Phrase I am absolutely tired of hearing:

Yeah and I've seen it just about on every single thread. It's not even an answer I've ogtten to a personal question. Just that frequent. I want to say that, at least, some people mean well but dont' want to give definitive bad advice that will hurt the person asking the question...but...saying its strain dependent doesn't help either. Certainly when saying that, there's some criteria worth mentioning. As in, maybe its an indica thing, or whatever. Just....yeah...tired of hearing it.
I'm okay with it IF they then go on to discuss exactly how strain differences affect things.
"Please help! Why WOULDN'T the crotch vipers eat the spider mites?" and " Isn't this mold just foliar mycorrhiza, won't I trip too?"*......"Depends on the strain...."
Not really a pot phrase but the way some people use the word "literally". For instance, "My head literally exploded"! It did? How did you re-assemble it?, or the football field is literally 100 yards long! Really? How about "impact" or "impactful"? Seems like all of a sudden everyone is trying to use it in a sentence, especially newspeople. "How the weather will "impact your weekend", the interstate wreck will impact your drivetime, etc,etc, ad nauseum. Or "this plant is very, very, unique!" Something is either unique or it isn't, there is no middle ground.
Something is... or it isn't, there is no middle ground.

Glad that I'm...


As long as my wine glass is full im happy if the threads a rollin.

The only words i hate are "defoliate" and "Flush". I hate them because depending on who is typing they can mean different things. They mean one thing but people make up their own definitions...

But that leads to me topping up my wine glass and typing....