When Does Life Begin ...


New Member
"Where were you in the 60's Vi?.. "

While you were busy burning Bank of America buildings down, I was working in the real world busting my ass in a commissioned sales job in order to support a wife, two kids, and a home.

Yeppers, while you were doing your best to destroy the free market and capitalism, I was busy setting goals and getting my life in order.

By the way, Chuckie-Bunns ... has anyone ever told you that your Birkenstocks stink? Time for a new pair, junior. bongsmilie



New Member
"Where were you in the 60's Vi?.. "

While you were busy burning Bank of America buildings down, I was working in the real world busting my ass in a commissioned sales job in order to support a wife, two kids, and a home.

Yeppers, while you were doing your best to destroy the free market and capitalism, I was busy setting goals and getting my life in order.

By the way, Chuckie-Bunns ... has anyone ever told you that your Birkenstocks stink? Time for a new pair, junior. bongsmilie

lets hear an actual retort Vi,, i gave you some material to work with..

lets see what you got smart guy


New Member
so the environment has no right? the one and only thing substaining life doesnt have rights?

you are just here to make a fucking mess of the world and you dont give a shit

take your liberties and shove em

they are another reason shit just keeps getting worse.

And that dick Obama isnt going to do any better but unforyunately a lot of peoples attitude toward that is that he is "the lesser of two evils"
which is very true.

just trying to point that out.

you are so focused on these ridiculous "liberties" such as polluting hwoever much you want, that you have lost sight of what is really important.. you are so selfish that the only thing you care is about is yourself and now.

You want it big and you want it now. No care for the long term effects, no care for the environment, no care for equality, just as long as your lazzy ass can sit pretty and easy

then all you shits have the nerve to try and deny a womans rights.. wtf? where are you? like fuck! you have your head screwed right the fuck on backwards

Is this the "material" you've given me to work with? :lol: Dude ... you need to take your religious rants elsewhere.



New Member
"Where were you in the 60's Vi?.. "

I was working in the real world busting my ass in a commissioned sales job in order to support a wife, two kids, and a home.

jeez, you had kids in the 60's?

that would make you one old fart Vi.

lets do the math.. if you had kids in, say, 1969, the summer of love, that would make them almost 40.. so you have to be at LEAST 60... hmm something sounds fishy because you act like a pompous 25-35 y/o,.

i smell fish,, and it aint between your wifes legs this time


i can be an asshole too!


Well-Known Member
so the environment has no right? the one and only thing substaining life doesnt have rights?

you are just here to make a fucking mess of the world and you dont give a shit

take your liberties and shove em

they are another reason shit just keeps getting worse.

And that dick Obama isnt going to do any better but unforyunately a lot of peoples attitude toward that is that he is "the lesser of two evils"
which is very true.

just trying to point that out.

you are so focused on these ridiculous "liberties" such as polluting hwoever much you want, that you have lost sight of what is really important.. you are so selfish that the only thing you care is about is yourself and now.

You want it big and you want it now. No care for the long term effects, no care for the environment, no care for equality, just as long as your lazzy ass can sit pretty and easy

then all you shits have the nerve to try and deny a womans rights.. wtf? where are you? like fuck! you have your head screwed right the fuck on backwards

You obviously have a habit of running your mouth off before actually determining the stance, background, or politics of who you are attacking. You are also bloody out of your fragile little mind, and really need to lay off whatever the hell you are smoking, because it has caused such severe damage to your brain, that I think you have managed to kill one of the two brain cells you were originally given.

I never opposed the choice of people to have abortions so attacking me with that statement is idiotic, and stupid. Much like your own political stance is idiotic and stupid. Your evident mental faculties only makes me wonder if there is anything more than a hollow drum mounted on your shoulders, because it is clear that you have fallen for the bullshit scare tactics of the Environmentalist Movement, and have not done any research into their claims, but have accepted them at face value.

The fact of the matter is that the legislation that the Environmental Movement is championing is more likely to do more harm to humanity than help to the environment. The Environmental Movement also has a habit of leaping at paper tigers while the real issue is ignored.

DDT was not a carcinogen, nor was it an eggshell thinner. Studies were conducted that showed this, but the environmental movement neglected the opposing view point, and failed to adequately vet their own research. As a result of the heavy-handed pressure created by the Environmental movement approximately 30 - 50 million people have died.

Another instance of the Environmental Movement wasting cash was the power line scares of the late 80s and early 90s. It was later proven that the people who were worried about getting cancer from power lines were out of their minds.

Now, once again, the environmental movement is showing its stupidity by attempting to force everyone to switch to CFLs, which are going to release massive amounts of Mercury into the environment.

There is also the fact that the most adequate description of the Environmental Movement is an Industry. An Industry that employees thousands and thus can not (with out great harm to its members) admit that it is full of bullshit, and disband.

Of course, if I had any connections to the Environmental movement. I would want to kill myself because of the amount of human misery and human deaths I had indirectly caused.


New Member
Is this the "material" you've given me to work with? :lol: Dude ... you need to take your religious rants elsewhere.

you started this thread didnt you?

you asked a question (which is funny because there is no ? in the title yet you began the title with When. hmm, i know its been a while but im pretty sure that implies a question) so you could jump on peoples back if they had the "wrong opinion."

what was your purpose starting a thread on "when life starts" (which is onviously a slick way of starting an abortion thread without having to use the word abortion)

you already have a strong opinion on the subject and you jumped on peoples back and when they fight back you resort to making them feel dumb..

too bad i know i am not dumb,,, like shit,, you are a sales man.. do you know what i do what i see your type?

close the door


im waiting for that "intellect" you keep claiming to have

lets do this brutha


New Member
So, what do you want to hear? Tell me ... but try to spell correctly so I can understand you. :weed:

now a grammar and spelling attack

congratulations. it took you a while to pull that card... sorry , i type with two fingers and it aint easy.. i dont sit on a comp all day like your job requires Vi. I work with tools building the houses you so pathetically sell.. I could sell a house better than you could any day,, but i got better shit to do,, like build them and fix them.


New Member
Environmentalism has become a religion to many. The cause, like any religion, has extremists and zealots. I believe Chuckie-Bunns, based upon his rabid postings is one of those.

The last time I toured Yellowstone, I was witness to the damage these environmental zealots can do with their misdirected regulations.




New Member
now a grammar and spelling attack

congratulations. it took you a while to pull that card... sorry , i type with two fingers and it aint easy.. i dont sit on a comp all day like your job requires Vi. I work with tools building the houses you so pathetically sell.. I could sell a house better than you could any day,, but i got better shit to do,, like build them and fix them.
Well good. If you work with your hands, then you should be respected for that.

Actually, to answer your question about the thread title, I started it as a result of someone's post in another thread. Contrary to your assertion that I started it in order to make others feel stupid ... I started it to see what the opinions were of others here in the forum. Simple as that.

And by the way ... as you build the houses, don't you feel as though you're raping Mother Nature in order to steal your pay from the environment? I mean ... all that clear cutting of the forest and all ....

Now go pound some nails. :blsmoke:



New Member
and guess whats more pathetic.. you make more money than i do probably yet i am by far the better man.
every real estate who-haw could no longer exist and the world would only be a better place. I know the commisions you idiots take to smile and tell about how "perfect this house would be for you!"

i could do your job in a heartbeat

but i prefer work that is satisfying.

work that has NEEDED to be done since the dawn of mankind.

if there were no people building and fixing houses there would be no place for people to live and there would be shitty living conditions

if there were no real estate sales men there would be no... uhhh.. uhhh

there would be no greedy pricks taking huge amounts of peoples money for doing nothing that the people who built the houses couldnt do. I mean, who knows more about houses than the people who build and fix them

you are a joke


New Member
Environmentalism has become a religion to many. The cause, like any religion, has extremists and zealots. I believe Chuckie-Bunns, based upon his rabid postings is one of those.

The last time I toured Yellowstone, I was witness to the damage these environmental zealots can do with their misdirected regulations.

it has become to religion to many because never in the history of man have we been fucking shit up so much and so quickly...

you just dont see this behind all the greed and ignorance


New Member
And by the way ... as you build the houses, don't you feel as though you're raping Mother Nature in order to steal your pay from the environment? I mean ... all that clear cutting of the forest and all ....

Now go pound some nails. :blsmoke:

Nope, i do what i have to do to live.

we can cut down trees and replant them


but our governemnt didnt MAKE us do that for so long that not until it was a huge problem did they do something... see there were too many ignorant people such as yourself who just said fuck it, and took all they wanted because THEY wanted it. They didnt think about reprocussion they didnt care what they were doing,, just as long as their ass is sitting pretty.

You see it costs money to plant trees, so why do it? That is called GREED
there, its not a definition, its an example

you are a person of definitions.. a book learner. cant learn for himself
i am a person of example and experience,, and I have had a shit load more than you have... you have been too busy working and raising a family since the 60's.. aparently...


Well-Known Member
If it is a religion than it should be rooted out of our government and any practitioner of it should be strictly prohibited from letting their beliefs dictate their policy decisions.

No, it's more of a urban legend. Something that people believe in, and continue to believe in until they actually understand the basis behind it. Most urban legends, like environmentalism, are lies or falsehoods.


Well-Known Member
No, I've been here for a while, offering intelligent debate instead of the blind adherence to stupidity that you seem to prosper on Chuck.


New Member
No, I've been here for a while, offering intelligent debate instead of the blind adherence to stupidity that you seem to prosper on Chuck.
funny.. i have yet to read some of that..

you take over when Vi gets stuck.. and clearly he is stuck.. he is calling lame ass names and making fun of my spelling

you are both jokes,,

love the new sidekick Vi,, he will be an easy one


Well-Known Member
You clearly wouldn't be able to recognize intelligent debate if it smashed into your head, because there is nothing there for it to actually rattle around.

Blind adherence to a religion and an amazing lack of intelligence. Chuck you remind me of what most poor people were stereotyped as during the middle ages. Do you think you might want to return to your era?