Donald Trump threatens 'fury' against N Korea ..(again)

Obviously you want us to roll over, you should move to France its more your style. the country that gave you freedom from the English, the same country that the US did nothing to help as Hitler invaded them should be ridiculed only because they did not support the WMD lie to Invade Iraq..You know Iraq right..what a success....

You must be as dumb as dog chit

No one gave a fk about N korea until trump started threatening them when he ran out of other countries to threaten..o..and how did the Korean war turn out last time..
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tell us more about "blacks" and then tell us more about how they are all just individuals.

does your girlfriend know what you think about "blacks"?

Elementary. You are so easy to beat in an argument because you commit fallacy after fallacy. Stop trying to run away from your insecurities and repent. You run away from my arguments because you know you're wrong.

Everyone on Earth is responsible for their own actions, but no one else's. There are plenty of superstar black people in this world. Think of Michael Jordan, Martin Luther King, or Ben Carson. So even though there's stronger trends for blacks to be on welfare, that's why I wouldn't just start scolding any old black dude a poor jobless criminal (all disproportionate tendencies of blacks) before getting to know him. White people abuse opiates and meth at a high rate, but not every white person is a meth head or a school shooter.

MORAL OF THE STORY: Good and bad people on Both sides. and they come in ALL shapes sizes, sexes, and colors

Stop trying to be a race baiter. Why don't you go do something better with your life instead of seeing people as groups rather than as individuals?
yes I said that. let's ignore how you keep saying "black girlfriend" ... I'm getting out of line again. since you became a jew you can mention minorities but since I'm cis white male I should never describe anything. sorry for my privilege it's so hard to keep in check.
suicide is a huge issue in the trans community. I was appalled that you would joke about that. then I remebered you are a jew so when you make a joke it's ok because of your minority status. I wanna cut this damn white skin off!
you shoud definitely take a knife and slice as much of your skin off as possible. the country that gave you freedom from the English, the same country that the US did nothing to help as Hitler invaded them should be ridiculed only because they did not support the WMD lie to Invade Iraq..You know Iraq right..what a success....

You must be a dumb as dog chit

No one gave a fk about N korea until trump started threatening them when he ran out of other countries to threaten..o..and how did the Korean war turn out last time..
Well played, Sir!