When Does Life Begin ...


New Member
Chuck sez ...

"Do you think the system we have in place right now, is the best possible system?"

No I don't. The governmental system we've evolved into is socialistic fascism. We are overrun by bureaucrats, rules, laws and regulations designed to stifle the free market, economic freedom and liberty.

Now, I know from your previous posts, that you prefer "equality," but you've yet to define what you mean by that. I'm in favor of "equality" too. Equality of opportunity ... but not "equality" of outcomes. I suspect that your "equality" is of the latter sort ... and, in my opinion, the only way to achieve that type of "equality," is through economic enslavement, with the end result that everyone is equal ... equally poor.

That's my take on equality ... what's your's?


jeez Vi, I knew you had something bubbling up in there. good to finally hear it.

I know what you mean by equality of opportunity and I agree with it to an extent.
I am more pushing for equality of living conditions. No one* should deserve to not be able to put a good meal on their plates, no one* deserves to not be able to afford the best health care available, no one* should have to live in the streets when people live in houses that massive. It blows my mind that there are people living in houses with 50 rooms yet there are people living in poor conditions, so poor they feel like they have to steal, so poor that everyone is always sick, and you are just used to it.

*I'm not saying everyone should be able to use these public services. If you are fully capable of contributing to society but you choose not to due to lazyness, then you simply get nothing and can be left to die.

And for everybody that works harder than what is declared "the minimum" they should be rewarded with luxuries or moneys for luxuries.

The reason why i put that last remark is because without some type of incentive to work harder progression would not occur.
Society is also about progression.
However, lately (past century) we have been progressing technologically but have been digressing (not sure if thats the right word but you get it) morally and socially. Economically we seem to be at a standstill (well up and down.) and in my eyes i see that standstill leading to a large long descent if nothing is done about it. You cant keep making the rich richer and the poor poorer. We are a new country and soon enough we will end up just like a third world country where every working human breaking their back in shit jobs will be poor and all the "owners" will be sitting pretty.

Dont make governing a profiteers game. This isnt about money this is about makiing life better for everyone.

society is ALL about helping eachother to make overall living conditions better for everyone.


New Member
The "Evil Doer" is the Man in The Mirror.

if that man is a politician.

who here will disagrees that lawyers are typically greedy? the majority anyways. They are in a position where they can royaly hose people because the person is obviously scared of going to jail or want to win the case for the biggest $$$.

What do most politicians start out as?

not a coincidence.

You dont need to be a business man or a lawyer or an executive to know how to run a country. All you need is a good set of morals and a good sense of right and wrong.

Oh and a mind that never stops complaining about what is going on in the country(i dont give a shit what is going on in the world, they have their own governments to deal with them). Because only the complainers know how to fix.

And that tends not to be people who have had a 75k+ income. what do they have to complain about? they can buy a good quality of life! they have it made because they have money.

And not everyone can be well-off.. but we all can be equal


Well-Known Member

jeez Vi, I knew you had something bubbling up in there. good to finally hear it.

I know what you mean by equality of opportunity and I agree with it to an extent.
I am more pushing for equality of living conditions. No one* should deserve to not be able to put a good meal on their plates, no one* deserves to not be able to afford the best health care available, no one* should have to live in the streets when people live in houses that massive. It blows my mind that there are people living in houses with 50 rooms yet there are people living in poor conditions, so poor they feel like they have to steal, so poor that everyone is always sick, and you are just used to it.

*I'm not saying everyone should be able to use these public services. If you are fully capable of contributing to society but you choose not to due to lazyness, then you simply get nothing and can be left to die.

And for everybody that works harder than what is declared "the minimum" they should be rewarded with luxuries or moneys for luxuries.

The reason why i put that last remark is because without some type of incentive to work harder progression would not occur.
Society is also about progression.
However, lately (past century) we have been progressing technologically but have been digressing (not sure if thats the right word but you get it) morally and socially. Economically we seem to be at a standstill (well up and down.) and in my eyes i see that standstill leading to a large long descent if nothing is done about it. You cant keep making the rich richer and the poor poorer. We are a new country and soon enough we will end up just like a third world country where every working human breaking their back in shit jobs will be poor and all the "owners" will be sitting pretty.

Dont make governing a profiteers game. This isnt about money this is about makiing life better for everyone.

society is ALL about helping eachother to make overall living conditions better for everyone.
Perhaps I misjudged you.... wow...

Yes, I can agree with a lot of what you are saying about our society expanding technology wise, but no longer moving towards the bright golden future where technology reduces the cost of everything.

But I think we disagree on the fundamental reason on why that is, and how to correct it.

I think that the best way to ensure society continues to move forward is by letting people organize businesses and to make a profit with out undue regulation and with out being forced to answer to a thousand different bureaucracies.

The market punishes bad companies and rewards good companies. Companies that deliver substandard products will suffer, because of the negative reputation they will receive, and companies that deliver superior products will prosper. Thus the companies that are prospering will be able to effect lower prices.

I also think that people fail to see that it is possible for everyone to share in the profits of Exxon, Microsoft, and other companies by purchasing shares in those companies. Yes, people may not be able to buy a lot at once, but the idea is that you slowly increase your savings.

Do I think that some corporations have abused their freedom by failing to properly manage the environment and land around their production facilities, yes, but that doesn't make all corporations evil, nor does it justify attempting to tax them (and their workers) out of existence.

Though I disagree with the moral and social regression that you are stating is occurring, or at least that more people need to be forced to donate to charity. Everyone that pays taxes already is forced to donate to this countries biggest charity program, the US Government, and the state and local governments. They produce nothing, and interfere continuously with everyone's life while pretending to be accomplishing something.

40 years of the government attempting to fight poverty, and we still have it, because the money that the government collects to fight it vanishes into the back pockets of government employees.

160 years of Centralized education, and the youth of our nation are ending up less intelligent, less motivated, and less inclined to strive to get ahead. A society that does not have a group of highly motivated youths who are motivated to think about improving society through innovation, invention and new uses of technology is sliding down hill towards stagnation and rot (or may already be there.)

Unfortunately, part of the problem, is that people like me, who want to be able to get free of the corporate rat race and try to create inventions that will better our living conditions, and form companies that will benefit more than just myself, are stuck in the rat race due to high taxes.

It's hard to strive to better society, when all you see is society stealing from you, and no way to escape it.

The system is broken, and it can not be fixed, because it will still rely on the same methodology that caused it to be broken in the first place. As long as corporations, and other interest groups are allowed to unduly influence our government, and our government is allowed to arbitrarily set new laws, and levy new taxes our society is doomed to stagnation and rot under its current kleptocracy.


New Member
bright golden future where technology reduces the cost of everything.
Why are you so worried about money? reducing the cost of things so you can buy more and fill your bottomless pit of greed?
If technology did everything what would we do? All jobs would be in related to fixing computer, programming computers, and fixing robots and machinery.
What kind of individuality is that?

I think that the best way to ensure society continues to move forward is by letting people organize businesses and to make a profit with out undue regulation and with out being forced to answer to a thousand different bureaucracies.
BINGO, and this is why we will never agree. But at least this time you did not state it as a fact you said the key words "I think". You can have your opinion and I will not argue you unless you try to force it on someone who is vulnerable.
I just think you need to re-examine because clearly that way is not working well.. Cant you see it?

Maybe you can't so im done with you.. i never even started with you really. i gave you a couple bones to play with and you "played" ridiculously and showed me you are nothing more than ignorance in a 3"x3"x3" box.

Take a good hard look around and fart some of that smoke outta ya ass.

Them come back and have a chat with me,, i aint goin nowhere


Well-Known Member
BINGO, and this is why we will never agree. But at least this time you did not state it as a fact you said the key words "I think". You can have your opinion and I will not argue you unless you try to force it on someone who is vulnerable.
I just think you need to re-examine because clearly that way is not working well.. Cant you see it?

Maybe you can't so im done with you.. i never even started with you really. i gave you a couple bones to play with and you "played" ridiculously and showed me you are nothing more than ignorance in a 3"x3"x3" box.

Take a good hard look around and fart some of that smoke outta ya ass.

Them come back and have a chat with me,, i aint goin nowhere
No, I think even if I did go away and think for a bit I'd come back with the same conclusion. Forcing a person to work for some one else is slavery, and slavery is immoral, thus any system that forces a person to work for any one other than themselves is immoral.

Or do you advocate for slavery as well Chuck?

As far as our current system. Our current system can not be described as a capitalist system. It's more of a feudalistic system that ensures that the same old people retain power by stifling innovation, invention and change under layers of bureaucracy and regulation.


New Member
No, I think even if I did go away and think for a bit I'd come back with the same conclusion. Forcing a person to work for some one else is slavery, and slavery is immoral, thus any system that forces a person to work for any one other than themselves is immoral.

Or do you advocate for slavery as well Chuck?

As far as our current system. Our current system can not be described as a capitalist system. It's more of a feudalistic system that ensures that the same old people retain power by stifling innovation, invention and change under layers of bureaucracy and regulation.
see this is why i ignor you most of the time,, you come up with this shit

"Or do you advocate for slavery as well Chuck?"

you know what? FUCK YOU YOU FASCIST PIG.



Well-Known Member
And this is why I don't usually bother trying to listen to anything you say. You take everything personal instead of trying to have a discussion.

Yes, it was a barbed comment, but it was also meant to point out that your theory is equivalent to slavery.

Now, perhaps if you were advocating a flat tax system, with out loopholes, and with out some artificial lower limit, then I could see how everyone is contributing to society, but the problem with that is that government is still placed in the hands of people, and people are greedy, short-sighted and selfish.

Of course there are also some people that are greedy, long-sighted and selfish. No, any system that relies on attempting to change human nature can only be rejected because it strips away individuality, and liberty.


New Member
jesus, for 400,000 a year and a fat expense account the only people that will be fighting and lying for the position of president would be greedy evil fucks,, like lawyers.. By god, most politicians start out as one of those! :O


New Member
And this is why I don't usually bother trying to listen to anything you say. You take everything personal instead of trying to have a discussion.
Easy solution. Dont reply.

like fuck, you reply to posts that were not even directed to you
Chuck sez ...

"Do you think the system we have in place right now, is the best possible system?"

No I don't. The governmental system we've evolved into is socialistic fascism. We are overrun by bureaucrats, rules, laws and regulations designed to stifle the free market, economic freedom and liberty.

Now, I know from your previous posts, that you prefer "equality," but you've yet to define what you mean by that. I'm in favor of "equality" too. Equality of opportunity ... but not "equality" of outcomes. I suspect that your "equality" is of the latter sort ... and, in my opinion, the only way to achieve that type of "equality," is through economic enslavement, with the end result that everyone is equal ... equally poor.

That's my take on equality ... what's your's?


jeez Vi, I knew you had something bubbling up in there. good to finally hear it.

I know what you mean by equality of opportunity and I agree with it to an extent.
I am more pushing for equality of living conditions. No one* should deserve to not be able to put a good meal on their plates, no one* deserves to not be able to afford the best health care available, no one* should have to live in the streets when people live in houses that massive. It blows my mind that there are people living in houses with 50 rooms yet there are people living in poor conditions, so poor they feel like they have to steal, so poor that everyone is always sick, and you are just used to it.

*I'm not saying everyone should be able to use these public services. If you are fully capable of contributing to society but you choose not to due to lazyness, then you simply get nothing and can be left to die.

And for everybody that works harder than what is declared "the minimum" they should be rewarded with luxuries or moneys for luxuries.

The reason why i put that last remark is because without some type of incentive to work harder progression would not occur.
Society is also about progression.
However, lately (past century) we have been progressing technologically but have been digressing (not sure if thats the right word but you get it) morally and socially. Economically we seem to be at a standstill (well up and down.) and in my eyes i see that standstill leading to a large long descent if nothing is done about it. You cant keep making the rich richer and the poor poorer. We are a new country and soon enough we will end up just like a third world country where every working human breaking their back in shit jobs will be poor and all the "owners" will be sitting pretty.

Dont make governing a profiteers game. This isnt about money this is about makiing life better for everyone.

society is ALL about helping eachother to make overall living conditions better for everyone.
Perhaps I misjudged you.... wow...

Yes, I can agree with a lot of what you are saying about our society expanding technology wise, but no longer moving towards the bright golden future where technology reduces the cost of everything.

But I think we disagree on the fundamental reason on why that is, and how to correct it.

I think that the best way to ensure society continues to move forward is by letting people organize businesses and to make a profit with out undue regulation and with out being forced to answer to a thousand different bureaucracies.

The market punishes bad companies and rewards good companies. Companies that deliver substandard products will suffer, because of the negative reputation they will receive, and companies that deliver superior products will prosper. Thus the companies that are prospering will be able to effect lower prices.

I also think that people fail to see that it is possible for everyone to share in the profits of Exxon, Microsoft, and other companies by purchasing shares in those companies. Yes, people may not be able to buy a lot at once, but the idea is that you slowly increase your savings.

Do I think that some corporations have abused their freedom by failing to properly manage the environment and land around their production facilities, yes, but that doesn't make all corporations evil, nor does it justify attempting to tax them (and their workers) out of existence.

Though I disagree with the moral and social regression that you are stating is occurring, or at least that more people need to be forced to donate to charity. Everyone that pays taxes already is forced to donate to this countries biggest charity program, the US Government, and the state and local governments. They produce nothing, and interfere continuously with everyone's life while pretending to be accomplishing something.

40 years of the government attempting to fight poverty, and we still have it, because the money that the government collects to fight it vanishes into the back pockets of government employees.

160 years of Centralized education, and the youth of our nation are ending up less intelligent, less motivated, and less inclined to strive to get ahead. A society that does not have a group of highly motivated youths who are motivated to think about improving society through innovation, invention and new uses of technology is sliding down hill towards stagnation and rot (or may already be there.)

Unfortunately, part of the problem, is that people like me, who want to be able to get free of the corporate rat race and try to create inventions that will better our living conditions, and form companies that will benefit more than just myself, are stuck in the rat race due to high taxes.

It's hard to strive to better society, when all you see is society stealing from you, and no way to escape it.

The system is broken, and it can not be fixed, because it will still rely on the same methodology that caused it to be broken in the first place. As long as corporations, and other interest groups are allowed to unduly influence our government, and our government is allowed to arbitrarily set new laws, and levy new taxes our society is doomed to stagnation and rot under its current kleptocracy.


New Member
Life begins when life begins, it really is that easy. That happens when a sperm penetrates an embryo. As for abortion, states should choose, the federal government should fuck off. My stance is that we should let the states decide, and naturally some will have pro abortion, some will be anti. Thats what makes it great. Yeah so teenagers will be going out of state to get abortions. I don't care, if you do, then you should keep a tight leash. Personally, I don't like the idea of an abortion. But where I draw the line is at the point where the brain develops. Once there is a brain, IMO, there shouldnt be an abortion. If people wanna be irresponsible they should also be expiditious.


New Member
billions spent on the needless war, billions spent on the war on drugs, billions spent on surveillance, billions spent paying over-paid lazy politicians who think they (as well as everyone who is rich like them) deserve a better quality of life and should have to pay less taxes.

and then they go and tell us we do not have the right to choose. To choose life or death for a prenatal baby. To choose to smoke pot. To choose whether or not to wear a seatbelt or a helmet. To choose to die when you are terminal and in pain and all hopped up on morphine to the point where you are not even in reality.

I dont care about getting richer and having more money and all that shit you care about. Your argument, Brutal, is ALL about money and you getting more of it.
And thats why i say im done with you, you are greedy and i cant change that,, sorry.


New Member
Life begins when life begins, it really is that easy. That happens when a sperm penetrates an embryo. As for abortion, states should choose, the federal government should fuck off. My stance is that we should let the states decide, and naturally some will have pro abortion, some will be anti. Thats what makes it great. Yeah so teenagers will be going out of state to get abortions. I don't care, if you do, then you should keep a tight leash. Personally, I don't like the idea of an abortion. But where I draw the line is at the point where the brain develops. Once there is a brain, IMO, there shouldnt be an abortion. If people wanna be irresponsible they should also be expiditious.
hey dknob, why should the majority have the right to choose for the minority?


Well-Known Member
I don't think you are sorry. I was enjoying engaging in arguments with you, though. Especially this last group, because you actually started talking instead of ranting.


New Member
They shouldnt, but thats how the US is set up, this is something for states to decide. I should have stated that im coming from a US point of view.
"thats how the US is set up"

fine then, if you are willing to settle for "how it is" than congratulations, you are more boring than i thought


New Member
I kinda like that set up. It isn't being used like that, but if it was, as it is supposed to be, I bet I'd like it.

Why the fuck are you always on the attack? What the fuck is wrong with letting states choose? Is it so bad that someone in an anti-abortion state needs to drive a little to kill their mistake? If we actually followed the law, then once the sperm penetrates the embryo IT IS human life, and killing it would be murder. Tough titties. Technically that is, but people don't like technical, there is too much truth in it, so we have huge time wasting debates over it.

"thats how the US is set up"

fine then, if you are willing to settle for "how it is" than congratulations, you are more boring than i thought


New Member
I kinda like that set up.
Good for you, you have never had to choose so i dont know how you can say that but good for you anyways :S:S

What the fuck is wrong with letting states choose?
Because i dont pay them to choose for me,, im more than willing and capable of making my own decsions based on what I believe to be right and wrong. I dont need someone to tell me, i am a capable human, aren't you?

Is it so bad that someone in an anti-abortion state needs to drive a little to kill their mistake?
mega hypocritical. nuf said

If we actually followed the law, then once the sperm penetrates the embryo IT IS human life
says who? you?
Because i say different, and many other do to. But just because the majority in SOME states choose your way doesnt mean the minority should have to follow. Thats a forced decison, and is not equal or free.

so what makes it right??


New Member
Having a choice is great, but human life is human life whether you like it or not. If you wanna be technical. Since you don't, enjoy Canada and enjoy your opinions.