What did you accomplish today?

Not really. They aren't made in Oregon anymore, made in China of lesser materials. Horrible customer service. Limited to using pellets as fuel. Must have electricity as well to run the pellet mechanism. On and on and on. Check reviews on line.
If you want to spend big bucks on a non-gas, look into the Green Egg
I love my egg! One of my better decisions. She's 20 something this year and still going strong.
Freight company girl called today. Grills arrive Tuesday between 8 and 5.

So Wednesday and Thursday I'll be busy. I'm watching YT videos on assembly in the meantime.

I better put some air in dolly tires and get ratchet straps ready too. I have to take a 255 lb. box up 6 steps here for assembly and a 190 lb. box to my other house where my daughter and her roommate live. Assembly is duck soup but time consuming.

I may have a cookout next week.