the fck is wrong with lumber prices?


Well-Known Member
Pull the body's teeth if you love your pigs.
Figured I'd just take the head honestly. :)
You fucking pussies watch too many movies and neither of you would have the balls to do fuck all, so shut the fuck up lying, you cuck retards.

And you pull the teeth to stop identification because they won't be digested properly... but I guess they didn't explain that in the movies very well.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like a lot of folk here support free trade without government intervention!
That's not true at all. What we don't support is an idiot president doing idiot things that have been done before and failed catastrophically.

You know who pays for a tariff? We do. The people. The people that can't afford to pay for it to begin with. All Trump did was help some of his buddies in the lumber business get richer at the expense of the working man.

Here it is dumbed down to simple numbers to a level a child can understand:

  • Let's say a standard 8 foot long 2 x 4 cost 1 dollar to make and sells for 2 dollars no matter if it comes from the U.S. or Canada.
  • That means that no matter where the board comes from, whoever sells it makes a dollar and the government collects taxes on that.
  • So then, the president jacks a tariff on Canada of one dollar on each board.
  • That means that it now cost Canada 2 dollars (the cost to make it and then the cost to import it to the U.S.).
  • That means that they now have to sell their lumber at 3 dollars to make the same one dollar they were making before.
  • That also means that now the U.S. companies can jump on the bandwagon and jack their prices up to 3 dollars to where they make 2 dollars per board rather than the 1 dollar they were making before.
Now, idiots and uneducated people think that's good for Americans. It's not. Because the increase costs makes everything involved in the industry increase to a point that people stop buying it unless they absolutely have to.

So now you sell less because demand falls due to the cost increasing by 50% overnight.

That slows down the entire industry and everything connected to it.
That causes layoffs and shutdowns.

This has been done many times before. It has ALWAYS failed. In the end, a few U.S. billionaires will make more money for a while, but it wont last. Once the slowdown hits (and it already is hitting in the housing and construction industries) it will cause far more harm.

All of it so that rich corporations could make a few more bucks for the same product without lifting a finger at the expense of John Q. Public that's just trying like hell to make a living.


Well-Known Member
That's not true at all. What we don't support is an idiot president doing idiot things that have been done before and failed catastrophically.

You know who pays for a tariff? We do. The people. The people that can't afford to pay for it to begin with. All Trump did was help some of his buddies in the lumber business get richer at the expense of the working man.

Here it is dumbed down to simple numbers to a level a child can understand:

  • Let's say a standard 8 foot long 2 x 4 cost 1 dollar to make and sells for 2 dollars no matter if it comes from the U.S. or Canada.
  • That means that no matter where the board comes from, whoever sells it makes a dollar and the government collects taxes on that.
  • So then, the president jacks a tariff on Canada of one dollar on each board.
  • That means that it now cost Canada 2 dollars (the cost to make it and then the cost to import it to the U.S.).
  • That means that they now have to sell their lumber at 3 dollars to make the same one dollar they were making before.
  • That also means that now the U.S. companies can jump on the bandwagon and jack their prices up to 3 dollars to where they make 2 dollars per board rather than the 1 dollar they were making before.
Now, idiots and uneducated people think that's good for Americans. It's not. Because the increase costs makes everything involved in the industry increase to a point that people stop buying it unless they absolutely have to.

So now you sell less because demand falls due to the cost increasing by 50% overnight.

That slows down the entire industry and everything connected to it.
That causes layoffs and shutdowns.

This has been done many times before. It has ALWAYS failed. In the end, a few U.S. billionaires will make more money for a while, but it wont last. Once the slowdown hits (and it already is hitting in the housing and construction industries) it will cause far more harm.

All of it so that rich corporations could make a few more bucks for the same product without lifting a finger at the expense of John Q. Public that's just trying like hell to make a living.
yup, you just stop buying..

reminds me of the delivery charge..everything once free or minimal was increased because of gas prices during the 2000's, when prices stabilized with Obama those delivery charges never went away.

they called it temporary.
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Well-Known Member
Have you been on the darknet, sir? Obviously a sir pencil pusher.
In case no one knows, you have to actually TRY to navigate the dark web. So someone either sent you the link, or you dug really hard and found it. Unless they're talking about the "silk road" or "the new silk road". Because you wanted to buy a kilo of heroin or expired quaaludes or whatever.

In which case you would be absolutely fucking retarded because those websites are on watchlists, and now you are too if you bought anything.

I wonder how long it will take your VPN service to turn over your identity to law enforcement?


Well-Known Member
She doesn't realize that it's the "Jew" part people are offended by.

She thinks his religion makes him especially "tight".
She is an anti-semite and a racist without question. What fascinates me is how difficult that is to square with her liberal views (many of which I share). It's also interesting how it just sits there, simmering at the surface until triggered at which point it lashes out in no uncertain terms. No dog whistles for Schuy. Sad but fascinating.


Well-Known Member
reminds me of the delivery charge..everything once free or minimal was increased because of gas prices during the 2000's, when prices stabilized with Obama those delivery charges never went away.

they called it temporary.
I can order (and did) a dump wagon to hook to the back of my lawn tractor from Amazon weighing in at 90 pounds and it gets delivered free. I order a pizza weighing 1.5 pounds from 1.5 miles down the street and it's a 5 dollar shipping charge.

Needless to say, we haven't ordered pizza in years.


Well-Known Member
I can order (and did) a dump wagon to hook to the back of my lawn tractor from Amazon weighing in at 90 pounds and it gets delivered free. I order a pizza weighing 1.5 pounds from 1.5 miles down the street and it's a 5 dollar shipping charge.

Needless to say, we haven't ordered pizza in years.
Very funny observation, actually. :clap:


Well-Known Member
I can order (and did) a dump wagon to hook to the back of my lawn tractor from Amazon weighing in at 90 pounds and it gets delivered free. I order a pizza weighing 1.5 pounds from 1.5 miles down the street and it's a 5 dollar shipping charge.

Needless to say, we haven't ordered pizza in years.

I used to support small business all the time paying the exhorbitant 2x or 3x more than I should.

as long as they keep voting GOP? they vote against their own interests and i'm no longer bank rolling it, i'm going to walmart like everyone else and save my money.

When the chips are down no one is there for's all I'm going to start taking care of me. You see? I'm doing as they do, me, me, if you're a small business and wondering where your customers are? Now you know. Garbage in/garbage out.


Well-Known Member
I can order (and did) a dump wagon to hook to the back of my lawn tractor from Amazon weighing in at 90 pounds and it gets delivered free. I order a pizza weighing 1.5 pounds from 1.5 miles down the street and it's a 5 dollar shipping charge.

Needless to say, we haven't ordered pizza in years.
AND tip.


Well-Known Member
She is an anti-semite and a racist without question. What fascinates me is how difficult that is to square with her liberal views (many of which I share). It's also interesting how it just sits there, simmering at the surface until triggered at which point it lashes out in no uncertain terms. No dog whistles for Schuy. Sad but fascinating.


Well-Known Member
For real, no argument just insults. Being called a God dam pedophile because I seen 2 links on a site with links just about everywhere on the darknet. Lol, I might even have reported it if the feds didn't know about anyway.

I won't rat though I will kill a pedophile myself they claim to have my IP address so they know I can hide a body better than a plant. Though I will most certainly feed most of the body to my pigs alive tie them down you never fall in a pig pen. :)
So you saw child pornography and didn't report it?

That means you condone child pornography

Bob Zmuda

Well-Known Member
In case no one knows, you have to actually TRY to navigate the dark web. So someone either sent you the link, or you dug really hard and found it. Unless they're talking about the "silk road" or "the new silk road". Because you wanted to buy a kilo of heroin or expired quaaludes or whatever.

In which case you would be absolutely fucking retarded because those websites are on watchlists, and now you are too if you bought anything.

I wonder how long it will take your VPN service to turn over your identity to law enforcement?
Why do your plants look like shit though?