My First Grow EVER! Agarden and Agarden hood


Active Member
well im off to a late start about a week about on the 1st i started to finally get my aerogarden into check. I got two for the price of one by searching my area on So my set up is:

9/01/08 - one AG used as supposed too
1 Super Jack clone
1 Strawberry Cough (about to pass:cry:)
The Second AG is being used for just its lamp.
1 Master Kush 11 weeks old

I just started to flower the master kush with just using the single hood of the aerogarden. Im not sure if its enough, any advice is welcomed. My only debate is investing in the procyon 100. Its 600$ but i cant afford electric spikes, and my closet is pretty tiny and its already hard to keep temps down from 90. I hope it works out. Advice is welcomed to the ultimate extent, PLEASE GUIDE ME


Active Member
I Gave the two plants in the aerogarden their two starting nutes on 9/6/08 , and also have been watering with nutrients every other day for the master kush. I have been using original miracle grow for all house plants, but have been hearing good effects from fox farm soil and nutes, also on some high end hydro nutes. still debating all of this cause i really would like to do this nice and right.


Well-Known Member
9/01/08 - one AG used as supposed too
Hi, I'm not sure what you mean by "as supposed too." Do you mean "as opposed to" or do you mean "as you are supposed to do?" Because it still doesn't make sense to me.

I think you're saying you put all those plants into an aerogarden.

Sorry for the confusion.

Oh, and great looking plants for a freaking CFL!


Active Member
Hi, I'm not sure what you mean by "as supposed too." Do you mean "as opposed to" or do you mean "as you are supposed to do?" Because it still doesn't make sense to me.

I think you're saying you put all those plants into an aerogarden.

Sorry for the confusion.

Oh, and great looking plants for a freaking CFL!
i meant im using it like its suppose to be used. With the pods. The other im using only hood lamp. No worries for the confusion. I was so lit when i did this , i was more my mistake. later


Well-Known Member
Ah, gotcha. Well they are looking great so far. Can't wait to see them at harvest.


Active Member
well yesterday i got 4 t5 tube flouro's. I added them to my current aerogarden two bulb lamp to add more power for flowering. I also added some fox farm big bloom. I also lined my closet with mylar. Thanks for Hahns hydroponics.

Since i'm bored heres some new lettuce i picked up.

1st set is Super Jack
This stuff was good in the morning for work, didn't leave me feeling all groggy.



Active Member
My second pick up was one of my favs. Its called Bombulan. I guess its a cross with Romulan, Mmm my favorite. Very smooth smoke and heavy high. Looks like candy. 65 an 8th.



Active Member
Heres the rest of them, The first two are Mr. Nice which is becoming a very good strain before bed. Mr. Nice is a cross with G13 and Hash plant and has light pink coloring near the beginning of the buds. And the other two are called Vaniluna. Vaniluna has purple and light pink all over her. She smells like bubblegum and gives a heavy head and body high. These are both for before bed.



Active Member
Today is Wed. Im at work bored thinking of my plants. My two new additions to my aerogarden set-up is one jack herer clone, and one Hindu Kush clone. I picked them up at the cannmed place. I tranfered them last night and everything looks good. I put a little nute add by fox farm into the rez with some more ph balanced purified water. My Super Jack though is looking great and its roots have grown out of the little soil clump that was left from being raised in soil. My straw cough though is still looking like its about to turn for the mountains but i repositioned its roots. So ill just pray to Jah and hope for the best. Pics later on today. Also i have a new t5 high output flouro, with 4 tubes. Im using that along with the aerogarden lamp. Dooes anyone think i can flower decently ok with this??? T5 High output flourescent system by Hydrofarm - Grow Lights, Hydroponics and More!


Active Member
Here i am on my day off. Its been a week so i gave both my plants thier nutes. When i water the master kush every two days i usually give it some nute additives. Its been about two weeks since my last pics. Here are the new additions and here are the old ones.

1st pic-Is all three from left to right ,jack herer, super jack, and hindu kush.
2nd pic- Is a pic of some close-ups i did of my master kush startin to flower under 4 t5's.
The 3rd pic- Is just of my current new set up to flower my Master Kush. My T5 4' tube flouro's with 3000k and an aerohood for flowering. Seems to be working kind of too.



Active Member
sadly its been a little bit, but i recently dislocated my elbow so its been hard to garden, and type. heres the newest update 9/19/08.enjoy,flowereing is going good. week two! pic is of master kush.



Well-Known Member
You're plants look great man, hopefully your arms all good and you can get some pics up soon! haha lol. anyways yeah these aerogarden grows have been doing pretty good lately, its nice to see someone shutup the aerogarden haters! haha