Will 10 hrs of light make my plant stunted?

Ghost of Davy Jones

Well-Known Member
Hey friends.... I'm gonna be spraying my plant for spider mites today. From what i'm hearing is it has to be done at lights out so not to burn the leaves. Unfortunately that's at 5pm and my kids get home from school at 3pm. I'd like to spray and be done before they get home but that would mean doing it 2 hrs before lights out and my plant will only get 10 hrs of light for today. Will that fuck anything up?

Advise please.
you are gonna put that stuff in your lungs

if not at application then later just for the residue..?
Well thats what a few different "well known" members said to use. Are they full of shit? I also did some research and every product company claims that their product is the best and safe. What do do recommend @vostok
I've has Spider mites before and am with you on this

back then in my ignorance I used Malathion ..cancer as fuck cough cough

but never heard of cold pressed neem oil either

but maybe to weak for these critters

good luck
What do u think about this? It has neem oil as one of the ingredients.
Safer Brand End All Insect Killer, 32 oz
View attachment 4010393
Have you looked for an organic alternative? I'd be pretty cautious of what I spray on something I'm going to smoke dude.

I can't give you any recommendations myself as I grow indoor so I don't have this problem. I just wanted to put it out there that perhaps there's a non-chemical substance that can prevent them?
Have you looked for an organic alternative? I'd be pretty cautious of what I spray on something I'm going to smoke dude.

I can't give you any recommendations myself as I grow indoor so I don't have this problem. I just wanted to put it out there that perhaps there's a non-chemical substance that can prevent them?[/QUOTE
Pyrethrin is supposed to be organic. I'm not sure if that's true or not.
Pyrethrin is organic, so is cyanide!

What matters is how quickly the compounds break down. Neem oil won't do shit for spider mites. I'm having terrific luck using slow release dichlorvos, but can't say I know it works on all mites. I've used Mighty Wash with great success, I believe it is now disclosed that the active ingredient is pyrethrin based. The pyrethrin bombs break down very quickly, as does dichlorvos.