Donald Trump threatens 'fury' against N Korea ..(again)


Disturbing thought of the day. What if Vostok IS some kind of retired 80's cyborg and his circuits are breaking down?

Bots on bots on bots. Meta bots

Vostok is the one on the right.

He's super old school (386 microprocessor) so he can't do much damage.
Have you ever seen a less impressive speaker than Trump? He read the words so poorly and without conviction while holding the most comical body language ever. I am sure he thought his words would resound into history but to me it just looked like some horrible Dukakis moment that we are going to see again and again in the 2020 election.

He's a hack. Anybody who gets inspiration from him is a rube.

Bill Maher does a funny bit about his speeches. You can tell when he reads from the TelePrompTer that it's the first time he's ever read the speech. He'll get to the end of a sentence and say "so true".

What a dullard.
hey, lookie here. another jew hater piling on.
You're not a Jew drop the act. I honestly don't give a fuck about someone's race or religion unlike you.

Not to mention isn't this thread supposed to be about the death of North Korea??
You're not a Jew drop the act. I honestly don't give a fuck about someone's race or religion unlike you.

Not to mention isn't this thread supposed to be about the death of North Korea??

i'm more interested in talking about why you hate jews so much. why so insecure and fragile, twink?
I never actually met a Jew personally, they don't hang around the working folk.

funny, i did some great work today while you sat around "accidentally" stumbling onto child pornography websites.

your whole family is scum, including your woman-beating brother who is in prison.
that's true. they suck up a ton of welfare too.

does your black "girlfriend", who won't even fuck you, know about your views about "blacks"?

LOL.Typical DNC playbook. Logical fallacy of "deflection". Look it up if you don't know what that is, retard. I almost saw that coming, you are getting to be too predictable.

All I did was acknowledge factual differences between whites and blacks. Not every race (on average) has the same income. This DOESN'T AT ALL indicate that I am a racist. I was simply proving your assumptions wrong.

What negative views would I have towards a black person on the fact that their black? None. I'm an individualist. You know that! I'm a libertarian to the max.

Each black person is their own individual. They are a person just like anyone else.
funny, i did some great work today while you sat around "accidentally" stumbling onto child pornography websites.

your whole family is scum, including your woman-beating brother who is in prison.
Lol, I actually worked pretty hard today.
LOL.Typical DNC playbook. Logical fallacy of "deflection". Look it up if you don't know what that is, retard. I almost saw that coming, you are getting to be too predictable.

All I did was acknowledge factual differences between whites and blacks. Not every race (on average) has the same income. This DOESN'T AT ALL indicate that I am a racist. I was simply proving your assumptions wrong.

What negative views would I have towards a black person on the fact that their black? None. I'm an individualist. You know that! I'm a libertarian to the max.

Each black person is their own individual. They are a person just like anyone else.

Libertarian in your case means I grew up middle class and white so I can do what I want (except not pay taxes).