lowryder or lowryder ak47


Well-Known Member
how many lowryders or lowryders ak47 can you grow in A 5 GAL BUCKET???????????????????? also can they take extreme flowering temps say like above 85 since there automatic???????????????
what? you're going to grow more than 1 plant in a single bucket? as many as you can?
dude... thats strange. just get another bucket. or if not, let me know what happens :D
From what I have read lowryders need lots of room for roots. I would only put 1 plant per bucket they will get root bound then it would be a waste of money I would much reather hav one good healthy plant! To hav 2 or 3 poor looking plants. If you want to try it use some bagseed just to get a idea I know there not dwarf but you could get a idea. Good luck besafe
I just want to make sure I understand this. Is it that you "cant" grow 2 or more plants in the same pot? If you can how big of a pot would you need?:weed:
I just want to make sure I understand this. Is it that you "cant" grow 2 or more plants in the same pot? If you can how big of a pot would you need?:weed:

you "can" grow more than one plant in the same pot but the plants roots will tangle and they will both become rootbound and growth will stop. its not suggested to do this. im sure if you have a pot big enough that the two plants roots wouldnt touch it would be possible but you would need like a 40 gallon bucket
thanks 4 the info ...all you guys are right but they recemend a 2 gal pot for lowryders and 3 gal for the lowryder ak...i dont get if the lowryders auto flower and by the time there done they say you dont need a bigger more than 2 gal...why wouldnt a 5 gal bucket work that means they would have an extra gal to grow or would they tangle anyway???????
thanks 4 the info ...all you guys are right but they recemend a 2 gal pot for lowryders and 3 gal for the lowryder ak...i dont get if the lowryders auto flower and by the time there done they say you dont need a bigger more than 2 gal...why wouldnt a 5 gal bucket work that means they would have an extra gal to grow or would they tangle anyway???????

they would still probably tangle...its just recommended to keep plants separated into their own pots because once the roots get tangled growth will stop and its nearly impossible to untangle them all and transpant them. lowryders do auto flower. If you leave them in the veg room they will flower automatically when they are ready instead of having to change the light cycle.