College Professors Begin Direct Support For AntiFa Groups On Campuses

The fascists didn't show up in Berkeley. About 7000 people, of whom 6900 were peaceful showed up. How many people were killed or hospitalized in Berkely that day?

Charlottesville had about 35 people hospitalized and one killed. By Nazis and KKK who showed up that day. Every one of the people hospitalized that Saturday were counter demonstrators injured by Nazis and KKK. The one killed was also a counter demonstrator and the perpetrator was a Nazi.

You are focusing on the wrong parties for your anti-violence statement. The police handled the situation well and Antifa were arrested when they committed crimes.

it's so sad you have to point to Charlottesville as your "victory". there were no winners there, including your cause.
it's so sad you have to point to Charlottesville as your "victory". there were no winners there, including your cause.
where did I say Charlottesville was a victory in my post? Why are you so concerned about Antifa when by far the greatest number of murders and beatings have been perpetrated by Nazis and KKK?

Drifting back to the false equivalence theory again, are you?
where did I say Charlottesville was a victory in my post? Why are you so concerned about Antifa when by far the greatest number of murders and beatings have been perpetrated by Nazis and KKK?

Drifting back to the false equivalence theory again, are you?

You're just going to ride this fail train right off the edge of the cliff aren't you?

We faced them down in Portland Oregon, Berkely California, Charlottesville VA and will face them down wherever they show their ugly faces.
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You're just going to ride this fail train right off the edge of the cliff aren't you?
Can't stay on topic. You have to personalize. Because you have no reasonable argument, perhaps?

It's fake to compare Antifa with fascists. And why do you spend so much time obsessing on Antifa when the real harm and most harm is done by fascists?
We faced them down in Portland Oregon, Berkely California, Charlottesville VA and will face them down wherever they show their ugly faces.

So why is it that you don't want to let a transgender woman exercise her free speech to speak out against marxism foggy?

So why is it that you don't want to let a transgender woman exercise her free speech to speak out against marxism foggy?

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They can hold peaceful rallies as far as I'm concerned. Leave behind the guns, the clubs, the knives, the shields, the helmets, the brass knuckles and don't run people over. Work out a safety plan with authorities and stick to it. Let police do their job. And let peaceful counter protesters do their thing. Also leave behind any weapons and body armor.

The problem with your argument is Nazis and KKK don't do that.
It was you who personalized it idiot. Let me show you...............

So since you personalized this situation.....can you explain why you burned a limo at the presidential inauguration that belonged to a Muslim immigrant???

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I was there in Portland. We was an appropriate word to use. The crowd for the most part was peaceful on both sides. Considering the message brought to Portland by those assholes just days after one of their own slaughtered two people in a terrorist attack, the people of Portland demonstrated a comittment to nonviolence. And yeah, the fascists were unhappy because they were totally outnumbered and shouted down. They had their say and we did too.

Why is it important to you owner of the car was Muslim? Can't you just call him a man?
They can hold peaceful rallies as far as I'm concerned. Leave behind the guns, the clubs, the knives, the shields, the helmets, the brass knuckles and don't run people over. Work out a safety plan with authorities and stick to it. Let police do their job. And let peaceful counter protesters do their thing. Also leave behind any weapons and body armor.

The problem with your argument is Nazis and KKK don't do that.

the transgender woman who organised the anti Marx demo was not a Nazi so your argument is invalid.

in fact this has been the norm, which is why you always resort every single post of yours to Charlottesville, in which at best both groups are responsible for the meyham as antifas published intent of attendance is to shut down every event "by any means nessecary" up to and expressly published and documented threats of violence before attending; and the statue crowd broke barriers.

the reality is that you are the fascist with hate speech, just like in the above video.

furthermore if you get to the foundational message of yours with all of this, it's always an extreme left totalitarian overhaul of American monetary policy and wealth redistribution.
I was there in Portland. We was an appropriate word to use. The crowd for the most part was peaceful on both sides. Considering the message brought to Portland by those assholes just days after one of their own slaughtered two people in a terrorist attack, the people of Portland demonstrated a comittment to nonviolence. And yeah, the fascists were unhappy because they were totally outnumbered and shouted down. They had their say and we did too.

Why is it important to you owner of the car was Muslim? Can't you just call him a man?

the Portland stabber was a Stein and Bernie supporter. is this what you ment by "assholes" and "one of their own"?

so he was a marxist. postmodernist.

you are, in fact a Bernie supporter, since group identity is basically all you seem to digest anymore.

it's not important to me that anyone is or isn't Muslim.

would you like a zillion quotes of yours on the "Muslim ban"?

now that we have established that words importance to you I would like to point out the irony in you protesting a Muslim ban and simultaneously burning a Muslim immigrants limo and livelihood to the ground.

if wordplay on group identity is all that's in your bag that's a weak position because actions speak louder than words.

the actions of Antifa make them facist. their ideology makes them marxists and so does yours.

the rally in berkely recently organized by a trans woman was anti-marxists, and the Marxists showed up with violence, just like they said they would since the beginning.

in fact every one of these events that turned violent ended up just like the Marxists said it would.
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the Portland stabber was a Stein and Bernie supporter. is this what you ment by "assholes" and "one of their own"?

so he was a marxist. postmodernist.

you are, in fact a Bernie supporter, since group identity is basically all you seem to digest anymore.

it's not important to me that anyone is or isn't Muslim.

would you like a zillion quotes of yours on the "Muslim ban"?

now that we have established that words importance to you I would like to point out the irony in you protesting a Muslim ban and simultaneously burning a Muslim immigrants limo and livelihood to the ground.

if wordplay on group identity is all that's in your bag that's a weak position because actions speak louder than words.

the actions of Antifa make them facist. their ideology makes them marxists and so does yours.

the rally in berkely recently organized by a trans woman was anti-marxists, and the Marxists showed up with violence, just like they said they would since the beginning.

in fact every one of these events that turned violent ended up just like the Marxists said it would.
Nope he was a white supremacist first and foremost. Why are you defending these scumbags?

I told you I don't care what the woman's agenda is/was. As long as everybody leaves guns, knives, and all other weapons and armor behind, follow safety plans with the police and avoid contact with counter demonstrators, they can hold their rally. Nazis and KKK haven't been doing that lately. Why are you defending these scumbags?

Why are you obsessed with the fact that the man who owned that car was a Muslim?
Nope he was a white supremacist first and foremost. Why are you defending these scumbags?

I told you I don't care what the woman's agenda is/was. As long as everybody leaves guns, knives, and all other weapons and armor behind, follow safety plans with the police and avoid contact with counter demonstrators, they can hold their rally. Nazis and KKK haven't been doing that lately. Why are you defending these scumbags?

Why are you obsessed with the fact that the man who owned that car was a Muslim?

I'm not defending Nazis but youre defending antifa. smoke that in your bowl for a minute.

and if you dont like free speech then why not shut up about it?
I'm not defending Nazis but youre defending antifa. smoke that in your bowl for a minute.

and if you dont like free speech then why not shut up about it?
I'm OK with Nazis showing up and being assholes. They have to stick to the plan, leave all weapons and armor behind and avoid contact with counter protesters. Who have to do the same. In Portland Oregon, they held their rally. We showed up and they were shouted down as good citizens have the right to do. Each side stuck to safety protocols imposed by police but everybody had opportunity to speak.

Lately Nazis have been unwilling to hold peaceful rallies.
The Muslim ban was a policy that Trump was imposing. Why do you get all angry when people say Muslim? Why don't you call that man who owned the car a man?

why are you so hung up on the fact the Muslim immigrants limo you burned in the name of islamophobia is a man?
why are you implying that a woman can't run a successful limo Buisness? or any other gender for that matter?

why not just call them a person? are you a bigot Nazi mysoginist racist?

yay, i get to violence assault you first out of "self defense" now because emotions and marxism.
why are you implying that a woman can't run a successful limo Buisness? or any other gender for that matter?

why not just call them a person? are you a bigot Nazi mysoginist racist?

yay, i get to violence assault you first out of self defense now because emotions and marxism.
You show up and assault me, you go to jail. I don't want your trailer, so I think I'd just take it from you because you won't be able to pay damages. I'll have it torn down. You can keep the toilet seat. And one paper bag of belongings.

You do know that people get arrested at those rallies if they get caught instigating assaults, don't you? Nazi or Antifa. Or are you again conflating free speech with assault. Why are you defending those violent scumbag Nazis? You right wingers are violent creatures.
What evidence have I been skeptical of? I'm continually asking for evidence and so far none has been provided in this thread, which is exactly my biggest critique of antifa, it seems like the evidence isn't important, just label someone a witch and hunt them.
And I'm no sherlock holmes, but I do understand that waving around a nazi flag at a protest is a figurative red flag as well. Those are probably real fascists. Thanks for stating the obvious.
As I said before, those are not the people I care about. I'm talking about all the others that you deem to be fascists that don't seem all that fascistic to me.

So, let's talk evidence if you care about that, because this is really getting ridiculous.
I don't know Hannity or Larson so tell me about the others you mentioned. Show me the evidence.
The only one I know well enough is Milo and I'm pretty sure he's not a fascist. He's a fucking troll, don't you people realize that? He's just saying ridiculous shit to get attention, he clearly doesn't believe a lot of what he says. And even though he says ridiculous shit, I don't think it's enough to be able to label him a fascist. If you think otherwise, show me some quotes, show me how he's justifying the people waving nazi flags or anything else. Until then I have no reason to believe these people are fascists just because you people claim they are.

Yep, so don't stand behind the antifa cunts that try to hurt people just because they voted trump or are a bit racist or whatever else they grab on to to justify trying to smash someones skull in. Or what about those antifags that attacked fucking JOURNALISTS of all people.
Please tell me you're not actually supporting them. And if not, you might not want to affiliate yourself with that group.

Neither group should be instigating violence, we agree. But it is murky because one group is inherently violent which begs the question: is using preemptive violence against a violent group offensive or defensive?
Neither group should be instigating violence, we agree. But it is murky because one group is inherently violent which begs the question: is using preemptive violence against a violent group offensive or defensive?
It's not legally allowed to jump a Nazi for parading with the flag under which 6 million Jews were systematically deprived of everything and then murdered. It IS understandable. Because Nazi speech is fighting words.