: The Clinton campaign deliberately sabotaged the Sanders campaign, tried to cover it up, got hacked by Russians and revealed, which led to the firing of the head of the DNC and pretty much soured the Electoral College towards Clinton even more than they already were to the point that they either didn't vote at all or voted for Trump...

But you're mad at the Sanders supporters?

Have I got that right?

The Democrats worked toward an actual Democrat as their nominee? No! Say it isn't so!
That's not what happened. The Clinton's convinced he head of the DNC to work against the Sanders campaign to gain an advantage.

That's why pretty much the entire DNC hierarchy was either fired or forced to resign.

Yes, to elevate an actual Democrat. Thanks for agreeing with me.
Yes, to elevate an actual Democrat. Thanks for agreeing with me.

Well, look where we are. We have Trump in the White House. That was brought to you SOLELY by the Clinton Campaign. So, yeah. Blame Bernie if it helps you sleep nights.

Fact of the matter is that Hillary has been one of the most hated people in Washington for the last quarter century. That's why she cheated. She knew in a straight up fight she'd lose.

The electoral college knew it. That's why we have Trump.

So put your anger and blame where it belongs: Hillary Clinton. It is SHE and her underhanded tactics that put Trump in the White House. You have nobody to blame but her.
Well, look where we are. We have Trump in the White House. That was brought to you SOLELY by the Clinton Campaign. So, yeah. Blame Bernie if it helps you sleep nights.

Fact of the matter is that Hillary has been one of the most hated people in Washington for the last quarter century. That's why she cheated. She knew in a straight up fight she'd lose.

The electoral college knew it. That's why we have Trump.

So put your anger and blame where it belongs: Hillary Clinton. It is SHE and her underhanded tactics that put Trump in the White House. You have nobody to blame but her.

I don't blame Bernie. I blame Bernie Babies like you. Deal.
I don't blame Bernie. I blame Bernie Babies like you. Deal.

Well that's pretty stupid.

I voted for Hillary. The problem is you're a child that wants to blame somebody else because you dropped your ice cream.

The fact is, there is nobody to blame but Hillary Clinton. She had a decent chance of beating Bernie without all the underhanded dealing and cheating. She didn't want to risk it and cheated.

She got caught doing it.

That's going to upset some people, but it isn't the fault of Bernie supporters. Hillary still won the popular vote. The VAST majority of us who were actually looking at Bernie still voted for Hillary even after the fact just to stop Trump.

The voters weren't the problem. Hillary won. It was the electoral college that let Trump in.

That happened for only one reason: several of the electorates were upset with Hillary cheating, so they either didn't vote at all or voted for Trump to teach the DNC a lesson.

Lesson learned apparently, as the entire DNC was pretty much gutted.

All of that was brought about by one person and one person only: Hillary Clinton. Nobody else has a single thing to do with it.

So grow up. If not, change your diaper and get a fresh binky. You'll be OK.
Explain your comment then. I had 7 options for potus on my ballot iirc, and chose who I felt best represented me. Since then I have stated my reasons why I did not vote for either of the two major party candidates, and stated where I disagree with both major parties on certain issues. How does that make me "an entitled priveledged delusional bitch"?

Expecting other people to vote how you do, and think how you do seems entitled and delusional to me.
They can't stand the idea that anyone might be different from them; political correctness taken to a rabid extreme.

We've been pointing out flaws but they can't see that we're not out to destroy the parties or the system, but rather to make it work for those who have been ignored the worst.

That this makes us their enemies says a lot more about them than us.
Same exact story here.

Explain your comment then. I had 7 options for potus on my ballot iirc, and chose who I felt best represented me. Since then I have stated my reasons why I did not vote for either of the two major party candidates, and stated where I disagree with both major parties on certain issues. How does that make me "an entitled priveledged delusional bitch"?

Expecting other people to vote how you do, and think how you do seems entitled and delusional to me.

What I said:
The "my way or I quit" attitude is one of entitlement and privilege.

Sanders is taking exactly the same course of action you and I did. Some on this forum are acting as if that never happened and continue to rage against Clinton and Democrats as if Republicans had no part in this. So, not only are they entitled, privileged bitches but also delusional.

Is not what you said:
So people should have voted for Clinton because YOU think she was the best option? You know what's in everyone's best interest?

And again not what you just said:
Expecting other people to vote how you do, and think how you do seems entitled and delusional to me.

As I said, you and a few others rage on about the past election as if it were still relevant. It's not. I point out that Sanders is making the case for opposing Republicans by finding common ground with liberals or moderates where common ground can be found. To take the position that a candidate in the upcoming election "must meet a checklist of requirements or I will cede government to Republican control" is the position of an entitled privileged bitch.

I think a politically confused liberal entitled and privileged bitch like you is fully able to cede control to Republicans and while doing so be convinced they are voting in their own self interest. After all, a person with money who is also male and white will not be affected by the Republican assault on healthcare, civil rights and public education. The my way or the highway attitude is one the entitled and privileged can afford to take.

@abandonconflict distinguished "objective interests" from "best or self interests". I'm saying self interest, not objective interest and I'm doing so purposely. Too bad you had him on ignore or you might have learned something. Attached is the quote. Don't worry he's not saying anything what would cause you to feel hurt from his words.
Just to point out to the observer trying to catch up with what is now going on in this thread, They are debating whether or not some people vote against their own interests.

It stems from the common Berntard belief that black people are incapable of knowing what is in their interests. It has now spiraled into an unrelated segue since we all know there are plenty of reasons some people do vote against their own interests. However, it is not subject to racial generalizations as the berniebros suggest. Even the author of the comment to which the berniebabies are incessantly alluding has explained that there are reasons, such as propaganda and familial ties which might motivate someone to vote against their objective interests but that such people believe they are voting in accordance with their own best interests.

The bernard supporting clowns would have us believe that black people rejected Bernard because they have a herd mentality and are bigoted against gays and Jews.

No, I did not misconstrue or take it out of context, that is what they are arguing.