Skip the CFL's: The $20 150w complete HPS with ballast and bulb Link


Well-Known Member

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People keep asking me for it... Figured I'd start YET ANOTHER THREAD on it.

Reps or props should go to the original poster, but I don't recall who that is.

All you need to hook this up is a cord with a plug in end on it, and you connect green to green, white to white, and black to black. Some wire nuts are in order. You can use a computer power cord or extension cord or cut a cord off whatever as long as it's 3 prong with ground. You can also modify these for remote ballasts or use horizontal or make your own hood or whatever.
The heat is equal to around 200w of incandescent or around 200 REAL watts of cfl. (but it puts out WAY WAY more lumens than either)
Any idea of the K rating of those bulbs? All it lists is the CRI and I'm not familiar with "color rendition index" . . . :peace:
Worth a shot to grow with? Absolutely. HPS is the best light you can get, granted this is not big but that means it's more suited to a small grow. What would take 6 42w cfl's can be done with this, but better. If you want to grow bigger, use a couple of them. At some point though it makes sense to just buy a bigger light, like if you want equal to a 400. If you want 2 or 3 though you can easily match a 250w hps with 2 or use 3 to cover more ground. This puts out more lumens than the largest available cfl's like the supposed 250w or whatever. Compare the lumens on this to what you might get with other lights at this kind of price and you'll see it's hard to beat for small grows.

No I don't know specifics on the lamp. They're less than $10 to replace though and whatever comes with this is good enough to use for two grows until it's past it's prime and then you can pick a specific lamp with a specific kelvin rating if you choose.

Don't put it anywhere near plastic though, don't use this in a rubbermaid container or plastic garbage can. Be safe... Sure it might be fine with the fan going in a plastic container but what would happen if the fan failed?
Well if you want to grow better than what the cfl's will do in your container now then you'll just have to switch to using a cabinet or speaker box or something else made of wood or metal.

The difference in growth is worth it, just a matter of whether you feel you're happy with the yield you get now or not, or if you want more efficiency to conserve power. If you run three 42w cfl's you are burning the same power as this but getting much less than half the light. Compare the lumens this is 15,000.
The heat output is similar but with the hps the heat is concentrated that's why I say maybe not so good for plastic.

There are plastic closets and stuff by rubbermaid etc that are so tall that the light would never need to get near the plastic, that would be ok probably.

They also have 400's for under $80 complete, you'll have to search for those though. (I mean if you want to go that big, better deal than buying four little guys and more efficient power wise)
More like $35 to resell I think, but who knows... You talking craigslist or ebay? Ebay probably has a bunch of these already, just compare to what they are getting I guess.
is there some kind of wireing you have to do when you buy one of them? and is that bulb good for growing?...if so thats sick..and if so yes u can vegi too...