need imput .....wreck anouther humans life or let it go

Should i spill the beans on a asshole brother

  • good max

    Votes: 9 64.3%
  • evil max

    Votes: 5 35.7%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member

those that know the story just a recap
father died ......older brother went money hungry .....court battle was assigned a probate by the state.....father had a coin collection .....older brother demand control becuase i was leaving state for a few weeks to work (before the court shit still good terms) .......older brother never turned them into the court i had a inv and pics (time date gps stamped) .......about 30k maybe more .......the state has hired a private eye to find out where the coins are

they have already contacted me i was the one to say here is the inv list and pics of the set plus i gave them access to bank records from the time i was there (that account was closed) ......hell i gave the lawyer a list of everything i took from the house when i moved that would be thought of as dad's so they would know (pics and other things that hung on the walls no value really but to me )

here is the ?
given i have enough info on my older brother to have him locked up for rest of life on several charges including the federal for taxes .......hell tell the private eye to watch him after one of his basketball games (that is when he sells the weed off to the ppl on school grounds)

should i ......i have only hate and anger in my head to him/his wife (2 faced cunt) .........but i am also scared out of my mind my dead mother will figure out how to kick my ass from the after life if i do (and the fact i do like the kid they have )

so i am leaving it up to the masses
good max (keeps mouth shut)
evil max (tells his secrets)

as for him not a damn thing he can do to me .........i am in a legal state on a legal grow (everything is on the up and up for once).....all my money is legal.....all my paperwork is done correctly and filed .......if they came to site everything spot on

the super important thing really is this to be over ........been a year already this should of been 6 months and done way dad had it set up
You must let it go, for your own sake not your brothers. Focus on your own, and trust that your brothers greed will eventually bite him on his own arse.
your english or canook or one of the other queen's english places........just for the fact u used arse instead of ass ....i will listen (grandma was 100% english off the boat)

ok then i will leave it where i left it .....guy contacted me i wrote back told the story in better detail and corrected something (wade lied listed self as truck driver when the guy pulled up info on him asked if i knew his routes and that....irs thing i know it to write off miles on car for everything )
he is a salemans for a wholesaler warehouse .....he only drives 2 or 3 times a week to make a sale or get something signed other wise he works out of his house off the phone and computer

Sorry to hear about your troubles and the loss of your father, however, being a rat just isn't good Karma. Let the courts settle it. Good luck to you man.
not being a rat when the person has no honor......just so u know he broke the family and the code between us (he is below a pedofile in my book)

as for good karma .........i do not think it is there i tried to be 100% fair and honest with everyone my whole life and i just keep getting dicked over .....and well wade by being a dick got the house i lived in for about 195k bucks when it is worth 240-250k (got in auction and he gets half that money back when probate closes) plus about 30k in coins and 10k strait out of dads account when he died (money was ment to keep house up and running while get it settled in court but he took it all and forced me to deplete my cash ....that is why dad had it and listed our names on it )

if karma was real wade should be bleeding out his ass from something that is killing him and horrible pain
i am just saying

thanks for the advice sorry if i vented was not ment at u ....also felt i should reply back since u were being nice ....again sorry
you'r gonna do what you're gonna do no matter what we say. everyone has different priorities in life. We have limited time. So time is important. You have to ask yourself, what are the priorites that you want to spend your short life on?

those that know the story just a recap
father died ......older brother went money hungry .....court battle was assigned a probate by the state.....father had a coin collection .....older brother demand control becuase i was leaving state for a few weeks to work (before the court shit still good terms) .......older brother never turned them into the court i had a inv and pics (time date gps stamped) .......about 30k maybe more .......the state has hired a private eye to find out where the coins are

they have already contacted me i was the one to say here is the inv list and pics of the set plus i gave them access to bank records from the time i was there (that account was closed) ......hell i gave the lawyer a list of everything i took from the house when i moved that would be thought of as dad's so they would know (pics and other things that hung on the walls no value really but to me )

here is the ?
given i have enough info on my older brother to have him locked up for rest of life on several charges including the federal for taxes .......hell tell the private eye to watch him after one of his basketball games (that is when he sells the weed off to the ppl on school grounds)

should i ......i have only hate and anger in my head to him/his wife (2 faced cunt) .........but i am also scared out of my mind my dead mother will figure out how to kick my ass from the after life if i do (and the fact i do like the kid they have )

so i am leaving it up to the masses
good max (keeps mouth shut)
evil max (tells his secrets)

as for him not a damn thing he can do to me .........i am in a legal state on a legal grow (everything is on the up and up for once).....all my money is legal.....all my paperwork is done correctly and filed .......if they came to site everything spot on

the super important thing really is this to be over . been a year already this should of been 6 months and done way dad had it set up
No, best to just let this go. Maybe sleep with his wife? There's certain lines you shouldn't cross though and ratting is one of them. Send her dick picks, but don't do anything crazy.